Chapter 981 The bottom line is meant to be broken

 You must know that the bottom line is something that is meant to be broken.

 Once it is broken, there is no bottom line.

 At least this is the case for Lu Jing.

These days, everyone in Lu Jingmei says: I didn't expect Luo Qian to be that kind of person. If he had known that Luo Qian was that kind of person, he would not have had contact with Luo Qian.

What else can I say to say I'm sorry to Sun Ying'er?

  It’s all exaggeration anyway.

 How exaggerated? Say exaggerated.

At first, Sun Ying'er really felt that she had wronged Lu Jing, but as time passed and looked at Lu Jing's situation, she couldn't help but feel that this guy seemed to be enjoying himself...


When this idea appeared in Sun Ying'er's mind, she really felt that there was something wrong with her brain, but it was really not Sun Ying'er's fault. It was entirely because when Lu Jing was talking nonsense, his expression was really... as much as he wanted. show off…

Sun Yinger found a gap and pulled Lu Jing to a secluded place.

"Aunt Sun, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Lu Jing, who was pulled over, asked curiously.

Sun Ying'er looked Lu Jing up and down, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Lu Jing, are you going too far in saying this? In fact, you really don't need to make such sacrifices. There are some things that you can just click on." That’s right, it’s really not good for you to do this.”

Sun Ying'er is really embarrassed to say directly, you are going too far and it makes you look stupid.

Although Lu Jing's smile almost reached behind his ears when he was talking nonsense to others, this matter was really too much for a man. Sun Ying'er was afraid that if she spoke harshly, it might hit Lu Jing. . But unexpectedly, Lu Jing waved his hand: "Aunt Sun, how can you be so kind, and even I know that some things must be done to the extreme. If you keep doing it, then your opponent will What to do if you counterattack?"


"There is no but, and I am really happy now. Hahaha, those fools, no matter what kind of nonsense I say, they will believe it. Aunt Sun, I hope you will not call me stupid in the future, what kind of stupid, if I really want to If I were stupid, would I still be able to lie to these people?”

 Lu Jing's face was a little proud when he said this.

Lu Jing admitted that he was still a little uncomfortable at first, but... as he talked more, it really didn't feel uncomfortable... and he also felt like he was playing with everyone.

He finally understood why some smart people like to play with people's hearts. If you play with people's hearts, it will be really interesting.

"Aunt Sun, I really feel that you should not call me stupid in the future. After all, if I am stupid, then there will be smart people in this world. I am very smart. You see, they are not being played by me. ”

Sun Ying'er really doesn't know what to say now. This guy is really obsessed with this matter.

 Even now I really sympathize with Luo Qian...I sympathize with Luo Qian for meeting such an opponent...

"Aunt Sun, did you listen to what I said? Hey, hey, hey, I'm talking to you. Let me tell you, you can't say I'm stupid in the future. I'm really not stupid." Lu Jing, who was ignored, was in a mood Very uncomfortable, huh, he's been talking to her here all the time.

 How can you just ignore it?

 Is Lu Jing so without a sense of existence?

 (End of this chapter)

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