Chapter 894 The person who knows you best in the world

 In the morning, Su Nian was woken up by a kiss.

“Wake up, it’s time for you to go to work. Don’t you want to go today? If you don’t want to go, then I’ll leave first.”

After Su Nian opened his eyes, he naturally gave Li Beichen a fierce look.

 The reason why this happened was not because Li Beichen was a little too powerful last night.

 A bit too powerful.

"What's wrong, even if you don't want to go to work, just tell me directly, tell your husband, even if your husband wakes you up, then your husband will definitely coax you to sleep so that you can go to see Duke Zhou again. "

 But even after saying this, Su Nian's face didn't look good at all.

And Li Beichen listened to Su Nian's thoughts.

 Ahem, Su Nian’s thoughts almost all need to be mosaic.

Li Beichen looked at the angry little woman in front of him, and was accusing himself of what he said last night... Well, this situation made Li Beichen really want to be a beast, and he was doing some beastly things...

“Okay, why did I forget? My baby is so angry now, come on, come on, okay, let’s go and take care of my baby in person.”

 Speaking, he carried Su Nian and walked toward the bathroom.

 Then he began to serve him attentively.

But if a woman is in a bad mood, no matter how well you serve her, she will still feel very uncomfortable and she will still be able to pick some thorns;

"What do you mean when you say this so early in the morning? Why are you so greasy when you say this? Do you think I haven't grown fat enough recently?" But I didn't expect that it was Su Nian who was deliberately looking for trouble, but Li Beichen heard this. Not only did he stop the so-called movements, but he also looked directly at Su Nian.

Li Beichen looked at Su Nian with gentle eyes during this period.

It has been a long time since he looked at Su Nian with such an aggressive look. The sudden look in his eyes really made Su Nian feel a little uncomfortable and wanted to say something.

At this time, Li Beichen's voice sounded again: "Have you gained weight? When did you gain weight? I didn't notice it. I put my hands on your waist like that yesterday, and I didn't even feel that I had gained weight. Really?" It's strange."

Originally, Su Nian was just deliberately looking for trouble, but Li Beichen's words made Su Nian successfully think of the fact that he pressed his waist with his hand last night.

  Making oneself unable to move at all.

This successfully made Su Nian's face turn crimson.

But someone continued to say in a very serious tone: "What is going on? I think I want to be the person who knows you best in the world. That is the kind of person who will know about any changes in you as soon as possible." That kind of thing, it’s impossible for you to have such a big change, I don’t know yet.”

"This is a bad phenomenon. I can't let something like this happen again. I think I should make up for it." When the man said this, his voice was very serious. If the executives of the Li Group listened to If you didn't know Li Beichen's voice, you would have thought that Li Beichen was talking about the group's big project.

 The man obviously showed his own attitude and put his hand on Su Nian's waist, as if he wanted to measure Su Nian's latitude.

 “Li Beichen!”

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this? You look at me like this. It really makes me feel as if I have done something wrong. What wrong thing did I do today? You If you want to do this to me, you should just tell me."

 (End of this chapter)

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