The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 552: Just because I am the wife of the president of Li Group

Chapter 552 Just because I am the wife of the president of Li Group

 Lu Jing’s behavior really refreshed Su Nian and Sun Ying’er’s understanding of bitches.

Sun Ying'er put her head on Su Nian's shoulder: "Nian Nian, if you have time, can you accompany me to the temple? I really want to know now what evil I have done and why I am pestered by this guy. superior."

“Aunt Sun, how can you say that, what is a sin, maybe it is a blessing.” Lu Jing said diligently.

Su Nian had no choice but to look at Zhou Xu who was standing next to him: "Deal with this guy."

When Zhou Xu heard this, he immediately grabbed Lu Jing's arm and planned to make this guy disappear manually.

As for Lu Jing, he had already thought of a way to deal with it. When Zhou Xu caught him, he said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Zhou Xu, don't do this. Just help me." Then I will definitely not forget your benefits."

Zhou Xu's face was full of dark lines: "Master Lu, even if you give me a little more courage, I can't accept your benefits in front of my wife and Miss Sun."

 What kind of benefit is it? Why can’t it be given privately?

Just like that, Lu Jing was dragged away by Zhou Xu.

After the person was dragged away, Sun Ying'er suddenly felt that the world was much cleaner: "Ah, this world is much cleaner." But after sighing these words, her expression suddenly changed: "It's a pity that this is temporary, what on earth is there?" How to stop this guy from relying on me."

 Both of them fell into deep thought.

It seems that there is really no way to deal with this shameless guy like Lu Jing.

 After all, no one knows what ideas Lu Jing, a clever little fool, can come up with.

 And it’s not like we can really kill this guy.

"Okay, let's not think too much. After all, this guy won't bother you now, and our ears can be a little clearer." What else can be done, Su Nian can only persuade like this.

Sun Ying'er's face became slightly better after hearing this.

 Then the two women continued walking towards the company.

This time Su Nian showed up, and everyone in the company was silent. They don’t dare to say anything nonsense.

 After all, I had seen what Su Nian was capable of last time and knew not to mess around.

Sun Ying'er quietly leaned into her ear: "Nian Nian, you really look like a domineering president now."

Su Nian raised his head a little proudly when he heard this.

Having spent two lifetimes in novels about overbearing presidents, how could I not learn something about it?

Su Nian, on the other hand, gathered people from all departments for a meeting.

 After all, she has now officially taken over the company. As the saying goes, a new official takes office with three fires. If this is the case, then he must gather people together to burn the company.

Of course Lan Min is there too.

Lan Min wanted to see what Su Nian wanted to do.

After everyone arrived, Su Nian said directly: "Since everyone is here, I won't talk nonsense and will tell you directly. From now on, you must remember that this company has my last name, everything You must follow my wishes. If you have any objections, please leave voluntarily. Thank you.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled.

Su Nian was very satisfied with everyone’s expressions.

As a vicious female supporting role, she doesn’t have to be so harried or have anything, she can be as arrogant as she wants.

"I think it should be based on the actual situation of the company. What if something goes wrong or something goes wrong in the company." Lan Min's rational voice sounded.

But as soon as Lan Min finished speaking, Su Nian immediately said: "No matter how hard I try, I can guarantee that everyone here, and even everyone in the company, will never have any problems with their salary and various medical insurances." When they got here, Su Nian paused for a moment: "Just by virtue of the fact that I am the wife of the president of Li's Group."

 (End of this chapter)

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