Chapter 1324: The difference between 0 and 1! Lin Langyue is in a mess!

To be honest, this time it was really hanging and hanging.

Opportunities and dangers coexist, in this fairyland full of sharks, it is really not empty talk.

In order to obtain one inheritance, he emptied the Dao Sea.

He barely escaped after a narrow escape.

If it is a few steps late, it is estimated that the resurrection disk will be used, formatted and repaired ~ do it all over again.

But having said that, he still felt that the risk this time was not in vain.

The cultivation base has been upgraded to the Emperor Realm—(lower level) fifth floor.

The way of heaven and the way of reincarnation have been greatly comprehended.

Killed the body of the hero Lin Yuan.

There are also a lot of treasures that help him improve his strength…

It can be said that this short two days directly allowed him to complete the transformation! It’s not going from 0 to 1.

It’s from 1 to 10!

Yun Zhou gently stroked the fairy material wrapped around his chest.

Glancing at Lin Langyue who was blushing, she couldn’t help chuckling.

This material must have been torn off by Lin Langyue from the underwear.

The degree of softness and cleanliness is by no means an outer shirt.

“Thank you very much.”

“No, no need…”

Lin Langyue curled her head, blushing and muttering.

Yun Zhou raised the corner of his mouth.

(Tao nun will be shy, well, it’s a good start.)

He propped up the bed that could only accommodate one person, and tried his best to sit up.

I just felt the pain in my body was unbearable, and the tearing pain came from behind.

Lin Langyue was taken aback, and quickly leaned over to support Yun Zhou:

“If your Daohai is empty, the recovery of the injuries on your body will naturally be much slower. I just gave you the Yundao Pill. You wait patiently for a while. When you have some immortal power, you should be able to feel better.”

“Oh, I see.”

Yun Zhou smiled lightly.

Lin Langyue supported him, squatted down halfway, looked at him from bottom to top, pursed her red lips and said:

“You… why did you save me then?”

The scene where Yun Zhou stood in front of him and suddenly turned around and smiled at her.

It was firmly engraved in her heart.

Don’t be afraid, I will support you when the sky falls…

These words were like a nightmare, constantly lingering in her mind.

If Yunzhou had run away without her at that time, with his cultivation base, he would never have suffered any injuries.

But at the critical moment, he actually held her in his arms.

Use your body to protect her, I would rather become like this than let her get hurt at all.

Is it possible…

Is it really because you like me?

Yun Zhou shook his head, trying to explain something.

Suddenly the eyes rolled, and the words changed when they reached the mouth:

“I said before, if I want you to be my Taoist companion, isn’t it only natural to save my future pillow?”

“Pillow, the person next to the pillow!?”

Lin Langyue’s eyes trembled slightly, her face was hot from the blunt words.

But Yunzhou shook his head sadly: “I know you don’t want to, so just pretend I’m sentimental.”

“I’m not, I…”

Hearing this, Lin Langyue wanted to defend herself.

But the words were still swallowed.

That’s right, she hasn’t really realized whether she wants to or not.

Seeing her silent, Yunzhou shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough, a Taoist nun is a Taoist nun, and she is much more difficult to deal with than those little girls.

The piercing pain in his back made him frown slightly, and immediately he was in no mood to tease Taoist nuns.

“You don’t have to feel guilty, it’s my business that I like you, and it’s okay to get hurt…Moreover, this matter has nothing to do with you.”

Is it your business to like me…

Lin Langyue blushed and lowered her head, she didn’t know what she was thinking, and suddenly said in a low voice: “If it wasn’t for saving me, you wouldn’t have become like this, even if you said that…”

Before she could finish speaking, Yun Zhou interrupted directly: “You really said that wrong.”

“Even if I don’t save you, I can’t leave the inheritance place safely.”

Hearing this, Lin Langyue raised her head confusedly: “What do you mean?”

Yun Zhou said calmly: “If the inheritance site is maintained by the immortal emperor’s remnant soul, it would have collapsed as early as the moment the immortal emperor’s remnant soul disappeared. How could it have waited for you and me to collapse when we are in the Chance Realm?”

Lin Langyue tilted her head, “But wasn’t the collapse caused by the catastrophe you survived?”

Yun Zhou gave her a funny look, “Why are you so stupid?”

“The catastrophe I have overcome is certainly terrifying, but to the greatest extent, it will only destroy the Chance Realm. How could it be possible to destroy the entire inheritance land?”

“Ah this…”

After saying this, Lin Langyue became thoughtful.


Indeed, Yunzhou’s statement is more reasonable.

Although it is a catastrophe in the emperor’s realm, it is impossible to have the power to smash down the inheritance of the immortal emperor!

The scene just now was caused by the two of them by themselves.

It’s more like something wants the lives of the two of them in the dark!

Otherwise, how could the huge immortal emperor’s inheritance land, protected by the perfect formation of the emperor’s realm, collapse suddenly?

“So you’re saying…”

“You’re right.”

Yun Zhou glanced at her and responded, “It’s the way of heaven that wants to kill me.”

“When I was playing chess at the gate of the Immortal Palace, I spoke rudely to it.”

“And I also killed its reincarnation, so he has a grudge against me and intends to use this inheritance to kill me.”

“Heh, it’s bullshit to say that the way of heaven has no heart and no form.”

Just as Yun Zhou guessed.

In the end, the explosion of the inheritance land and the chance environment of destruction are all caused by the way of heaven.

Tao is invisible.

But when the soul of heaven blends with it, it takes shape.

It saw that Yun Zhou had obtained the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor and was reincarnated from the sky, so it used this place of inheritance to try to kill Yun Zhou on the spot!

But what I didn’t expect was that Yunzhou’s angerLuck is beyond its control! After a narrow escape, he was allowed to escape unreasonably!

“Is it the reincarnation of Heaven…”

Lin Langyue raised her brows lightly, thinking that Lin Yuan had no cultivation but could resist the coercion of the heavens, her expression couldn’t help but be a bit more stunned.

According to Yunzhou, then this matter is easy to understand.

Yun Zhou is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, and Lin Yuan is the reincarnation of the Dao of Heaven.

Immortal emperors have been incompatible with heaven and earth since thousands of years ago.

Now Yun Zhou has lost his mind again and is reincarnated by the Dao of Heaven.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Tiandao to want to kill the reincarnated Yun Zhou.

Yun Zhou looked at the white clouds exposed on the beams of the house, with disdain on the corner of his mouth:

“Wait, shit, God, sooner or later, I will step on your head and ride your neck to pull!”

Huh ~!

As the voice fell, a gust of wind suddenly passed over the roof.

The sound of the wind actually has a sense of “annoyed into anger”.

Lin Langyue was so frightened that she quickly covered his mouth: “Little ancestor, please calm down…”


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