Chapter 480: How did you get this guy excited?

Since Lu Jing has taken the initiative to invite him, Su Nian has also collected people's things and has to do something.

Su Nian and Sun Yinger came to the hospital.

This time they just went in.

He was greeted warmly by Lu Jing: "Auntie, you are here, you are finally here, you don't know what I have really experienced in the past few days is the feeling of being overwhelmed."

"Guess how long it will take for Lan Min to arrive." Su Nian said directly without talking nonsense.

Sun Ying'er: "One hour."

 Lu Jing: “Has she been staring at this place?”

These words made Sun Ying'er stunned.

This guy wouldn't be like this, he would just come when they come.

Su Nian sat directly on the sofa: "Yes, it's professional. After all, our Mr. Lu's thoughts about Miss Lan are known to everyone. I guess in Miss Lan's heart, she also feels that you will not really leave her and come to be a Let me make a bet that my licking dog will appear within thirty minutes."

Lu Jing became unhappy after hearing this: "Auntie, what are you talking about, what is dog licking? And let's bet, 10 million. If Min'er comes, then I will give you 10 million! "

"Then do you think I'm wrong? And what's wrong with licking dogs? Dogs are our good friends. I'm just going to tell you briefly now. What do you think? Don't you like small animals? So, Lan Min A kind person, if she knew you didn’t like animals, I think she would be sad.”

 Sabotage her plan!

 You deserve to be **** off.

Just when Lu Jing was about to say something, there was a sound of opening the door.

 It came quite quickly.

Su Nian raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

 Lu Jing’s face looked a little ugly.

This may have come a little too fast.     Ten million will be gone.

"Hello, Miss Lan." After all, she was the one who made her ten million dollars. Su Nian still felt that she should be more polite: "Ms. Lan, what a coincidence. We were making a bet just now, and here we are. , how long will it take for you to come, and if you guess correctly, give the other party 10 million. "

 Ten million... When Lan Min heard this, his face changed.

 She guessed the answer from Lu Jing's expression.

"Hey, Lu Jing, I need to educate you on this. Just now I said you licked the dog, and you were still angry. You must know that the greatest advantage of a dog is loyalty. If you can't even be loyal, then you Not even a dog."

 Lanji has been really busy recently. She had to get in touch with Huo Linyuan's child slowly and slowly learn to be a stepmother. Moreover, it was Lu Jing who said he needed to be quiet and he drove her away before. She felt that she needed to calm down.

But she also secretly bribed the nurse and asked the nurse to help her keep an eye on it.

 Just to prevent Su Nianhui from appearing again.

 The reason why she appeared so soon was a complete coincidence.

 She happened to be shopping around the hospital, so she came after receiving the news from the nurse.

 I didn’t expect them to bet on this.

"Miss Su, what do you mean by this? What is a dog or not? Lu Jing is my friend. Don't sow discord."

Lu Jing was a little unhappy when he heard Su Nian use the word "dog licking" to describe himself just now, but now that he sees Lan Min defending himself like this, he suddenly thinks it's okay.

 Just give Su Nian a look.

 Work harder…

Su Nian who understands well:…

She originally wanted to call Lu Jing a licker in front of Lan Zhi and make him angry, but why did she get this guy excited again?

 (End of this chapter)

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