Chapter 967 Luo Qian’s Thoughts

When Luo Qian ran to Huo Linyuan and told the matter in a very arrogant manner.

And after finishing speaking, he said directly and coldly: "Brother, you were lucky that you didn't fall in love with that Sun Ying'er. I had long felt that that woman was restless. I was really right. This woman was restless. , If you really fell in love with that woman, you don’t know how much trouble you would be in now.”

"So is this the reason why I asked you to do such a simple thing, but you didn't do it well? Luo Qian, don't you think your reason is a bit tough?"

Luo Qian has been with Huo Linyuan for many years and of course he knows his temper, so he naturally knows his temper: "Linyuan"

Huo Linyuan didn't want to lose his temper with Luo Qian on this matter.

 But as there was less and less news about Su Nian and Li Beichen, he really felt a little irritable.

The more unknown the enemy is, the less he knows what to do.

Moreover, Su Nian is a woman who is famous for being cunning. If she does something wrong, she may lose everything.

 Huo Linyuan has been tricked once before. If he is plotted by Su Nian again, he may really lose his face.

 So we must be more careful in this matter, and we must not make mistakes. If something goes wrong, it will really be over.

At the same time, Huo Linyuan also began to admire Su Nian's methods more and more, and he was able to correct Lu Jing's big-mouthed problems.

  It’s really a good method.

"Linyuan, I have an idea." At this moment, Luo Qian's voice sounded.

Huo Linyuan, who couldn't find any clue now, looked at Luo Qian.

Then I heard Luo Qian say: "It's like this. Isn't that woman Su Nian very capable? Sun Ying'er and Lu Jing both have their hearts set on her. If that's the case, then let's attack the Sun family." Huo Linyuan turned his attention to Luo Qian. At this moment, his eyes were filled with scrutiny.

"Sun Ying'er undoubtedly does not know the current situation of Su Nian and Li Beichen best. If they take action against the Sun family, the Sun family will definitely put pressure on Sun Ying'er. If Sun Ying'er cannot bear the pressure, she will ask Su Nian for help. If Su Nian takes action, then we will We can grasp the trend. If we don't take action, then we can win over Sun Ying'er. No matter what the situation is, it will be good for us. "

After Huo Linyuan heard this, he fell into thinking.

 The reason why Luo Qian said this was because Sun Ying'er didn't take him seriously. If that's the case, then don't blame yourself for being rude.

 So Luo Qian planned to use this opportunity to convince Huo Linyuan, and then eat the Sun family directly.

 He must make that woman Sun Yinger regret what she did today.

At this moment, Luo Qian could feel that something was wrong with the way Huo Linyuan looked at him.

 His heart suddenly tightened.

After all, the focus of Luo Qian's plan is Huo Linyuan's support. Without Huo Linyuan's support, some things would be really difficult to say.

Of course Huo Linyuan could see Luo Qian's selfishness.

 On some issues, it would not be a bad thing if the person handling the matter has selfish motives.

“I will do as you say and leave this matter to you. I hope you can give me a perfect answer.”

These words made Luo Qian breathe a sigh of relief, and then he said with a smile: "Linyuan, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down, I know what to do."

 (End of this chapter)

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