Chapter 895 Li Beichen is often late

I have to admit that Li Beichen has a very good attitude towards admitting his mistakes.

 But the attitude of admitting his mistake like this made Su Nian feel very uncomfortable.

  【Why does this guy feel like his face is getting thicker and thicker? 】

【Is it because he is getting older? No, why didn't anyone tell me that the older this man gets, the thicker his skin becomes. 】

Su Nian tried his best to complain in his heart.

 But as he was complaining, he became aware of Li Beichen's gaze.

 This man's gaze is really a bit too much.

 If this continues, then she may know...if sister Sun Ying'er finds out, she will definitely be laughed at for a long time.

Su Nian didn’t want this to happen.

I would never let such a thing happen, so I coughed quickly: "Well, you better stop messing around. You really don't mess around. I have to go to work today. If you mess around, then I will be really angry. Oh, don’t forget, I’m very angry.”

Su Nian looked angry when he said this.

Although Su Nian was angry before, her mood became worse now. She looked very angry, so angry that she could no longer be angry.

Li Beichen also knew that he couldn't go too far.

If he really goes too far and really offends this little woman, he will probably have to stay alone in the empty room again.

  Hey, it can’t be like this.

  "Okay, okay, I won't say anything. I won't speak now. Even if it's the truth, I won't tell it anymore."

Li Beichen stopped talking.

 Continue to take good care of Su Nian's grooming.    That’s right, it’s Li Beichen who takes care of it.

Su Nian was actually very uncomfortable with this situation at first. After all, this feeling was the feeling of being unable to take care of himself. Su Nian had raised his opinion with Li Beichen at the beginning, but he didn't expect Li Beichen to say what he said after hearing this.

"You can't even wake up in the morning, and if you don't let me do something, I can't let go at night. If I can't let go at night, then my body will have problems. You can really just Looking at it like this, is there something wrong with my body?”

 Not only did this shameless man not only talk with his words, but he also showed it with actual actions at night... It showed that he liked to toss, and after tossing at night, she had no energy at all in the morning.

 With this result, what could Su Nian do wrong? He could only listen to Li Beichen honestly.

 Then I feel like a doll being tormented by this hateful man every day.

After helping Su Nian tidy up, Li Beichen pressed a kiss on Su Nian's face: "It's so beautiful. You know, you are like this, which really makes me regret it. I regret why I let you go and have **** with Sun Ying'er." That company, if you hadn't opened that company with Sun Ying'er, then I would have asked you to accompany me to the company...then..."

But before Li Beichen could finish his sigh, Su Nian gave him a sharp look: "Excuse me, every time I go to the company with you, do I get any good results?"

 “Isn’t it bad?”

Su Nian:…

Well, this issue is really not suitable for them to talk about. Even if they talk about it, they can only talk about it at night...

In this way, Li Beichen sent Su Nian to the company every morning before going to his company.

You must know that since Li Beichen took over the company, he has never been late on the day he took control of the company. In recent years, going to the company has almost always been rain or shine... It is also for this reason that no one in the Li family dares to be late.

 But now...Li Beichen is often late...and he is still late because he is seeing his wife off.

 (End of this chapter)

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