Chapter 446: Who gave him the courage to compare with my Mo Bao?

  【In order to take down Li Beichen, I shamelessly went to find someone else to get it for me. What should I do? Do I have to ask for help? 】

  【How could there be a thief in a place like this? He didn't steal anything, but just stole a few clothes from me. Why does it feel a bit weird? 】

In order to prevent Su Nian from doubting him, Li Beichen quickly took the person into his arms: "Is it really okay? Don't coax me. Let's do this. I'll let Zhou Xu call a doctor for you. Take care of yourself. Take a look, lest you get sick because of me."

 “No, no, no, really no, I’m really fine.” Su Nian was really afraid of taking medicine.

 After seeing Su Nian's attention diverted, Li Beichen couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

  【This guy is really, always talking about doctor, doctor. If you didn't know better, you might think that this guy fell into the medicine jar. 】

 “Did you have a stomachache the past few days?”

These words interrupted Su Nian's slander.

 She raised her head and looked at Li Beichen.

 “Does it stop hurting?”

Su Nian thought about it carefully. When her relatives came a few days ago, it seemed that the pain was gone.

Su Nian nodded when he thought of this.

"So, taking medicine to regulate your body is useful. You must regulate your body obediently." Li Beichen paused when he said this: "This way you will suffer less when you become pregnant in the future."

  When Li Beichen said such words before, Su Nian was obedient.

But this time, Su Nian glanced at her mouth secretly.

                                                          intThis guy knows how to draw a pie for me. He sneaks away faster than anyone else every night, and also locks the door tightly, giving me no chance to climb out of bed. 】

  【No, this guy seems to know that I want a child. 】

  【I didn't act too positive. 】

Su Nian started to think about it when he thought of this.

The more I think about it, the more I think this guy did it on purpose.

 Li Beichen:! !!!

This little woman is too smart.     actually discovered even this.

When Su Nian looked at him, Li Beichen really felt a little guilty.

 But now he clearly knows that he must hold steady.

 If he is not stable and is discovered, he will be finished.

 And once this was discovered, he would not be able to make excuses to delay the matter.

I might really be left as a father and a son.

 “You want to have a child with me?”

Li Beichen nodded: "We are husband and wife, how can we not have children? Although I feel sorry for your body and don't want you to suffer any injustice." When he said this, Li Beichen sighed deeply: "But what if we don't want to have children?" My child, I don’t care. After all, if you have less children to compete with me, I can monopolize all your attention, but the old man will not agree. I guess if we do this, the old man will never let us go. "

 When Li Beichen said this.

Su Nian looked at Li Beichen solemnly.

 Carefully observe every expression of Li Beichen.

 When it was confirmed that Li Beichen was not lying.

She just smiled and then threw herself into Li Beichen's arms: "I believe our child will be the cutest child in the world. Beichen, are you looking forward to our child? Anyway, I am extremely looking forward to it."

“If you have children in the future, who is more important to you, me or the child?”

When Li Beichen finished saying this, he clearly felt that the woman holding him stiffened.

  【Hehe, who gave him the courage to compare with my calligraphy treasure? 】

 Li Beichen;…

 (End of this chapter)

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