Chapter 1218 : Yun Qiaoer’s Premeditation! Action after knockout!

That’s right.

The one who opened her eyes and didn’t fall asleep was Yun Qiaoer who was lying next to Chu Liuli!

Yun Qiaoer drank seven altars of wine today.

Although it is mostly the kind that has been mixed with water, it has a lot of stamina.

At the very least, her cultivation was sealed by the gods.

She got up in a daze, ready to do the big things she had planned!

However, the moment she stood up.

Yes, at this very moment.

She is sleepy!

A wave of drowsiness swept through his body like a nightmare.

She had just entered the country to testify, a sense of fatigue combined with a hazy drunkenness made her fall down with a plop.

Then she fell asleep.

But correspondingly, she also dreamed.

In the dream, it was her “premeditated” scene!

She was alone in an empty room, as if she was asleep, and the surroundings were very quiet.

But at this moment, she suddenly realized that someone lifted her quilt!

Then, there was a sound of rustling undressing.

She tried her best to open her eyes, and there was Yun Zhou’s 07 figure.

What followed was her “premeditation”.

The self in the dream seemed to have completely liberated his nature, and he dragged Yunzhou over without any scruples.

Then, it is similar to the scene of “Wrestle, Daddy”.

She and Yun Zhou started to fight in line.

Painful but bloody feeling!

Just when she felt that she had finally achieved her goal and felt comfortable physically and mentally.

Suddenly, in her dream, she discovered that there was a pair of bright eyes at the door of this house!

Yun Qiaoer was suddenly taken aback.

A ray of light shone, and she saw the owner of those eyes clearly!

High ponytail, holding a scabbard in his hand and sticking to his skirt…if it’s not Chu Liuli, who is it!?

“What is your style of play, can you bring me one?”

It’s so hard to die, Chu Liuli from outside the door suddenly broke in!

“Ah, get out!”

With a scream, Yun Qiaoer was suddenly awakened by this “nightmare”.

After being dazed for a long time, Yun Qiaoer gradually woke up.

In the bedroom at this time, apart from Chu Liuli who was sleeping soundly beside him, how could there be Yun Zhou?

Is it because I have come back from Yunzhou? Or, was it just a dream?

The dazed Yun Qiaoer has complicated moods and is blue and thin! Have a dream, there are “good girlfriends” figure.

It’s really “utterly devoid of conscience”!

But…why would I have such a dream? Thinking every day and dreaming at night?

But it feels so real, like the real thing…


Just when Yun Qiaoer was about to feel emotional.

Suddenly, she frowned.

He lifted up his quilt in one fell swoop.

Then, her face in the moonlight became weird and wonderful.

He got up and left the bedroom directly.

About half an hour or so.

Yun Qiaoer walked in with wet hair.

She lay down on the couch and rubbed between her eyebrows, then comforted herself and said:

“Although it’s been a while, the dream should be connected, right? I hope this bitch won’t show up this time.”

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Chu Liuli who was “whooping” at one side, and she kicked her immediately without knowing where the anger came from.

It wasn’t until he heard Chu Liuli’s humming that he closed his eyes contentedly.

Well, the old man is vindictive!

Another half an hour passed, and her big bright eyes suddenly opened again:

“I’m convinced, why can’t I fall asleep? How can I catch the dream if I don’t fall asleep!”

She forced herself to go back to sleep.

Half a stick of incense, a stick of incense… Yun Qiaoer’s mentality collapsed.

“Ahh! What should I do, stop dreaming!”

She scrambled up with an annoyed look, and rubbed her black hair with her hands.

“I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time, and it finally came true in my dream.”

“However, why can’t I catch up with this dream? I obviously haven’t tried my best…”


Her murmurs came to an end.

That’s right, she remembered her original purpose!

“My God, what a fool I am!”

“Isn’t the fall in the dream something I’ve planned for a long time?”

“I’ll just implement it myself, what are you doing thinking about this broken dream?!”

Good guy!

If Yunzhou knew what she said, he would definitely not drink with her.

However, this wine has already been digested, so I can’t spit it out!

Yun Qiaoer’s big bright eyes are already bright like light bulbs:

“The last time I got drunk and lay down with Yunzhou, he didn’t say anything after he woke up, and he got closer to me a lot!”

“Besides, he left before, and I teased him, but he didn’t refute, and he was still smiling…”

Thinking of this, Yun Qiaoer’s face turned even redder.

“It can be concluded from these that even if I am going too far, Yun Zhou will definitely not refuse!”

Finish mumbling this.

Yun Qiaoer didn’t wait any longer, turned over and got off the couch.Then, sneaking out of the bedroom door.

Following Yun Zhou’s breath, I began to look for the room where he lived temporarily.

Finally, in front of a door.

Yun Qiaoer took a deep breath, and said as if muttering:

140 “I sneaked in first, then got into his couch and attacked him!”

“In order to prevent him from resisting and I can’t beat him, I have to prepare the holy weapon.”

“If he really resists, knock him out first while he’s not paying attention!”

She was stupefied, her eyes sparkled.

Even, he nodded heavily:

“That’s it!”

“My majestic Yunling Saintess, I haven’t caught anyone’s eye for more than 20 years. It’s hard to pick one. I have to be brave!”

Yun Qiaoer thought so, her little hand was about to push the door.

But just as she was about to move, she suddenly froze again.

“It’s not right, if I really knock him out, how can I put this fall down?”

“Don’t knock me out, what should I do if he resists me and can’t beat him?”

Annoyance appeared on Yun Qiaoer’s face, and she was very helpless.

“I heard from Master that if I want to be her niece and daughter-in-law, I must learn how to grasp her nephew’s heart.”

“But I, a child bride-in-law who was raised, spent such a short time with Yunzhou, how can I catch his heart…”

Scratching her head in distress, Yun Qiaoer suddenly remembered the scriptures that Chu Liuli had shown her.

Up above… there seems to be a way to the heart?

She pursed her red lips, and then reached into the storage ring with her little hand.

I took out an orange ancient book……

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