Chapter 1375 : Secret sister? Step by step color embryo!

I saw Yun Susu sitting slumped on the grass on one side.

The delicate face is rosy, and the mouth breathes lightly.

The mist in the beautiful eyes seems to be able to swim in it! With this appearance, how could there be a bit of Leng Yanyundi’s appearance? Just like a symbolic girl in love.

Yun Zhou swallowed his saliva:

(It’s really killing me.)

“Aren’t you up yet?”

“No…can’t get up.”

Yun Susu didn’t even have the strength to shake her head.

Suddenly looking at Yun Zhou with slightly hot eyes, he whispered:

“Well, I still have a pink skirt, do you want to try it?”


Yun Zhou’s eyes burst out with a 24K bright light! Boy, is the sun coming out from the east today? In the past few days, she often cursed out loud.

Why do you want to try again?

He glanced at the tattered light-colored skirt, and swallowed.

“How do you remember that you changed to a pink skirt in 2008?”

“Don’t you like to tear your outer shirts? I still have a lot of them in my storage ring…”

Yun Zhou immediately nodded his head in satisfaction, not poking, Yun Susu has grown up! Think back, how cold and arrogant Yun Susu was in the past?

After a few days, he was actually corrupted into such a state by himself.

What a treasure worth digging!

In the afternoon, at Weishi (14:50), the two of them had another round of mischief.

It is still the same as before, only the last step is not broken.

But Yun Zhou is not in a hurry.

Although the two are not “blood related”.

But Yun Susu had always regarded him as his nephew.

Even if the relationship turns sour, give her time to transition.

“Auntie, let’s stay here for a while.”

Behind the boulder, Yun Zhou suddenly left in a hurry.

For the first time, Yun Susu did not object.

“Okay, but you can’t go too far.”

“There is no one else in the dense forest, so let’s not go too far, ten or eight times is okay?”

“You are really not human!”

Yun Susu smiled and hitYun Zhou made a fist.

The atmosphere became warm again.

Yun Zhou grinned, and suddenly tilted his head.

“Auntie, I’m thirsty!”

After speaking, he turned into a Miao Renxiu again.

The corner of Yun Susu’s mouth curled up, and she looked at him with a smile.

“Thirsty… want a drink?”

“Yes, does Auntie have water?”

“Yes, I have.”

There is no Nongfu Spring in Xianyu, but the water in the stream is also very sweet.

Drank half full.

The two stood up again and walked towards Neiling Square.

Yun Susu’s fairy rhyme circulated several times, and the redness on her face gradually recovered.

She looked at Yunzhou and suddenly thought of something, and asked meaningfully:

“Didn’t Qiaoer come to me with you?”

“What did she want from you?”

Yun Zhou looked at her suspiciously.

“But having said that, she has been running towards me during the day recently.”

“And she’s gotten a lot better.”

“Especially these two days, knowing that I’m leaving, my name has changed.”

“Yunzhou stopped barking, brother and brother all day long, almost turning into Chu Liuli.”

“You disciple, what kind of heart do you have?”

A smile flashed across Yun Susu’s eyes.

I know exactly what An’s mind is.

My precious apprentice, I probably want to entangle you.

Maybe, she is queuing up in Nei Ling now, ready to be picked by you.

Thinking of this, Yun Susu felt a little uncomfortable.

If it is said that she and Yun Zhou still maintain the relationship of aunt and nephew, she really wants Yun Qiaoer to be Yun Zhou’s younger brother.

After all, she was raised as a child bride from the beginning.

But things are different now.

I have already formed a Taoist couple with Yunzhou, if I let my disciple be a concubine again… hiss – this relationship is quite messy.

“What do you think of Koji?”

Yun Susu asked tentatively.

Hmm… It can be said to be a proposition.

Yun Zhou glanced at Yun Susu, “You already regard her as my child bride, does it matter what I think?”

“But things are a little different now…”

“Look at you, if you feel uncomfortable, I’ll always treat her as my sister.”

(emmm…just the kind of undisclosed god-sister, no problem?) For Yun Qiaoer, Yun Zhou is still somewhat SP.

After all, how could he not like a curvy girl? But if you think so, it is definitely impossible to say it.

Yun Susu is in love with him.

At this time, in front of others, he said that he wanted to accept others as apprentices? That’s not human anymore.

Looking at Yun Zhou with a look of “you have the final say”.

The corners of Yun Susu’s mouth curled up beautifully.

She could hear from Yun Zhou’s heart that this little guy didn’t mean what he said.

What I think in my heart is not as honest as what I say.

But she didn’t care either.

Anyway, she has already become a Taoist couple of Yunzhou, and she has already understood how hard this little guy is.

Acknowledgment means acceptance.

One more Qiaoer… Except for some discomfort, it’s nothing.

Well, it’s not a big problem.

“Okay, let’s not talk about her.”

Yun Zhou glanced at her, “Now tell me about you.”


Yun Susu looked blank, “What are you talking about?”

“I have promised to be your Taoist partner, what else can I say?”

“I don’t think you can go down in the salted fish.”

Yun Zhou said seriously.


“The situation in Xianyu is too tense now, and Yunling is becoming more and more dangerous.”

“Let’s not mention Linmen and Tiandi, the Chen family has already set their sights on us.”

“Even if it’s out of fear, I won’t make a move for the time being, but sooner or later there will be a day when it will explode.”

“You have to pay attention.”

“Well, listen to me, after I go back, you can find a place to retreat.”

“Hurry up and improve your strength, or you won’t be able to protect me in the future…”


Seeing Yunzhou begging for protection as a matter of course, Yun Susu was amused.

She pinched him angrily, “You still have the nerve to say that.”

“If you hadn’t disturbed me, I wouldn’t have slacked off.”

“Okay, I will retreat for a few days when you return to Haoyunzong this time.”

“now it’s right.”

Yun Zhou proceeded step by step, and then said with a smile: “Then, have you decided where to retreat?”

Yun Susu was taken aback, “It’s in Yunling…”


Before she finished speaking, Yun Zhou interrupted her with a black face:

“Yunling is surrounded by strong enemies. Every day, the masters and elders of the peaks come to you to discuss matters. Have you retreated?”

Yun Susu was startled for a moment, then seemed to understand something.

Looking at Yun Zhou with beautiful eyes, she said with a smile:

“Then you mean…”

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