Chapter 980 Leaving in despair

"Luo Qian, I, Lu Jing, am also a person of status. Do you think I would say these disgusting words? Am I shameless?"

Luo Qian almost broke his teeth: "What do you mean by this? Why do you feel that I let it out myself?"

"Why weren't you released? In order to achieve your own goals, you can't release everything." Lu Jing felt that since he had come to this step, there was really no point in being timid: " And I have long thought that there is something wrong with the way you look at me, Luo Qian, I don’t care what you think in your heart, but I tell you, you will never get into my eyes. "

Luo Qian:! ! This guy, how could this guy say such a thing.

   The eyes of several young men watching the theater around him were straightened when they heard this.

 Is it so violent?

"I like women. Everyone knows that I had a deep love for Lan Min before. Luo Qian, don't think about it. It is impossible for us to think about it. It will never be possible."

What Lu Jing said was also taught by Su Nian.

Su Nian said that if you act openly and openly, you can restore your reputation, which can not only deceive Luo Qian, but also get rid of yourself.

Now Lu Jing really admires Su Nian. You must know that when he said this, he really risked everything.

But he didn't expect that Su Nian could actually think of a roundabout way. Sure enough, smart people are different.

Then Lu Jing continued to say in a loud voice: "I am not that vulgar person. I can understand that you are so special, but understanding is one thing, accepting is another. I like women, and there is no such thing. The method has changed.”

 “Lu Jing, you are looking for death!” Luo Qian attacked him directly.

 But Lu Jing...although his brain is not very good, he still has a little ability to reach out.

In the words of Father Lu, people still have many advantages in living in this world. If they are really useless, then they really have some abilities. Three times five divided by two knocked Luo Qian down.

"What do you mean? What do you want to do? Are you so anxious if you can't get me? Do you mean to destroy it if you don't get it?"

"Even if you can't get it, then you can't do this. And when you do it, do you have to use your brain a little bit? You do it without considering your own strength. You keep saying, my brain is not good. , do you look like you have a good mind?"

At this moment, the person next to me said: "Master Lu, maybe Master Luo is trying to attract your attention."

Luo Qian:! ! What, what are these words.

Lu Jing immediately let go of Luo Qian after hearing this: "Luo Qian, you, you, you, you are so cunning, you, you, you."

Luo Qian: "I'm not. Don't talk nonsense. If you keep talking nonsense, then I..." But Luo Qian couldn't continue talking.

This land scene.

"What nonsense am I talking about? Luo Qian, what do you mean? Do I have to respond to your love? I can understand your orientation. I am already very tolerant. Don't go too far. If you continue to do this If it’s too much, then I can really do anything!”

What else can Luo Qian do? If he continues to talk to this guy with a bad mind, he will definitely make this matter he can only leave in despair.

 (End of this chapter)

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