Chapter 445 Lost something

 Lu Jing stopped at that time.

  I immediately typed a line on my phone.

 Hand it in front of Su Nian again.

"Su Nian, you vicious woman, I will definitely make you pay the price. There is no exclamation mark this time." Su Nian frowned and said seriously: "Why are you saying this again? Are you, Mr. Lu? You are so poor in words and only have this sentence? I still hope you can go back and take care of yourself, so that you can quarrel with us. It's not like this. You type a line and I read a line. It doesn't matter at all. The momentum.”

 Lu Jing:…

Although Lu Jing was very angry now, Lu Jing had to admit it.

 The facts Su Nian said.

 He could only turn around and leave.

 After all, a man can shrink and stretch.

But before he took a few steps, he heard Sun Ying'er's voice: "Nian Nian, you are really kinder than I thought. Do you know, I really thought you were going to humiliate this guy severely and put this guy You can’t even find your parents if you scold me.”

“Sister, you are wrong. I am not kind at all. I just don’t think it’s interesting to argue with this guy. After all, I still have to work hard to read. Don’t you think this means I am quarreling with myself?”

 Lu Jing:…

If he, Lu Jing, does not find his place, then he will not be called Lu Jing.

Sun Yinger now feels that this guy is really pitiful.

“What are you going to do next? After all, you have made someone so angry. Are you really not afraid of revenge?”

"What are you afraid of? If I were afraid, then I wouldn't go against Lan Min." After all, she is someone who is not even afraid of the heroine. She is just a second-rate dog licker. What's so scary about this.

 And it’s funny how it works.

Sun Ying'er also smiled when she saw Su Nian looking so confident.

But confidence is a matter of self-confidence.

 She felt that she had to pay close attention to Lu Jing.

Although Lu Jing's mind is not good, if a mad dog bites someone, he needs to be careful.

 After the others left,

Su Nian only thought of his equipment at this time.

 I ran to my room immediately. I plan to find out and give it a try.

 Although she has not found a suitable opportunity yet, it is still possible to satisfy her curiosity.

 But I didn’t expect it, but I couldn’t find it.

Su Nian searched all over the room and couldn't find it.

 Did the servant take it away?

Su Nian subconsciously wanted to ask the servant.

 But he stopped after taking a few steps.

 After all, how can I say this out loud?

 Hum, do you want to ask if you have seen my **** clothes?

 What if the servant doesn’t know?

Does she still want to lose face?

 So Su Nian reluctantly searched for it carefully at home.

 But no matter how hard I look for it, I can’t find it.

During this period, Su Nian couldn't help but restore the behavior of that day, restore it to the past, but there was no so-called clue.

 This really made Su Nian depressed to death.

It even made Su Nian look listless, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

When Li Beichen saw Su Nian like this, he immediately became anxious: "Su Su, what's wrong with you? Why are you like this? Are you uncomfortable? Tell me what's wrong with you."

 “I have nothing to do.”

Just when Li Beichen wanted to ask again, he heard Su Nian's voice.

     Hey, where did my clothes go? 】

 Clothes, at this moment Li Beichen instantly thought of the good thing he had done...

 (End of this chapter)

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