Chapter 447 Clumsy Touch

"Beichen, the child is the continuation of our bloodline. It is two unrelated people. Our bloodlines are mixed together and then mixed into a new person. Don't you look forward to it?"

Su Nian's words made Li Beichen's throat roll slightly.

 This is also the reason why he did not undergo ligation surgery.

 If it wasn’t for falling out of favor, then he really wanted a child.

"But you still haven't said, which is more important, me or the child."

 “Of course you are the important one, the continuation is you, how could I put the cart before the horse?”

  【Let’s coax Mo Bao out first! 】

Su Nian didn’t just speak.

Her weak, boneless hands roamed over his body, setting fire to everything.

 “Don’t you want it?”

“But you were in terrible pain last time. If you are pregnant now, how can your body bear it?”

These words caused Su Nian, who was making trouble, to stop his hand.

 Many pictures appeared in her mind.

These pictures made Su Nian feel a pain in his heart.

  【For the sake of calligraphy, if you can't bear it, then you have to bear it. 】

Su Nian gritted his teeth.

He sat directly on Li Beichen's lap: "Beichen, actually I want to get closer to you. I hope I can see you the first time I wake up in the morning, just like you were when you were sick in those days, and right now Winter is coming, maybe you don’t know me, but my hands and feet don’t feel warm at all in winter.”

 A delicate and delicate voice.

 Made Li Beichen's body tense up.

 He couldn't help but reach out and grab her disturbing hand.

 It is late autumn now.

 He could feel her hands being cold.

If it is really the twelfth lunar month of winter, you can imagine how cold your hands will be.

At this moment, Su Nian suddenly leaned into his ear and said, "Beichen, what's in your pocket? Why are you licking me like that?"

 Li Beichen:! !

 He was temporarily unconscious and could not control himself.

 Put your eyes on this fairy-like woman.

"What is it?" She leaned close to his cheek: "Beichen, you keep saying I love you, why are you so stingy and don't even answer this little question? Is this your love? Huh?"

 How can ordinary people resist the temptation of fairies?

 He seemed to be able to feel it. The blood in his body is boiling little by little.

 The reason gradually faded away.

 At this moment, Su Nian gave him a gentle push.

 He also fell down on the sofa.

 It looks like everyone is at your disposal.


 Her lips fell a little bit.

Every time he falls, it hits his self-control.

“Ah, Beichen, why are the ends of your eyes so red?”

Su Nian gradually moved this man's emotions, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.

 When she reached out to untie the man's tie, her movements were a little clumsy.

 But it is precisely because of this clumsiness.

 Occasional touching.

  It only adds to the ambiguity.

 The tie is unbuttoned and then buttoned.

 Although I have practiced it many times in my mind.

 But her hands were shaking a little.

Li Beichen is also a normal adult man, so he is also very confused now, whether to control or not to control.

 If you really get her and put your own mark on every inch of her body.

Then they will become closer.

 But another voice echoed in his mind.

If you really get the calligraphy treasure out.

 What to do if he falls out of favor?

 Two thoughts are pulling at the limit.

At this moment, the door to the room was pushed open.

“Mr. Li, the video conference is about to start. Look...”

 (End of this chapter)

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