Chapter 1323 : Childlike Jiang Xiaohe! Kissed?


Chu Lingxiao originally intended to tell Chu Liuli that she would talk to Yun Susu three days later.

At that time, if Yunzhou can be found first, everyone will be happy.

If she couldn’t find it, she would be willing to accept the punishment! But what I didn’t expect was.

she justApprentice Yi is afraid that something will happen to Yun Zhou.

He actually sold her right away! It can be said that it is far from Jill!

Hearing this, Yun Susu’s expression turned cold in an instant: “The inheritance ground… has collapsed!?”

Hao Yunzong.

The eight-year-old shrunken version of Jiang He is playing with his feet while holding a jug.

To be honest, during the time she came to Haoyunzong, she really didn’t want to leave!

Originally, I wanted to instigate all the women around Yun Zhou.

But unexpectedly, this group of women instigated her first!

All kinds of talking about Yunzhou’s goodness and chirping made her interested in Yunzhou.

Of course, the root cause of Jiang He’s reluctance to leave.

It must have nothing to do with Yunzhou.

Mainly her.

Found “Childhood”! That’s right!

During this period of time, Yanyi, the master, and Yuechan’s “uncles” have treated her well in every possible way!

What a fluffy bunny, a small windmill for children… 643 pet toys have everything you expect!

Originally, she was a mature female cultivator who was nearly ten thousand years old, and she was dismissive of these things.

But often playing with it, the childish innocence of childhood is aroused!

When she’s having fun, she even shakes the rattle while drinking! Well, how could she still look like a peerless empress?

It’s outrageous!

Yanyi sat next to her, seeing her beloved little disciple playing with his feet again, she shook her head helplessly:

“You little guy, the habit of loving bare feet is still unstoppable, and can you avoid drinking this wine?”

Hearing this, Jiang He snorted and turned his little head to the side.

Immediately, Yanyi couldn’t laugh or cry: “Where did your little temper come from? You can’t imitate your senior brother…”

Well, here we go again!

Yan Yi, who watched Yun Zhou grow up, would inexplicably compare Jiang He and Yun Zhou.

Although the current Yunzhou treats her all kinds of presumptuousness, but when she was a child, Yunzhou was still very obedient.

How can it be like this little girl, who spends her bare feet soaking in wine jars all day long?

Just when Yanyi sighed slightly and was about to make a long speech.

An urgent voice suddenly came from not far away:

“Sect Master Yan, it’s not good, the secret realm that the Son went to has collapsed, and he didn’t come out!”

Hearing this, Yan Yi stood up with a “chuckle”.

After confirming the deacon’s words, he froze for a moment.

Hot tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

Suddenly disappeared in place like a lost soul.

Jiang He, who was playing with his feet, was also stunned.

She reacted and quickly checked her soul power.

I found that the soul power of Yunzhou entwined with “myself” is still so bright.

Immediately, she breathed a sigh of relief, and took another sip of wine into her mouth:

“The soul power was so weak just now, no, there is nothing wrong… This guy is a typical fate!”

“But since there’s no danger, why don’t you send a sound report to make sure you’re safe? What are you doing…”

Before I finished speaking, suddenly:


Ah this… who just kissed him! ?”

Jiang He, who felt the same as Yunzhou’s soul power, was dumbfounded.


Thousands of miles away, in a ruined temple not far from the inheritance site.

At the foot of the remote ground, there is no other house.

Yun Zhou opened his eyes tiredly.

Looking at the exposed roof above, he beeped for a while.

Then there was a touch of joy in the eyes of the rest of the life after the catastrophe:

“Damn, thanks to my blessing and life.”

“The inheritance explosion of Emperor Realm Consummation didn’t kill me.”

The inheritance place was established when the predecessor immortal emperor reached the consummation of the emperor’s realm.

It goes without saying how terrifying its destructive power is.

Not to mention that he emptied Daohai, the desolate battle body was also stimulated to the extreme.

If he hadn’t entered the fifth floor of Emperor Realm (lower level), he would have seven kinds of avenue protection.

It is estimated that in this wave, he will have to take out the resurrection disk!

“Hiss—the battle body is seriously damaged.”

Feeling the piercing pain in his back, Yun Zhou bared his teeth.

I thought about it, but suddenly found a small head lying on my chest.

He looked down and saw Lin Langyue in a white dress, sleeping soundly and tired.

Practitioners do not need to sleep.

It is estimated that she emptied Xianli to save herself.

So fall asleep.

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou raised the corner of his mouth helplessly.

Gently brushing Lin Langyue’s hair.

Lin Langyue wrinkled her nose, raised her beautiful brows twice, and turned her side face to him.

The good-looking face is magnificent, like a classical girl who walked out of Blue Star PS!

Yun Zhou took a deep breath:

(This Taoist nun looks so damn sweet when she sleeps.)

He gently stroked Lin Langyue’s face.

The Taoist nun softly, then turned her head unyieldingly, and moved her head twice.

Hiss-what a you! Feel the breath Hey!

“Isn’t this forcing me to make mistakes?”

He swallowed his saliva, and lifted his body up slightly.


Lin Langyue slowly opened her sleepy eyes.

When Yun Zhou heard the sound, he immediately lay flat, it was a bit strange.


Lin Langyue seemed to have sensed the movement, and suddenly turned her head.

When she saw Yunzhou staring at the beam with her eyes open, her beautiful eyes immediately rejoiced, “Are you awake!?”

Yun Zhou looked over, nodded politely but with a smile, “Well, you woke me up.”

Hearing this, Lin Langyue realized that she was still pressing on others.

In an instant, she sat up straight with a blushing face: “I’m sorry.”

Yun Zhou let out a long breath, lay down silently and raised his legs… The atmosphere became silent.


Yun Zhou lay on the couch for a long time, wondering: “Where is this?”

Lin Langyue responded: “This is the temple I found temporarily, you were seriously injured just now.”

“There is no time to send you back to Yunling. I have nowhere to go after leaving Linmen, so I can only bring you here.”

Hearing this, Yun Zhou nodded suddenly.

Then what did I think of, and asked: “How about the inheritance?”

“It’s ruined.”

“Hissing ruined? That’s outrageous.”

Yun Zhou twitched the corners of his mouth, a little scared.

Suddenly, he suddenly said something in his heart:

(Heavenly, this bastard almost killed me…)


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