Chapter 1376: Auntie is so hot! Quantity or quality?

The smile spread from the corner of Yun Susu’s mouth, and her bright eyes stared straight at Yun Zhou.

It was as if he had gained insight into his heart.

Standing still, he leaned in front of Yunzhou, exhaled like blue and said, “What’s on your mind?”

Damn, what a fairy!

The corner of Yunzhou’s mouth twitched, with a serious look:

“I didn’t make any plans, I just didn’t want you to retreat in Yunling.”

“Otherwise, how can you continue to practice if you are delayed by people every two days?”

(Good guy, Xiao Taoshui is so smart, she actually noticed it?)???

What is little peach water?


Yun Susu didn’t expose it, “Since you don’t want me to be in Yunling, then I’ll change places.”

“But you also said that Yunling is surrounded by powerful enemies. If I’m not here, what should I do if something goes wrong?”

“What could go wrong?”

Yun Zhou analyzed: “Chen Fusheng is frightened by you, and he will definitely not make a move in a short time.”

“Lin Sheng is retreating, Xiao Tiankuo’s daughter’s life card is in your hands, and they will never come to trouble you for the time being.”


“And taking ten thousand steps back, even if they really attacked Yunling, with your cultivation, wouldn’t they have rushed back in the blink of an eye?”Seeing his eager look, Yun Susu smiled even more: “That makes sense…In your opinion, where should I go to retreat?”

While speaking, she just looked at Yun Zhou with her beautiful eyes.

It was as if he had seen through this little pervert.

Yun Zhou felt uncomfortable for a while.

“That… you can go wherever you want.”

“That’s it…”

Yun Susu pretended to think, and said with a smile: “I heard that your Haoyun Sect’s power has grown a lot~”

“How about…Auntie go to your place?”


The corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth reached to the back of his head, “Just go to my place.”

“I opened up a private retreat for my aunt in Haoyunzong.”

“The kind that no one can get in except me!”

(Good guy, my aunt is really hooked~!)

(Cheat her to Hao Yunzong, the beauty of Jinwuzang!)

(Play with Master and the others during the day, and attack my aunt at night.)

(In case it works out someday…)

(Immortals and gods with two bodies and two rests, isn’t it faster to enter the country than retreat or something?)

(Ah, life is wonderful!)

Hearing this heartfelt voice, Yun Susu rolled her beautiful eyes at him.

Although she doesn’t know what it means to “play with Master and the others”.

But definitely not a good thing.

And I’m still thinking about the two-day rest of the immortal body… It seems that this idea has not been given up yet.

Missing me while thinking about playing with his confidante?

Is this little bastard still thinking about Sannomiya Sixth Court?

“I can go to your place, but you can think about it.”

Yun Susu’s beautiful eyes narrowed: “If I pass by, your confidante may not be able to see you.”

“What’s the meaning?”

Yun Zhou was taken aback.

Yun Susu smiled brightly, and said kindly: “Of course I let you accompany me.”

“After you’re done, you’ll be in retreat with me and practice together.”

“Ah this…”

Yun Zhou was a little silly.

That’s right, he still wants to respect Wen Jiumeng with the teacher, how can he have the time to retreat.

Seeing his hesitation, Yun Susu came over with a smile.

According to the experience that Yunzhou taught her in the past few days, she directly took the middle road.

“Why, as your Taoist companion, is there a problem with me asking you to retreat with me?”


“Cough cough cough.”

Yun Zhou was also frightened by her initiative.

(It’s terrible, it’s terrible!)

(Auntie is so indulgent, it’s simply too wild, how can I stand it…)

(But if you agree to her, how can you accompany Master?)

(No, not only Master, Yue Chan and the others are still waiting to be fed, so we must not bow our heads.)

“I’ll talk about it later, I’ll talk about it later, haha~”

Yun Zhou laughed.

Yunsusu’s beautiful eyes sparkled:

“Do you still need to consider retreating with me?”

“Could it be…you don’t want to stay with me?”

“Ah, how is it possible?”

Yun Zhou looked for a reason and said, “I just don’t think I need to retreat.”

“Ahem, you can also see that I entered the country very quickly, it doesn’t matter whether I retreat or not.”

“Besides, with my nature, closed-door training is not suitable for me…”

Seeing his awkward smile, Yun Susu raised the corners of her mouth and stopped teasing him:


“I don’t want to force you to retreat with me.”

“But since I’m going with you, you have to find time to accompany me.”

“That’s for sure…”

Yun Zhou cleared his throat, and quickly changed the topic:

“What auntie, I suddenly remembered something and I need to ask you.”

“Are the disciples I’m taking to the Haoyun Sect this time all from the outer sect?”


Yun Susu shook his head, “I have notified all the disciples of the inner and outer sects.”

“It is estimated that there will be many disciples who will go with you.”

“When you arrive, choose it, if you don’t like it, just drive it away.”

“it is good.”

Yun Zhou nodded.

At this time, Yun Susu suddenly looked sideways and asked, “Do you have any general ideas about the development of Haoyun Sect?”

Yun Zhou was taken aback, “What do you mean?”

Yun Susu gave him an angry and funny look, “How can you still be the master of a sect?”

She shook her head helplessly, and gave Yun Zhou an analysis as she walked:

“Most of the sect forces rising in the fairyland have to choose two paths.”

“One depends on the number of people, and the other depends on the quality.”

“Like the five major powers in Xianyu today, Yunling and Jiangmen rely on the number of people.”

“And the comparison between the Chen family, Linmen and Tiandiyu is the quality.”

“From a short-term point of view, if you want a power to rise quickly, relying on the number of people is a good choice.”

“Take Yunling as an example. I founded Yunling only a hundred years ago.”

“By virtue of the large number of disciples recruited in Lingnei, it has already become one of the five major forces…”

Speaking of this, Yun Susu suddenly sighed in disappointment:

“But although the number of disciples is large, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.”

“Compared to the real combat power, if the two forces are in a confrontation.”

“Maybe one disciple of the Chen family can beat my two disciples in Yunling.”


Listening to Yun Susu’s analysis, Yun Zhou quickly understood.

Simple to understand.

Is it “quantity” or “quality”.

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