Chapter 1325 : She tasted my glib tongue, and I was greedy for her chicken feet!

Don’t even look at what’s happening now.

Still trying to be strong…

Looking at Yun Zhou’s unconvinced stubborn look.

Lin Langyue supported him dumbfounded.

“Okay, okay, you are the boss, no one can do anything to you, okay?”

“Lie down for a while. This is the Guyuan Pill I refined myself. It is refined from the fairy materials brought back from the inheritance area. You can eat it.”

“You made it yourself??”

The corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth twitched, and he looked at her suspiciously: “The things you refined…can you eat it?”

It’s not because Yun Zhou is suspicious.

In the original text, Lin Langyue didn’t know anything about pills.

Now you are still refining it yourself?

Putting this in front of Yunzhou, it looks like poisonous!

“Why, you still don’t believe me!?”

Lin Langyue glared at him angrily, “During the time you were in a coma, you have eaten up all the pills in the storage ring that can restore the immortal body!”

“I won’t refine it for you, what do you eat?”

“Without the aid of pills, have you recovered from your injuries?”

“Ah… that makes sense.”

Yun Zhou smiled and scratched his head, but then asked curiously: “But can you make alchemy?”

“Haven’t you ever eaten pork, haven’t you seen a pig run?”

Lin Langyue gave him a sideways glance, “I don’t know how to make alchemy, but you can wake up after eating it, isn’t it quite useful?”

Upon hearing this, Yun Zhou nodded in agreement.

But then he was stunned suddenly, and looked at Lin Langyue in confusion:

“No, I’m in a coma, how can I take the pill?”

Even if you are a cultivator, you have to wake up to take the pill.

Can Dijing swallow the pill in a coma? never heard of that.

“Ah this…”

Lin Langyue’s pretty face flushed, and her little head turned aside unconsciously.

Yun Zhou suddenly realized: “I know, you put the pill in my mouth and let me swallow it?”

Lin Langyue: (o_o)? Yes indeed!

Why didn’t I think of this kind of operation!?

“Tsk, should I say it or not, you are quite smart. Although you will spit out some of the Hanhua, some of it will definitely flow down your throat. Well, you have a good mind!”

Yun Zhou gave Lin Langyue a thumbs up appreciatively.

Lin Langyue lowered her head and did not dare to make a sound, her rosy lips pursed unconsciously: “That, that is, I am so smart!”

“Hehe, you’re pretty good at boasting.”


After a wave of inheritance, Yunzhou’s battle body was greatly hit.

Don’t say it’s so hot now, even moving it hurts so much that it hurts.

Lin Langyue squatted on the ground, holding a small fan in her hand and kept fanning the flames under the iron stove.

With his back to Yunzhou the whole time, he felt a guilty conscience.

Yun Zhou grinned and half leaned on the couch, and suddenly smiled when he saw this:

“Tsk, Fairy Lin, who is known for being ruthless, would actually make alchemy for me herself. If someone else finds out, I’m afraid she’ll be shocked.”

“What’s the matter, I’m just repaying your life-saving grace.”

Lin Langyue said without confidence: “When you recover, I will tell your aunt what you did to me, and let your aunt teach you…”

She blushed and muttered, looking harsh.

At this time.


There was a sound of breathing.

Lin Langyue was startled, and quickly got up and came to Yunzhou’s side, caressing his chest:

“What’s wrong? Where does it hurt? Let me help you look.”

Three in a row.

The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth suddenly curled up.

Lin Langyue was busy with her head down, checking Yun Zhou’s wound.

Suddenly she felt something was wrong.

As soon as he raised his head, there was a strange feeling on his face.

I saw Yunzhou approaching her side at some point.

Weak suction and a crisp “boo~”

The voice came over.

For an instant she was dumbfounded.


Lin Langyue was stunned for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she punched out: “Deng Tuzi, I’m going to kill you!”

After venting, she angrily got off the bed, knelt down and started fanning the flames.

The corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth twitched.

That punch landed directly on his wound, almost killing him! These tiger girls are too ruthless!

Sure enough, he is practicing the ruthless way, which is outrageous!

Lin Langyue squatted on the ground, pursed her mouth like a little girl and muttered:

“I can’t even stand up, and I still dare to be so slutty, it really hurts lightly, it deserves it!”

“Oh, don’t be angry…”

Yun Zhou looked at her back with a smile, and touched her back with his big hand from behind.

“How can we say that we have experienced life and death together, I will carry it for you, why don’t you let me wrap it up?”

Hearing this, Lin Langyue froze, and the scene at that time involuntarily appeared in her mind:

Don’t be afraid, the sky is falling, I will support you…

norNo matter how much influence it had, Lin Langyue’s state of mind has never been calm since then.

There was a blush on her ears, she shook off Yun Zhou’s hand, pretending to be angry and said: “You protect me this time, at worst, I will protect you in the future.”

“You and I are different from men and women, why should I let you, let you wrap me up?”

“It’s not that you are attractive, I think you are too beautiful to bear.”

Yun Zhou spread his hands.


Lin Langyue couldn’t hold back, and immediately burst out laughing.

After reacting, he realized that he had lost his composure, and glared at Yunzhou angrily: “Who did you learn from, you bad guy, so glib.”

“You haven’t tasted it, how do you know I’m glib?”

“Who says I haven’t tasted it? I…”

As soon as she said this, she immediately regretted it.

He quickly stopped his voice and dared not speak any more.

Yun Zhou stared, his big pupils were full of doubts! Good guy, there is a story ah this is!

Before he could ask a question.

At this time, an old monk in ragged clothes stepped into the ruined temple.

When he saw Yun Zhou regaining consciousness, he immediately showed a kind smile:

“Amitabha, benefactor, you have woken up by stepping on your horse!”

Yunzhou: ???

When you wake up, you wake up. What does it mean to add a horse? Why do you think this monk is not quite right?

“Who are you?”

Lin Langyue spoke at the right time: “This is the abbot of the temple, whose name is Jue Fu, or the fairy bones he picked up for you. He is a very nice person…”

Lin Langyue has a very good attitude towards Monk Jue Fu, after all, Jue Fu helped her when she was in a hurry.

But after Yunzhou heard the name, he was stunned on the couch.

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