Chapter 832 Zhou Xu’s Statement

“It’s true that you despise them.”

Su Nian felt that Zhou Qi had such conditions.

Assistant to the president of Li Group, with an annual salary of one million...

 How can I be single?

 Zhou Qi sighed deeply on purpose.

 Actually, he understood why Su Nian was like this.

 He does a good job and is indeed a bit popular in the blind date market.

  I once was with a woman.

 But not long after they were together, the girlfriend asked her to arrange a job for her brother, and arranged to work in the Li Group.

  Haha~ It would be great if he had that ability.

 Arrange anyone to join the company at random.

 No director would dare, how could a little secretary dare?

 At the same time...if it can really be done

So what is this company like?

 This company requires elites to enter.

That girlfriend had been quarreling with him for a long time. Zhou Qi also knew that with such a high salary, such a good salary, and his current position, there were always some things that were difficult to handle.

 You must know that this life is always like this, there will always be gains and losses.

But of course it was impossible for him to tell Su Nian these things.

He just pretended to be helpless: "Hey, madam, what are you talking about? It would be great if I really set my sights above my head. I am a very honest person. I have been with you for so long. Don't you think Don’t you know me yet?”

"It's just because I know you that I say such things." The joke was a joke, but the real thing still needs to be said, so after saying this, Su Nian put away his smile: "But next time something like this happens I think you can tell me in advance, after all, that guy Lu Jing, who knows what he will think about, what if something really happens. Zhou Qi, you are a smart person, you should understand me. mean."

Su Nian didn’t want to be too straightforward about Zhou Qi.

And Su Nian felt that he had spoken to this extent. Zhou Qi should understand.

 Zhou Qi began to nod crazily when he heard this.

"I understand, I understand, madam, what happened this time is all my fault. It's all my fault because I didn't control myself and had no moral bottom line. It's all my fault. Don't worry, it will never be like this. It's true. , I vouch for my character.”

No matter what Su Nian says now, Zhou Qi will listen.

 After all, he protected himself in front of Mr. Li. Not only was his salary not deducted, but his salary was also increased.

  Such a good boss and superior.

 Where to look for it.

 Even Zhou Qi felt that if he was good at Hupu, someone would definitely envy him.

The level of envy to death.

Su Nian felt that Zhou Qi's attitude was a bit excessive when he saw it: "Zhou Qi, you don't have to be like this. I'm just reminding you. After all, you can't go too far... after all..."

"Madam, you may be overthinking it. I really realize my mistake. Really, don't worry, I will definitely not make such a mistake again. If I do it again..."

 This is the situation with wages.

Zhou Qi felt that if he kept cheating, he really felt that he might be struck by lightning, and he would definitely be struck by lightning.

"Okay, okay, don't say any more." Su Nian said with a smile.

 Zhou Qi shut up immediately.

 showing a simple and honest expression.

Of course Zhou Qi thinks he is honest, but Su Nian doesn't think so.

  Anyway, Zhou Qi has already made up his mind.

 No matter what happens in the future, you must be by Su Nian's side.

Definitely by Su Nian's side!

 (End of this chapter)

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