Chapter 472: Sister, you are a bit dirty

Sure enough, Li Beichen sent a message to Zhou Xu.

 Ask Su Nian what he bought.

Su Nian graciously allowed Zhou Xu to finish his report.

 Then she and Sun Ying'er continued shopping.

“Nian Nian, do you think Li Beichen will lose control later and suddenly appear and push you somewhere in the mall, and then...”

Su Nian: "Sister, you are a little dirty."

 “You just say you expect it?”

Su Nian snorted coldly, acting very arrogant.

 But the smile on her lips revealed her little thoughts.

 Well, I do have a little expectation in my heart.

  After all, she used to read CEO novels, and she just loved reading this kind of plot... If she had an actual experience, then... it would be really great.

But the idea is too perfect, and the reality is too cruel.

His legs were thinner and Li Beichen did not appear.

 This makes Su Nian and Sun Ying'er a little depressed.

Sun Ying'er: "You think he is still not a man? With the way you are dressed today, if I were a man, I would also want to fight. This guy is so indifferent."

“Maybe it’s because I don’t love her.” Su Nian murmured.

These words reminded Sun Yinger of the day when Li Beichen blocked her car.

 It’s impossible not to love it.

If he didn't love, it would be impossible for a man of Li Beichen's status to lower his head and ask someone.

“You must be able to bear it, it’s okay, let’s think of other ways, and let’s chew this bone off together!”

Su Nian smiled when he heard this.

 She remembered the setting of this novel.

Su Nian felt that he might have been confused by Li Beichen's words about love every day, so he forgot that in this novel world, he was the heroine's licking dog.

This made Su Nian feel a little surprised.

 What's wrong with her? How could she forget such an important thing?

 Why do you forget? "Sister, if he doesn't come out, let's just stop here today. If we continue walking, my legs will become thinner."

Sun Yinger was also tired, so she agreed to the proposal.

 The moment Su Nian got in the car.

He was pushed hard against the car seat.

Before she had time to react, the man kissed her lips.

Like a robber, he robbed her of her breath and her mind.

Soon a slight feeling of pain brought Su Nian back to his senses.

 It looks like her lip has been bitten...

 When her eyes adjusted to the dim environment, she could clearly see the fire in the man's eyes.

That blazing fire.

Su Nian couldn't help but feel some fear in his heart.

“Have you had fun shopping?” Li Beichen hugged the person tightly, trying his best to keep the two of them in perfect harmony.

His current state is like a drug addict who has finally encountered the thing that made him addicted.

 “Hmm” Su Nian, who was a little dazed, responded.

Seeing Su Nian's dazed look, Li Beichen realized that he seemed to have kissed this little woman hard just now.

But you can’t blame him.

You must know that just now he was restless in the car, frantically trying to catch the little woman back... and then...

But he restrained himself.

Of course, the moment Su Nian returned to the car, his so-called self-control successfully broke through.

“You know what? I really wanted to gouge out the eyes of those men who were staring at you just now.”

 The man's voice was harsh.

Su Nian's body trembled twice unconsciously.

Li Beichen, who felt that Su Nian was afraid, also realized that he was a little bit out of control now and scared the little woman in his arms, and then he quickly coaxed: "I scared you, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken so loudly, really." I'm sorry."

 (End of this chapter)

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