Chapter 968 Unpredictable weather

Soon news spread that as long as you cooperate with the Sun family, you will have trouble with Luo Qian.

 For a time, problems arose in various cooperations between the Sun family.

The Sun family does not have much status in this city, even a third-rate family, but they are very capable in the medical field. However, medical care is an area of ​​people's livelihood that can easily lead to disasters.

  And once a minefield explodes, it can even be said to be a fatal risk.

It is also for this reason that the Sun family originally thought about letting Sun Ying'er marry Huo Linyuan, hoping to have someone to protect them. In order to be able to marry with the Huo family, the Sun family even imposed many conditions.

 Now such a thunder suddenly bursts out.

The Sun family was really caught off guard.

You must know that the so-called upper class society is actually that big, so everyone knows that Sun Ying'er offended Luo Qian, so everyone naturally knows who did it this time.

Everyone knows how much the Sun family paid in order to get their daughter to marry into the Huo family. Now that it's like this, everyone feels that it's a waste of money.

Everyone started to watch the good show, and at the same time, they also thought that if something really happened to the Sun family, they would take this opportunity to step on it.

You must know that when a slightly powerful family falls, the people standing next to it can benefit more or less.

 At the same time, inside the Li family's study.

Zhou Xu reported to Li Beichen in front of him very seriously: "Mr. Li, according to your instructions, we are all ready. Everything can be ended tomorrow, and the Luo family will disappear."

Li Beichen nodded to express his understanding.


the next day

 The Luo family’s stock market plummeted.

 Because someone revealed that the Luo family was bribing people in the hospital to cause medical trouble.

 You must know that medical trouble is a very sensitive topic. Once such news appears in the public eye, it will attract everyone's attention immediately.

Soon an official came out and announced: Due to some personal reasons, the suspect bribed people from the hospital to make medical trouble. Now he will be dealt with according to the law. Please pay attention and do not use unnecessary means to achieve your own goals. The law will always It's the final bottom line.

 The matter of official sealing was finalized in one fell swoop.

Everyone knew what methods the Luo family used to deal with the Sun family, but no one thought that the Sun family would use thunderous means to fight back.

  It can even be said to be Thor's hammer.

The reason why I say this is because an incident has attracted the attention of the officials and caused such a big public opinion. How could the officials not investigate it? If they don't investigate it, then it will appear that they have been bribed by the Luo family.

With such a check, it is easy to find out the problem.

For evasion...such as fire protection issues...

As soon as these issues came out, people immediately started making a big fuss about them.

 Soon the Luo family was on the verge of collapse.

When Luo Qian saw this situation, he immediately came to Huo Linyuan: "Linyuan, I beg you, please save me. Only you can save me now. If you can't save me, then we The Luo family is really finished.”

Luo Qian really didn’t expect that things would develop to this point.

 And all these things are like dominoes. After the first piece falls, the following cards are simply uncontrollable.

 All he could do was watch his cards falling crazily.

At this time, he could only watch from the sidelines, and there was nothing he could do.

 (End of this chapter)

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