Chapter 554: Blame me for being sentimental

Su Nian turned around and said, "Lan Shi, what's wrong with you? Why are you insulting my sister?"

In fact, Sun Ying'er almost laughed out loud when she heard Su Nian's words.

 Haha, it is indeed Su Nian.

 Do not play cards according to common sense.

But as a sister, Sun Ying'er still held back.

  After all, in this situation, as the older sister, I cannot embarrass my younger sister.

  兰伈: “I didn’t.”

"You didn't, so what do you mean? Is your understanding of people different from mine? Come on, come on, give me some popular science. How is your understanding of people different?"

   Lan Min took a few steps back.

Su Nian saw Lan Min like this and immediately took a few steps quickly.

 This caused Lan Min to feel panicked.

 This caused Lan Min's high heels to suddenly slip and she fell directly backward.

 Seeing Su Nian's quick eyesight and quick hands, she immediately picked the man up into her arms.

 “What do you want to do?” Lan Min said with a look on his face

"You're about to fall. What's wrong? A man has to hold you? Can't I? Then blame me for being sentimental." Su Nian let go.

 This caused Lan Min to fall to the ground.

 Then Su Nian and Sun Ying'er left in a swaggering manner.

 Out of the conference room.

Sun Ying'er couldn't help but ask: "Nian Nian, how many people do you think will leave?"

"Any amount is fine. Anyway, there are not many things in this world, but there are many people. I have Beichen as my backend. Even if I open all the people in this company, it will be fine." Su Nian said this very loudly .

 The purpose is simple.

Just to let Lan Zhi hear it. Su Nian glanced at Lan Min behind him.

 Yes, she is so considerate.

 Sure enough, three days later

 No one is leaving.

Su Nian was not surprised at all when he saw this situation.

 After all, no matter how talented the heroine is, she cannot resist the power of money.

  No matter what the world is, no one is willing to struggle with money.

Su Nian threw the personnel statistics table in front of Lan Min: "It seems that the people in the company are on the same page as me."

“Everyone has been working in this company for so long, and they all have feelings. They all regard this company as their home, and if they want to leave suddenly, no one will be able to react.”

"What about you? You just joined the company a few days before I took over. How do you feel about this company? Miss Lan, why don't you resign?" When Su Nian said this, he supported his chin with his hand. , said casually.

 She was a little curious, wondering what reason the heroine could give.

 Lanji is speechless.

After all, of course she couldn't say that I stayed here to help Linyuan regain the company.

Furthermore, Lan Min had a hunch that Su Nian might be waiting for her to speak and then seize her advantage. She would never give Su Nian this chance.

"Okay, okay, Lan Min, if you really don't know what to say, then don't say anything. After all, who doesn't know that you stayed because of money." As Su Nian spoke, he walked to Lan Min's house. The man beside him patted her shoulder: "I also think that even if you are making it up, you can't make it up."

When Su Nian read novels before, he would think that it was stupid for the villain to talk so much.

 But now she has become a villain and a vicious female supporting role.

 Such a feeling, don’t tell me, it’s really good.

 Be as arrogant as you want. It’s a bit mindless not to act, but it’s really fun.

 (End of this chapter)

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