Chapter 1216: Two people on the couch, glazed top method!

at the same time.

Yunling, Holy Maiden Mountain.

Yunzhou’s kindness is hard to give up, and he followed Yun Qiaoer all the way here.

Yun Qiaoer asked the maids outside the hall to retreat, and then brought Yun Zhou into the bedroom.

She made a pot of tea herself, then poured a cup and said with a smile: “Yun Zhou, please sit down for a while.”In a moment, I’ll ask the cook to prepare lunch for you.”

After speaking, he turned and left with a smile.

Yunzhou strolled around the four outer circles.

This bedroom seems to be much smaller than his one, but the facilities are complete.

Moreover, the decoration is also very rich, and the furnishings in the house are less-feminine.

emmm… It seems to be much more fragrant than last time – when I came here.

That’s right, the “fragrance” here refers to the smell that permeates the air.

“Tsk tsk, I didn’t expect that the valiant Yunling saintess would actually carry incense powder.” He shook his head and looked around.

Outside the dormitory.

Chu Liuli took a bottle of elixir and hurried over to the Saintess’ bedroom.

“Phew~ I’m finally going to enter Nirvana. The master is in retreat. I have to ask Qiaoer to help me protect the way.”

She muttered, and when she came to the door of the bedroom, she scratched her head in doubt:

“Strange, why can’t a maid be seen? What is Qiaoer doing?”

She walked towards the bedroom curiously.

All the way through the hall, came to the interior, only to see the curtain beside the bed.

A figure pouted on PG, as if flipping over something on the couch.

There was a hint of mockery on the corner of her mouth.

Then he quietly walked over, suddenly turned back and pushed forward, knocked the figure staggered, and fell on the couch.

“Haha, are you surprised, Qiao? This is my newly learned rhubarb topping method, you… ah…”

Before Chu Liuli finished speaking, she suddenly stared at the figure lying on the couch and was stunned.

Yun Qiaoer…it doesn’t seem to be that long, does it?

(I’m talking about height.)

And this back view is obviously not a woman! Good guy!

Where is this? The Saintess’ bedroom in Yunling!

The entire Yunling, except for Yun Susu and her, is a place that everyone should subconsciously stay away from!

The male cultivator on the mountain gate is one who has never come up before! How could there be a man here?

Still sticking to PG, going to turn over Yun Qiaoer’s bed?

With her little brain running fast, Chu Liuli figured it out in an instant! You bastard, this girl is a flower picker who stole someone’s couch!

Fuck him!

Yun Zhou was lying on the couch, his handsome face was full of astonishment and beeping.

He felt that this powder smelled good, and wanted to find some to bring back to Haoyunzong, and give it to Master and the others.

Unexpectedly, he was attacked from behind!?

I’m just stealing a face powder, at worst, just buy it according to the price, isn’t it?

“What, little sister Qiao’er, I just want some of your fragrance powder, if not, I’ll give you the fairy stone…”

He just turned his head and didn’t finish his sentence.

I saw a foot not much bigger than his slap, running towards the door and stepping on it!

Chu Liuli’s voice was cold: “Fuck you to death!”

Yun Zhou immediately dragged his foot, and then pulled it aside, not happy:

“You still want to cheat on me?”

Chu Liuli pulled her legs back vigorously, “Bastard, let me go, this is Yunling Saintess Mountain, if you dare to make trouble here, how many lives do you have?”

Yun Zhou blinked suspiciously, “What’s the mess, I just saw that there is incense powder here, and I want to take a bottle back, you… eh? Chu Liuli?”

“Okay, you bastard, you actually know my name, you must miss me!?”

Chu Liuli withdrew her leg suddenly, and punched her fist like a strong wind.

However, at the moment when the legs were withdrawn.

Due to the problem of the angle of view, the fist she punched froze instantly.

“Cloud, cloud boat giegie?!”

God’s giegie!

Yun Zhou pulled away the opponent’s small fist angrily and funny: “Shut up, I don’t have a sister like you.”

“You can’t even hear my voice, why do you call me brother?”

“Ah, I didn’t pay attention just now, I…”

Chu Liuli quickly wanted to explain a few words.

But before she finished speaking, a beautiful female voice came from behind:

“Yunzhou, I’ve ordered the chef to make all the food you like, and you can eat it in a while…”


Well, as a human being, everything is fair.

Before Chu Liuli finished speaking, Yun Qiaoer’s voice froze!

There was a “bang”.

The wine jade pot in his hand fell to the ground.

Yun Qiaoer stared blankly at the two people on the couch.

In the eyes, Yun Zhou was pressed on the couch by Chu Liuli, Chu Liuli’s palm was pressed next to Yun Zhou’s face like this, the whole body was pressed down, and it was almost stuck together.

Good guy, is it okay to have a “bed dong”? Yun Qiaoer’s small face was a little bit aggrieved for a moment.

She pursed her red lips, “Liuli, what are you doing!?”

Chu Liuli pulled the corner of her mouth, “Qiaoer, listen to me, this time I really didn’t take the initiative, it was a misunderstanding…”

Yun Zhou glanced at the two of them, his expression was like this: (–)

“Why don’t you get off me and talk to her?”


“After a long time.

at the dining table.

Next to a table of delicious delicacies, Yun Zhou swung his chopsticks vigorously.

At the side, Chu Liuli and Yun Qiaoer stared with wide eyes.

Yun Qiaoer frowned and said, “So what do you mean, you regard him as an apprentice who forced his way into my room?”

Chu Liuli spread her hands helplessly: “Yes, I’ve explained it so many times, you still don’t believe me?”

“But can’t you hear his voice? This statement doesn’t make sense.”

“Please, he was dug on your bed, how can I have the time to listen to the sound?”

Seeing that Chu Liuli didn’t seem to be lying, Yun Qiaoer nodded silently.

But soon, she grasped the key point of the problem.

The little face couldn’t stop turning red.

Can’t help but look like Yunzhou, muttered: “What are you doing on my bed?”

Yun Zhou chomped at the rice, and said inarticulately: “The taste in your broth is very good~ I want to bring some of your stiff fans back to Haoyunzong.”

Hearing this, Yun Qiaoer froze for a moment.

Immediately, he nodded his head.

Ah, stiff powderIt should be the spice powder.

“Kexiang powder is right next to the couch, what are you doing in my couch?”

Yun Zhou’s eating movements stopped short:

“Ah this…”


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