The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 481: Lan Min, you saw it, I started to take it away slowly

Chapter 481 Lan Zhen, you see, I started to slowly take away everything from you

"I'm sowing discord, why am I sowing discord? Don't you like dogs, Lan? No? How can you not like small animals when you are such a kind person? No, you are so gentle and kind, how can you Maybe I don’t like small animals.”

"Su Nian, we all know what you mean, why don't you admit it even after you said it?" Lan Min interrupted sharply.

As a vicious female supporting role, she has no so-called advantages other than being thick-skinned: "What do I admit? Can you tell me what the word "dog licking" means? As long as you tell me, it can reflect the insult. Sex means provoking, so I will apologize to you right now. I will apologize in any way you want me to, and I, Su Nian, will never say no!"

These words really made Lan Zhi not know what to say.

Lu Jing next to him was so excited that he applauded subconsciously.

Lanji looked over subconsciously.

 Suddenly the atmosphere became very awkward.

Lu Jing wants to hit his own hands now. What are they doing so quickly?

 What else can we do now?

 You can only smile awkwardly and politely.

Since Lu Jing is so cooperative, Su Nian can't let go: "Why don't you speak, why don't you accuse me."

 Some things are indeed well understood.

 But you cannot speak out about things you know well in your heart.

After all, do you want the heroine to explain on the spot what this dog-licking thing means? If Lu Jing or a certain character matches what the heroine said, then it won't be embarrassing.

Lanji finally discovered that he couldn't defeat her at all. There are always so many words to say.

Su Nian suddenly turned around and walked towards Lu Jing, and said in a pitiful tone: "Lu Jing, I know that what happened last time caused you trouble. It is also for this reason that I The genius didn't come here. In fact, you may not believe it when I say it. I really envy the friendship between you and Lan Min, but I know very well that I can't get it. I have been paying attention to it these days. I'm really heartbroken to hear about your news that Lan Min has never come." At this point, Su Nian covered his heart.

This look should be as fake as possible.

Lu Jing really wanted to say that he helped her pay for the items at the auction and spent a lot of money.

“Su Nian, I didn’t expect you to miss me so much.” Lu Jing quickly looked touched.

 This time Lan Min was worried.

 Immediately stopped in front of the two of them.

"What do you mean, Lan Min, you left your friend in the hospital once, I took care of you, you told me, I left, and you left your friend in the hospital again, even though Lu Jing is an adult , but have you ever heard that a man is a boy until he dies? You are so unqualified as a friend. If that is the case, then let me be his friend!"

Sun Yinger, who was watching the show next to her, let out a hiss.

She was thinking, should she remind Su Nian now that the saying that a man is a boy until he dies is inappropriate here...

"I will definitely care about him more than you do, love him more, and give him the warmth of a friend." When she said this, she walked to Lan Min's ear and threatened like all villains: "Lan Min, look Come on, I will slowly take away everything from you."

 (End of this chapter)

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