Chapter 624: What did you tell dad?

But Li Beichen just looked over.

Li Jianhong directly blocked the line of sight between them.

 “Don’t give Nian Nian a look, you haven’t said anything today.”

Su Nian couldn't just sit like this now. He stood up and walked to the old man's side.

 Whispered a few words into the old man's ear.

  When the old man heard what Su Nian said, he looked at Su Nian's face.

Su Nian nodded.

After Su Nian nodded, Li Jianhong snorted coldly: "Since you have decided, then I won't care about you, but Nian Nian, remember, if this brat really doesn't take good care of you, you can come back directly. , No matter what happens, dad will always be your support.”

Su Nian responded obediently.

Li Beichen stopped talking nonsense. After saying a few symbolic words, he took Su Nian away.

After all, if Su Nian continues to stay here, I don’t know what the old man will do.

 What if the old man really keeps Su Nian here?

 Waiting until we left the old house.

Li Beichen hugged the person directly and said, "By the way, what do you want to say to Dad?"

 “I didn’t say anything.”

"Didn't you say anything?" He kissed the little woman on the face: "Did you really say nothing?"

Just after asking this question, Li Beichen heard his little girl snort in her heart.

I'm not that stupid. I will tell Li Beichen. What I tell the old man is that if he doesn't let Li Beichen take good care of him now, wouldn't it be too cheap for Li Beichen? 】

  【If I tell Li Beichen, won't it affect my image? I wouldn't be so stupid. "I told my dad that although he can take good care of me, which I believe in, I still hope that the baby can have more contact with his father."

"I know that my sweetheart is the smartest." After Li Beichen said this, he whispered into Su Nian's ear: "Dad can indeed take care of you, and he can also take good care of you. I I can believe it, but he will definitely not do better than me.”

 “Why?” Su Nian asked subconsciously.

"Because dad can't take care of you personally 24 hours a day." Li Beichen paused slightly after hearing this: "And not only can I take care of you personally 24 hours a day, but I can also take care of you as much as I need."

The man's hoarse voice made Su Nian, an adult, have wild thoughts.

 She wants to leave the man's arms.

“So I said, my dear, you are very smart, as smart as you want to be.”



Sun Ying'er also hurried over after learning about the news of Su Nian's pregnancy.

 And brought a bunch of valuable things.

“I’m a bit pressed for time, so I didn’t prepare much, but don’t worry, I’ll take my time later.”

Su Nian felt warm in her heart because of Sun Ying'er's concern: "Sister, you don't want..."

However, Su Nian was interrupted before she could finish her words: "Are you trying to say don't be polite and don't want a big fight? You are my sister, and your stomach is bad for my future nephew. I am now I really want to send you all the good things in the world." When she said this, Sun Ying'er smiled: "I know, I'm a bit stupid, after all, your husband is Li Beichen, what good things are still missing now. ?"

When Su Nian heard this, he reached out and held her hand: "It's missing, it's missing."

 These words made both women laugh.

 (End of this chapter)

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