Chapter 1374 : Fallen Fairy! Crafts in the woods!

“Auntie, come on.”

“Well, are you outside the hall?”

In my mind, Yun Susu’s echo came.

“Wait, I’ll straighten my clothes and come out.”

“Farewell, you can go straight to the foot of the mountain.”

Yun Zhou said: “A lot of deacons are watching outside, don’t let them see the clues of us.”

Hearing this, Yun Susu was silent for a while, feeling that what Yunzhou said made sense, and then echoed:

“Well, you wait for me at the foot of the mountain.”

Yun Zhou said helplessly, “Why do you have so many deacons on the mountain?”

“I saw a lot of them when I first arrived, and I will send a few to other peaks and mountains.”

“Otherwise, when I go to Zhushan in the future, there will be many eyes and restrictions.”

That’s what I said, but what I thought of in my mind was the figure of Rin’er.



But it’s okay to be just a Rin’er, and her appearance and figure are all top-notch.

If it’s a bunch of female wolves, it doesn’t matter who threatens whom.

He didn’t want to be besieged by dozens of women.

“Okay, okay, I got it.”

Yun Susu was angry and funny.

This muttering little workman is annoying to death.

“Okay, I’m at the foot of the mountain.”

Yun Zhou said, “Come down and find me now.”


Yun Susu replied.

The moment the sound transmission ends.

Yun Zhou sat directly on the “Lingzhu Mountain” stone tablet on the side.

But for a moment.

Yun Susu stepped forward from the void, and arrived at the foot of the mountain in an instant.

Yun Zhou’s eyes lit up, he glanced at the dense forest on one side, and suddenly had a not so good idea.

“Auntie, let’s go from the dense forest.”

Yun Susu was taken aback, “Why?”

Yun Zhou grinned, scratched his head and said, “There are so many deacons and maids along the way, so they greet each other in various ways.”

“Responding to my annoyance, ignoring it seems that I am arrogant, or less face to face.”

Hearing this, Yun Susu chuckled.

Then Meimou glanced at the quiet and secluded dense forest, and said with a smile: “Alright then, let’s go.”

After all, she deliberately ignored Yun Zhou’s shining eyes, and strode in.

But… there was a shy smile hidden on his face.

I don’t want to see the deacon maid.

You can go directly to Neiling Square.

With her and Yun Zhou’s cultivation base, wherever they want to go is just a matter of one thought.

How can I drill into the woods?

Obviously, she knows the little Jiujiu in Yunzhou’s heart very well.

But she, who knows the taste of the marrow, doesn’t want to shirk it.

Hmm… Why don’t you find a reason for yourself? Soon, the two entered the dense forest one after the other.

Yun Susu rarely put on a light-colored skirt, and walked beside Yun Zhou.

Yun Zhou looked at her and grinned: “We willWon’t it be a bit of a delay?”

Yun Susu responded calmly:

“Whatever the delay, just pick someone when you go.”

“These disciples from Nei Nei Ling are idle all day long. Letting them wait a little longer will not affect anything.”

“Besides, those who can go there and wait are all little girls who are determined to go with you.”

“In that case, let’s hang it out for a while and see if we can persuade some people to leave.”

This time Yun Zhou was going to take someone away, Yun Susu specially sent the news to all the disciples in Yunling.

emm…you can understand it as @all members.

Anyway, I told them clearly that those who want to go to Shengzi Haoyunzong should gather at Neiling Square in the afternoon.

I can’t say how many people are in the square now.

For such a trivial matter, there is no need to use the spiritual sense to investigate.


Yun Zhou responded casually, then pulled down a fairy willow stick, and twitched boredly.

Yun Susu walked beside her, her exquisite curves were slightly exaggerated, and a faint fragrance wafted from her nostrils.

It might be that the rouge on her small mouth was a bit uneven, so she pursed her lower lip lightly and let out a “boo”.

Yun Zhou took a look at her, and said in his heart: (Good guy, what a pure goblin!)

(From the Tianling cover to the sole of the foot, there is no flaw, it is as perfect as a handicraft!)

(It’s amazing!)


Although these days and nights I go to Yun Susu to communicate “feelings”.

But in the face of her face that is enough to confuse all beings, Yun Zhou still has no resistance.

Nowadays, the title of “the number one beauty in the fairyland” is no joke.

This kind of appearance is comparable to that of the entire Immortal Domain.

It is estimated that it is the previous Lin Lang Zhantai. . . . . .

(Of course, the Demon Lord in the forbidden area has never seen his true face, so he can’t be counted.)

It seems to have noticed Yun Zhou’s slightly dull eyes.

Yun Susu looked sideways: “What are you looking at?”

(Ah, I am Miao Renxiu…)

What a mess.

“Cough cough.”

Yun Zhou cleared his throat, and laughed sarcastically: “It’s nothing, just thinking about something.”

(You can’t admit that I’m peeking at her.)

(You can’t let this woman’s tail go up to the sky.)

(This is not good for me to handle…)

Hearing this heartfelt voice, a smile appeared on the corner of Yun Susu’s mouth, and she was a little secretly happy.

She has never put on makeup before… she thinks it’s a waste of time to ask Rin’er to put on light makeup.

Thinking about it, she felt very comfortable, and subconsciously wanted to tease Yun Zhou.

She pursed her mouth, stopped suddenly, leaned towards Yunzhou, and asked next to him:

“Help me see, does the color of my rouge look good?”

“This is the light pink that Lin’er has been using for the past few days. I just found a new one for me to try.”



Good guy, test Lao Tzu?

Almost instantly, Yun Susu noticed the scorching light in Yun Zhou’s eyes.

ah this…

She panicked and wanted to run away in a panic.

But before he could move, he was pinched by a big hand 2.1.

“How about I apologize to you?”

“Is your long mouth just for apologizing?”

After the voice fell, Yunzhou’s head was printed directly! I… umm!

After half an hour.

Yun Zhou stood up from the boulder and stretched comfortably.

Well, today’s meal will satisfy your hunger!

(Tsk, although the last line of defense has not yet been taken, but there is another breakthrough.)

(This is in broad daylight, in the dense forest is better than sleeping hall!)

(But having said that, my aunt is getting bolder.)

(How dare you seduce me…)

(Jie Jie, luckily I have no blood relationship, so I can do whatever I want!)

Thinking about it in his heart, he suddenly heard a voice and looked back.

Then the corners of his mouth twitched inexplicably:

(I’m fucking… outrageous!)


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