Chapter 852 Father Lu’s Hope

 The reason why Lu Jing thinks so.

 Because if he is just stupid, then people outside may think it is his personal fault, but if his own father is like this...then others may think it is a genetic problem.

If word spreads about it, how can any good people like him?

"Do you really think that everyone is as stupid as you? I think that after managing the Lu family for many years, I really have no brains. If I was really like this, then how could our Lu family have existed for so many years? It has been a long time ago. We were eaten. Even after I met Sun Ying'er and Su Nian, the families behind them would take action against us, but now there is no so-called movement. Why do you think it is?"

 Lu Jing began to think carefully when he heard this.

When Father Lu saw his son, he sighed inwardly.

He really doesn’t dare to count on his son in this life;.

 Hope that his future grandson...will be a little more reliable.

 Although there is a saying that...if the mother is upset, the father is upset...

How to say...hope...hope a little, a little hope.

 It is better to have hope than no hope. If you really meet a good daughter-in-law in the future, you may be able to bring your own genes with her.

 Although he also knew that this hope was really slim.

"It is also for this reason that in the eyes of Sun Ying'er and others, I am just a father who worries a lot about his son. In order to make his son a child, I can do anything. For my pitiful sake, How could I not trust you?"

Lu Jing thought of how Su Nian and Sun Ying'er laughed at him, and couldn't help but said: "Then they laugh at me..."

When Lu Jing said this, Father Lu walked directly in front of him and gave him a big sinus without hesitation: "Shouldn't they laugh at you? Should they laugh at me? Look at you Look, isn’t it normal for them to laugh at you?”

"I do this to leave a good impression on you. It's for your long-term plans, not your current plans. Why are you anxious? You won't be able to perform well. You will slowly gain their attention. I agree, as a father, I have gone to this point for you, and you are still such a waste, you are really hopeless. "

Now Father Lu looks at Lu Jing with eyes full of disgust.

 After all, for such a simple matter, my father still needs to take action.

 Let the father take action and ask questions.

If he wasn't afraid that Lu Jing would kick him out of the house at night, then he really wanted to beat this guy. He really didn't live up to his expectations. Thinking of this, Father Lu said directly: "Okay, okay , please stop dangling in front of me, get out of here as far as you can, don't dawdle in front of me like this, it makes me really upset." Just like that, Lu Jing once again. He was rejected by his own father.

 Come outside.

 Lu Jing was really aggrieved.

 What kind of thing is this?

  Why do all people despise themselves?

 Go to the street.

 Lu Jing couldn't help but reflect on himself.

 Reflect on why you are like this.

 You must know that ordinary people want to be rich and powerful, worth tens of billions.

 Why am I so unhappy even though I am such a person?

 Why would God do this to me?

Lu Jing looked at the sky with anger when he thought of this: "God, why do you treat me like this? Why are you so unfair, you!!"

But Lu Jing didn't say anything, when a thunder suddenly struck down.

Now Lu Jing has other ideas.

I can only apologize to God: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, God, I really made a mistake. I was just joking, simply joking. Don't be angry. Don't be angry."

The evening news in this region broadcast such a news that night.

 A man was talking nonsense in the street...

 (End of this chapter)

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