Chapter 553 What, isn’t my sister a human?

 Usually in Mary Sue novels.

The heroines are very self-reliant and do not rely on men. They have to live out themselves through their own efforts.

 But she, Su Nian, is not a heroine.

 It doesn’t have to be like this.

 Just rely on men.

When Lan Min heard this, he subconsciously said: "Su Nian, how can you cause trouble to Beichen?"

"Because I am his legal wife. When he earns one dollar, fifty cents of it is mine," Su Nian said matter-of-factly: "I should thank you for this, because when I first got married to him, he didn't think about it at all. He ignored me, so he and I didn’t sign a prenuptial agreement.”

Su Nian saw Lan Min's face getting more and more ugly.

 I feel really comfortable.

 There is another point in Mary Sue novels, which may be a tacit agreement among the authors of Mary Sue novels.

 Generally, when the male and female protagonists get married, they will make a prenuptial agreement to support the heroine's innocence and unpretentiousness, but this is completely absent when the female partner gets married.

“Did you marry Beichen because of money?”

When Sun Ying'er heard this, she couldn't help but add: "Because of money, Miss Lan, have you forgotten? Nian Nian is also the eldest lady of the Su family. Even though Nian Nian's parents are dead, she still has the influence of the Lin Group. Shares, relying on this, she also has the capital to say this. "

These words directly drove Lan Min back.

Su Nian glanced at everyone with sharp eyes: "Everyone, when you come here, to put it bluntly, you are supporting your family. No matter how hard I work, I will never treat you badly. Even if you do what I say, You can get a higher salary. If you are pursuing your dreams, you can all say it now. I can give you double the severance pay. In turn, if someone works for me without conscience, then I can give you three times. salary."

“I hope you can convey this news to everyone in your department so that everyone can make a decision as soon as possible.”

 After Su Nian said this, he ordered the meeting to be dismissed.

 But there was silence in the conference room.

But judging from everyone’s expressions, Su Nian’s words have already touched people’s hearts;.

 After all, few can resist money. At this time, someone stood up and said, "Money is not everything in this world, Su Nian, you are so insulting."

Su Nian chuckled in his heart.

The heroine Lan Zhen really thinks that she is blind.

  Just now I made such a big move to make my eyes look.


"If you feel insulted, then you leave the company, or if you think I am ruining the company, then you buy the company from me. As long as you can afford the price, I will definitely give it to you. ”

Su Nian sat on the chair and said casually: "Are you trying to say that my company has a shady background? Well, you can also use shady means to take it away from me, and I have no problem with that. "

Such a rogue attitude really made Lan Zhi not know what to say.

This Su Nian is really a little too arrogant.

The madness made her feel unhappy.

Similarly, Su Nian also felt that Lan Min's eyes made her unhappy: "Lan Min, what do you think?"

 After Su Nian said this, many eyes looked at Lan Min.

What else could Lan Yan, who was in everyone's sight, say, she could only say: "No."

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting. Everyone, go and count the people and report back to me in three days." After saying this, Su Nian stood up and walked outside.

But before Su Nian could reach the door, Lan Min's voice rang out: "Su Nian, aren't you afraid that you are the only one in this company?"

Su Nian stopped and said, "Why, isn't my sister a human?"

 Lan Min, who was originally full of anger:…

   Sorry, I'm not feeling well today, so I only have two thousand.



 (End of this chapter)

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