The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 851: Face is a thing that you have to lose to yourself and others, it feels like

Chapter 851: There is a different feeling between losing face by oneself and losing it by others.

Although Lu Jing was usually shameless, that was because he had lost that face himself.

 The face thing.

 The feeling of what you have lost is different from what others have lost.

 You can be simply happy if you feel embarrassed by yourself, but the feeling is different when someone else humiliates you. This feeling is like feeling that you are the wronged person.

 So when he got home, Lu Jing went to find his father expressionlessly.

"Dad, do you know what you did? And what's wrong with you recently? You didn't care about my affairs before, so why are you suddenly starting to care about my affairs now? Do you know? You really embarrass me by doing this. A lot of faces.”

But after hearing this, Father Lu just said lightly: "But when you learned about what I did before, you were not dissatisfied at all, and you were very happy, and you even went to find them , What you mean is that you don’t actually resent me doing this, but it’s just that it doesn’t do any good in the end, and it makes you a little disappointed in the end.”

These words…

Lu Jing couldn't help but scratch his head.

As a father, how could Father Lu not know what kind of temper his son was, so he snorted coldly: "Hey, I don't know what to say. When I gave birth to my son, I was still thinking about giving birth to a son. Yes, at least it’s like your mother, but I really didn’t expect that your IQ is like your mother’s, you…hey.”

But after Lu Jing heard this, he immediately lost his composure: "What do you mean? Why do you call me like my mother? Please explain it clearly to me. Although my mother went to play mahjong and was not at home, don't think that my mother I don’t know.” “You, you, you brat, do you know what you are talking about? What do you want to do? Are you rebelling? If you want to rebel, just say so. I won’t beat you to death.” ”

But Lu Jing was not afraid at all when he heard this: "Dad, you are afraid. If you are afraid, don't be like this. What you are doing now will only embarrass me. Your son and I will have to hang out outside anyway." Yes, how can I get along with you like this?"

"Haha, do you think I'm like you and don't know anything? Yes, I did it on purpose." Father Lu chuckled after saying this, but he didn't expect to see Lu Jing's disdain He looked like this, and immediately reached out and hit Lu Jing **** the head: "What are you doing? What's the expression on your face? You, you have been chasing Lan Min for so many years. Is Lan Min and her man the same?" Li Beichen is at odds with you. If you don't be a little bit gentle, will they really treat you right?"

But when Lu Jing heard this, he glanced at his mouth and said, "I knew this reason, so I acted stupid in front of Su Nian and Sun Ying'er. Now dad, it's better for you to be like this. It's better for you to be like this." Our whole family is like fools.”

  When Lu Jing said this, Father Lu didn't say anything, he just looked at him indifferently, just looking at him like this.

Such a look really made Lu Jing feel very angry: "What are you looking at me with, Dad? You can only make others think that we, father and son, are stupid. We are as stupid as the whole family." ,do you know!"

 The more he said this, the more angry Lu Jing became.

If word spread... He really feels that he will never be able to marry a wife in this life.

 (End of this chapter)

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