The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 471: Su Nian, it seems that your achievements are not small.

Chapter 471 Su Nian, it seems that your achievements are not small.

"It seems that your achievements are not small." Sun Ying'er glanced at Maybach who was following behind and teased.

Sun Yinger glanced at Su Nian sitting next to her.

She thought that if she were a man, she would not be able to control herself.

“What can be achieved by just plowing the ground without sowing seeds?”

Sun Yinger:…

Su Nian tapped his chin carelessly with his fingers: "What do you think I should wear tomorrow, black stockings? White stockings?"

 “Why don’t we go buy it now?”

Su Nian thinks this idea is good.

 After all, someone is following behind.

 If she goes to buy something, she will definitely know it immediately.

Even if he knew all her trump cards, he might not be able to win. After all, he... didn't know what cards he would play.

 This can also serve as a side attack.

Li Beichen, who was following behind, looked as gloomy as possible.

 The cars he and Su Nian were riding in were very close to each other.

 So he could intuitively see how many men's eyes were on the little woman the moment she got out of the car and appeared in the public eye.

 He really felt as if his unique treasure was being coveted.

 …It’s better to let Su Nian make up his own mind.

 He did not get out of the car, but waited outside.

After all, no matter what Su Nian’s motives are for going shopping, as a husband, he cannot disturb his wife’s good mood of shopping.

Li Beichen loosened his tie with his slender fingers.

 Then pick up the computer next to you and start working.

 But now Li Beichen is still in the mood to deal with a ghost job. I quickly closed the computer and put it aside.

Li Beichen made a phone call and went out: "Zhou Xu, please invite everyone in the mall."

 Although it is clear that it is a bit late now.

 But do as much as you can.

Soon, Li Beichen's mobile phone received Zhou Xu's WeChat message.

After opening it, Li Beichen couldn't help but breathe heavily.

 I saw Su Nian trying on a piece of clothing similar to business attire. The clothing was very short. Maybe Su Nian was aware of this, so he wore black stockings underneath.

  If it was almost ripe just now, it is overripe now.

 It makes you want to take a bite.

Li Beichen adjusted his breathing.

 At this time, he suddenly realized something.

When Zhou Xu on the other side of the phone received the reply, his face suddenly drooped, and then he looked up at Su Nian in front of him: "Madam, I risked my life for you. If Mr. Li really wants to die, If it’s me, then you must protect me well, after all, I don’t think anyone else is as considerate as me.”

 The reason why Zhou Xu said this.

 It’s because of Li Beichen’s news: She was changing clothes, why were you next to her?

 With a simple sentence, Zhou Xu could smell the vinegar over there.

As a man, he knows very well how scary a jealous man is, especially when this jealous man is his boss.

"Zhou Xu, what are you afraid of? You have been with your wife for so long. You can even be said to be your wife's confidant. How can your wife ignore her confidants? If word spreads, then your wife will still How can you mess around?"

Zhou Xu looked at Su Nian with pitiful eyes.

Since he already had such a look in his eyes, what could Su Nian say? He could only say with a smile: "Yes, sister is right, Zhou Xu, if you follow me, I will never treat you badly."

 These words instantly put Zhou Xu's heart at ease.

 (End of this chapter)

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