Chapter 439 Just made it up

 Wait until Lan Min and Li Beichen left.

Sun Yinger approached Su Nian like a curious baby: "Nian Nian, why do you know so much?"

Su Nian, who was about to pick up the cup and drink water, looked enigmatic.

"Can you explain to me what kjiu means?" Sun Ying'er felt that she had to learn it carefully so that she could cooperate with Su Nian and help her.

 After all, Su Nian helped him so much.

It would be bad if I kept holding Su Nian back.

Su Nian looked suddenly enlightened when he heard this: "You said this, I made it up, what's wrong?"

Sun Yinger:…

 Making it up?

"Yes, don't you think what I said is very casual? Is it messy? Oh, she made up that document, or she found someone else to write it. She deceived me, so why can't I Fool her."

Sun Ying'er burst out laughing immediately, and then hit her gently with her hand: "You actually made it up, Su Nian, Su Nian, you are really amazing, I just thought you did your homework secretly behind my back, I’ve been overthinking it for a long time.”

Su Nian was also very innocent: "Sister, think about it, you have been with me at my old house these days, what chance do I have to do my homework?"

 “How could I possibly know what you did at night.”

 “I am a serious person.”


Although Li Beichen told Zhou Xu to find a house, he still got the garden.

 Continue to do unfinished business.

 This is a good way to practice your skills.

lest the flowers fail to grow later and Su Nian feels even more that the waves from behind in the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, he will be photographed on the beach by that brat. “Beichen, I have never seen you like this before.”

This voice made Li Beichen frown.

As expected, I turned around and saw the pitiful Lan Min.

"Why are you here?" Li Beichen felt a little stupid after asking this question.

 After all, women are the heroines in this novel world.

 Where can we stop her?

But the next moment, Lan Min's words made Li Beichen want to slap himself.

Because Lan Min said: "Beichen, you said that I can treat the Li family as my own home and can go anywhere."

After finishing speaking, Lan Min felt that the surrounding temperature dropped a few degrees instantly: "Beichen, we know you are still angry with me, but I have no choice but to forget it because of some small things. Have you forgotten that I was always by your side when you were in pain for so many years?"

 Haha, it’s better that Lan Min didn’t say this.

When Li Beichen heard this, he thought that he met Lan Min on the anniversary of his mother's death, and then this woman said some chicken soup for the soul, which moved him so much.

 Think about it carefully, it really doesn’t make sense.

  Although the old man was not very reliable towards him, he gave him all the love since his mother passed away.

 When he was still young, the old man did not leave him to the nanny like other wealthy families, but took him with him at any time.

 He understood that the old man wanted to give him a home as much as possible.

Thinking about it now, if he really wanted warmth, he would just stay by the old man's side.

I even feel that the author who created this world must have something wrong with his brain, and the relationship between him and Lan Min is as if he lacks maternal love. (Author: Do you know what you are talking about? Humph,)

 (End of this chapter)

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