Chapter 831: Don’t like me

 After Zhou Qi left.

Su Nian approached Li Beichen with a flattering look on his face.

"Although Zhou Qi has nothing to do this time, if something similar happens again in the future, what if someone takes advantage of this opportunity to attack you?"

"It's a bit serious when you say this, but it's just a joke. What could happen?" When he said this, Su Nian's expression became serious: "Should I not let Zhou Qi be with me from now on?" By his side, fire Zhou Qi."

Li Beichen had never thought of this.

 After all, in Li Beichen's eyes.

 There is really no one who can compare with Zhou Qi.

If it were really someone else by Zhou Qi's side.

Then Li Beichen is really a little worried.

Su Nian saw Li Beichen's appearance.

 Just know the result.

"Forget it this time. After all, it's nothing. But the way you looked just now was like being a good person. Then when I find an opportunity, I will just be a bad person. I think if this is the case, then Zhou Qi will definitely treat me better." Su Nian Smiling and comforting.

Li Beichen also thinks it makes sense.

  【Zhou Qi was very loyal to Li Beichen in his previous life. 】

   【Although he was not by my side in my last life, he took the lead in the overseas branch and did not hesitate to give up his power to Mo Bao when he came of age and became Mo Bao's best assistant. 】

Li Beichen was slightly stunned when he heard this.

 He also remembered.

   Last life.

The elderly Zhou Qi came to stand in front of his own photo for a long time.

 There was indeed something wrong with him just now.

  An hour later.

 Zhou Qi received a notice from the Personnel Department.    —His salary was increased.

 Twenty percent added.

 Twenty percent…

 You must know that his salary is around one million per year.

 This increase of 20%…

Zhou Qi now really feels that he is lucky.

But Zhou Qi knew very clearly why this was the case.

 Hurry up and buy a gift immediately.

Although Zhou Qi knew very well that Su Nian had Li Beichen and he didn't lack anything.

 But it mainly depends on your own mind.

So I bought the most expensive bag from a brand that Su Nian likes.

Zhou Qi held the bag with a flattering smile on his face: "Madam, I really want to thank you for what happened yesterday. I saw this bag yesterday and I thought it matched you at a glance. Can you give me Let me tell you, am I right?"

Su Nian didn't expect Zhou Qi to be so polite: "I was just saying casually, you really don't have to be so polite, just take it back."

“Madam, I bought this bag and you still asked me to take it back. Isn’t it a bit bad?”

 “You can give it to your girlfriend.”

But it was okay if Su Nian didn't say this. After saying this, Zhou Qi's face suddenly turned bad: "Hey, madam, you may not know that I am single and don't know where my girlfriend is. The final result of taking this bag back is dust, and it cannot be used at all. The price of this bag is not simple. Madam, do you really have the heart to spend so much money, and the final result is to leave it and gather dust? ?"

Su Nian laughed when he heard this.

 “Zhou Qi, your eloquence is so good.”

But Zhou Qi shook his head seriously: "Madam, what are you talking about? I just don't have good eloquence. If I were good at eloquence, why can't I find a girlfriend and am still single now? You know I went on a blind date, and the girls on the blind date said that I was clumsy, tongue-tied, and couldn’t speak, and they didn’t like me at all.”

 (End of this chapter)

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