Chapter 623 The old man was right

 Finally Li Beichen was so honest for once.

Li Jianhong felt that it would be a pity if he did nothing.

 Started to settle old scores.

This posture can really be said that the old man wants to finish all the lessons he has wanted to teach over the years.

It would be best to make this brat Li Beichen cry bitterly.

“Dad, you must be thirsty after talking for so long. Why don’t you drink some water first?”

Li Jianhong, who was originally high-spirited, almost choked to death on his own saliva when he heard this.

Looking at his son's calm expression, he felt that this guy didn't even listen to a word he said.

 “Did you listen to what I just said?”

 Li Beichen nodded.

“Then please repeat to me what I just said in the fifth sentence.”

Li Beichen:…

When Li Jianhong saw Li Beichen's expression, he seemed to have caught him by the tail: "Did you listen? You obviously didn't listen at all. Li Beichen, you are going to be a father soon. Aren't you afraid of your child?" Come out and be so disobedient?"

"Haha, I hope my grandson is not an obedient child, so that you can understand what kind of life I have lived these years."

This is really not to blame Li Beichen... You must know that the old man seemed to be firing off a cannon when he spoke just now, and he spoke very fast.

Even if he was really listening attentively, it was impossible to tell exactly what the old man said.

But the old man is really right, Mo Bao, who is about to be born, may not listen to him ~

The old man seemed to have grabbed Li Beichen's tail: "Li Beichen, you are really going too far. You are a father, and you are still like this. You really disappoint me."

"Now I think Nian Nian should stay with me and take care of her. After all, if she stays with you, how could you possibly take care of them if you are so careless."

At this moment, Li Beichen suddenly lost his composure.

 The old man took Li Beichen's expression into his eyes. Although he was happy to see that Li Beichen and Su Nian could be happy, Li Beichen, the brat, was really a bit too much.

 He ​​had said so much just now, but he didn't listen carefully. As soon as he talked about his wife, he immediately became energetic.

 Where should he put it as a father?

"Dad, you can't be like this. Now that Su Nian is pregnant, if you are really angry with me, then you can just vent it on me, but..."

Li Jianhong snorted coldly in his heart: "Why can't I do this, and what, I have taken care of Nian Nian for how many years, and you have only taken care of Nian Nian for how long. Do you think you are qualified to say this?"

Su Nian, who was sitting obediently next to him, smiled when he saw Li Beichen like this.

  【Hahaha, this is the first time I see Li Beichen like this. 】

  【He really looks like a primary school student who made a mistake. 】

  【If possible, I really want to record this scene. 】

Although Li Beichen was a little speechless because of the old man's behavior, he also smiled when he heard Su Nian's happy voice.

 Make your wife smile.

 It’s actually worth it.

But he didn’t want to be separated from Su Nian at this time.

  After all, this is the opportunity that God finally gave me to make up for.

 It really cannot be wasted.

Seeing the old man like this, he also knew that nothing he could say to the old man now would work. He had no choice but to look at Su Nian with a "help" look.

On the last day of this year, Li Beichen overturned his car to celebrate~

As I said, my mental state is not very good, of course I can’t write about normal pregnancy, hahaha

   Since the mother’s womb, she has been cheating on her father, that’s how it is 6



 (End of this chapter)

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