Chapter 1217: A wonderful man who succeeded~ I just like this bite!

sparrow food.

The incense powder is by the couch.

As for what to do in the couch…

Yun Zhou said: The couch is too fragrant, he is just curious! Yes, just curious.

“I saw a bug flying into your curtain, and I want to catch it for you!”

Yun Zhou didn’t even think about it, just opened his mouth and came.

Hearing this, Yun Qiaoer nodded as if realizing something.

Then he looked at Chu Liuli with a wry smile and said, “I didn’t catch the bug, but let you put it on the couch, a female cultivator, what kind of rhubarb topping method are you learning, are you ashamed…”

Chu Liuli couldn’t even raise her head, “I didn’t recognize the person, I’m sorry, giegie.”


Originally, he was “curious” first, so there is nothing to say when he is rejected.

Besides, he is a big man, as long as he is not a man, he is not the one who suffers.

“Seven Eighty Zero” Yunzhou put the rice aside, picked up a side of the fairy brew and poured a cup.

While drinking, he asked, “You said you were going to Nirvana?”

Chu Liuli nodded her head pecking at the rice, lowered her head and said bitterly:

“Speaking of which, I am about the same age as Qiaoer, but my talent is much worse than hers.”

“Now that she has proved the truth, I want Nirvana.”

Yun Zhou touched his chin,

“Based on your zero talent in cultivation.”

“Being able to nirvana with martial arts is already very evil.”

“Then what should I say about this wave, do you want me and Qiao’er to guard the way for you?”


Chu Liuli was taken aback for a moment, and then her beautiful eyes burst into surprise: “Is it broad?”

“Okay, anyway, just stay and stay, let me help you.”

As he said that, Yun Zhou rolled his eyes, “But in return, you have to cook us dinner!”

Ever since he ate the pastries made by Chu Liuli at the Wuling Conference last time, Yun Zhou couldn’t forget the taste.

Tsk, the little girl is not big, but she is very skilled!

Hearing this, Chu Liuli nodded hurriedly, and responded with a smile: “No problem, brother likes to eat, so I will wrap dinner on me!”

“It’s you who will come!”

Yun Qiaoer gave her a funny look, “Hurry up and eat, I will protect you after eating.”


dusk hour.

Under the double protection of Yun Qiaoer and Yun Zhou, Chu Liuli entered Nirvana very smoothly.

In order to repay the two of them, Chu Liuli also took out what she had learned all her life.

Made a big table of delicacies from mountains and seas for two people.

U1S1, although Chu Liuli has no talent for cultivation, her cooking skills are top-notch.

The delicious food is no worse than the chef at Yunsusu.

And as far as this pastry is concerned, it is almost impossible to find anything comparable to hers.

Yun Zhou also liked this one very much.

Immediately enjoy it.

But what he didn’t understand was.

He was chomping on the pastry when suddenly a small hand handed him a jar of white wine.

Hmm, fairy brew.

That pastry with white wine…isn’t it a bit incompatible!

“Let’s just say, this wine will be drunk later, okay?”

Yun Zhou followed her little hand and looked at Yun Qiaoer with beautiful eyes.

However, Yun Qiaoer smiled and disagreed:

“No, drink now, Liuli has made so many dishes, you can’t just eat pastries.”

Seeing Yun Qiaoer’s insistence, she then glanced at Chu Liuli, who also had fox eyes.

Yun Zhou suddenly understood.

Well, these two women want to feed themselves more!

As for the purpose of the two of them filling themselves…Yun Zhou is not clear.

However, he is a big man, drinking or something, would he still be afraid of two yellow-haired girls?

Therefore, Yun Zhou directly pushed the pastry in front of him aside.

After taking two bites of vegetables, I opened the wine jar directly!

If you don’t drink these two people who don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth today, you must not stop!

“You two forced me to do this.”

“You two have been fed too much, go find a couch to sleep on your own, and I will take care of the drink or give it away!”

After saying this, Yun Zhou raised his head and directly killed a jar of Immortal Brew.

Chu Liuli was a little dumbfounded.

She stared blankly at the empty wine jar that Yun Zhou threw away.

The little brain is confused.

She drank that wine before, ignoring any magical powers, she would get drunk after taking a sip.

But why did Yunzhou act like a normal person after drinking?

Subconsciously, she looked at Yun Qiaoer.

Obviously, Guan Duoyunzhou was discussed by the two of them a long time ago.

“Don’t be afraid, the wine here is mixed with water ~ we must pour him today.”


When Chu Liuli heard the sound transmission, she responded confusedly:

“But why do you want to drink him all of a sudden?”

Hearing this, Yun Qiaoer blushed, her eyes dodged unconsciously: “Yeah, there’s no reason, it’s just that he laughed at me when I was drinking…”

“Is that right?”

“Definitely is!”

Seeing Chu Liuli’s eyes gradually becoming suspicious, Yun Qiaoer didn’t dare to chat any more and immediately ended the sound transmission.

With a sound of “da”, he directly opened the wine jar in front of him, and started to drink tons of tons.

Soon, under Yun Zhou’s shocking gaze, the bottom of the altar came to an end.

“Good guy, I haven’t seen you for a few days, your drinking capacity has improved fast enough.”

“Hi~ Don’t say it’s useless, keep going!”

Yun Qiao’er drank a whole bottle, obviously in high spirits.

Although it is said that there is water mixed in this Immortal Brew, it still has alcohol content.

But this degree, she can bear it.

Then, after eating two mouthfuls of food, she actually picked up a jar of wine on the table.


It opened with a bang, and I drank it all up.

He threw it aside heavily.

The figure on the side.

Just that Chu Liuli, who had been bewildered from the beginning, picked up the wine jar in a daze, without the courage to take a sip at all.

Yun Qiaoer, who is excited, seems to be on the head.Tonight, I must drink one.


Three 4.5 rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Yun Zhou, who was drunk and staring, climbed up from the chair with difficulty.

That’s right!

This wine game mixed with water was won by him with absolute strength.

But for this, he also paid a corresponding price.

My eyes are blurred, and I can’t even walk in a straight line.

I will definitely not be able to go back to my own Fengshan, I guess I just need to find a place with a couch and sleep directly.

Soon, he sent the two girls into Yun Qiaoer’s bedroom in a daze.

Yun Zhou felt that he would definitely sleep soundly today.


Someone, doesn’t seem to want him to sleep!

That’s right, at the moment when he left the Saintess’ bedroom.

A big eye with seven points of excitement and three points of success, slowly opened…

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