Chapter 1377 : Yun Susu: Do you like sweet ones or scratchy ones?

a top power.

The most important thing is not the background, but the disciples in the power.

Yunzhou has also thought about the issues of quantity and quality.

But the bottom line is that quality trumps everything.

That’s right.

This world of comprehension where the weak prey on the strong is completely different from Blue Star.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world…

This sentence does not apply at all in the fairyland.

Take the past heaven as an example, suppressing thousands of sentient beings by one’s own power for an era.

Not to mention the Demon Venerable who can kill thousands of monks with a wave of his hand.

Before the rise of power, the number of people can represent thisThe good and bad of sects.

But once the power is formed.

The “quality” of a single disciple is far more useful than the gathering of countless mediocrities.

Thinking about it, Yunzhou responded: “I still want the disciples of Haoyunzong to be stronger.”

Hearing this, Yun Susu nodded silently, and then asked, “Then do you have any specific requirements for the disciple you want to take away?”

Hearing this, Yun Zhou stroked his chin and pondered for a while, then murmured: “Well… at least it should be in the Dao realm.”

“It’s enough to have decent talent, and it’s enough to have the initial stage of Nirvana.”

08 “Don’t be too old for your age.”

“It’s best to be a nun…”

(emmm… Hao Yunzong is now considered a middle-level power, and this requirement should not be very high.)

(However, male disciples should try their best not to recruit them.)

(After all, Master Dabao and Yuechan are first-class beauties…)

(You can’t let these short-sighted little disciples think about it.)

Well, for his confidante, Yun Zhou is quite cautious.

Hmm… I like to eat alone!

But on the other hand, he also felt that it was a bit too much.

(As long as female cultivators…wouldn’t it be a bit indecent?)

(Auntie won’t misunderstand anything, right?)

(I knew this last sentence would not be added.)

(It came out casually.)

(However, Haoyunzong belongs to me, so it’s normal for me to recruit any kind of disciples, right?)

Now the relationship between him and Yun Susu is no longer the so-called “aunt-nephew relationship”.

So Yun Zhou is somewhat guilty now.

His behavior of “recruiting women but not men”.

It’s almost time to write down the thought of “wanting to open the Sangong Sixth Courtyard” on my forehead.

Even if my aunt is not a jealous master…

Hearing this, you probably won’t be in a good mood, right?

However, what Yunzhou didn’t expect was that Yun Susu’s expression didn’t change at all.

The corner of her mouth curled into an unreadable arc, she thought for a while and said seriously: “Okay, then when we get to Neiling Square, I’ll screen it for you first.”

“But you can’t take away all the talented disciples, Auntie has to keep some.”

After speaking, she began to walk forward without looking back.

Yun Zhou let out a long breath in his heart:

(Fortunately, my aunt did not misunderstand.)

(But after waiting, you still have to control it.)

(You can’t just recruit good-looking ones, talent should be at the top.)

(Otherwise I will annoy my aunt, she is killing me in the middle, but it will be difficult to handle.)

(After all…she has learned to play mid.)

Yun Zhou glanced down and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

“Um…Auntie, would you like to have a drink?”

Yun Zhou took out the jug from the storage ring and asked.

“No, I don’t have the habit of drinking immortal wine, you can drink it.”

Yun Susu shook her head.

“Hurry up and bring the suitable people to Haoyunzong, so that your power can rise quickly.”

“In this way, we can also have the capital to compete with the Chen family and the Lin family…”

“it is good.”

Yun Zhou nodded, “But you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, so don’t be too anxious, aunt.”

After finishing speaking, he raised his neck and took a sip of the immortal wine.

Hmm…alcohol has a depressing effect.

At this time, Yun Susu suddenly thought of something, and asked without looking back: “Yes, I have something else to ask you.”

“You said try to choose female nuns, but you haven’t given any conditions yet?”

“Do you like someone with a sweet face, or someone with a hot body?”

“Yunling has quite a few female disciples.”

“I’ll take care of it for you and bring you more pasts that you can see?”

I am Nima’s!

Poof…cough cough cough.

The corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth twitched, and a mouthful of fairy wine spewed out.

Dijing almost choked.

You can see how panicked it was.

Yun Susu turned around with a smile that wasn’t a smile, and hurriedly helped him out.

“Just kidding, what’s the reason for such a big reaction?”

She smiled happily, like a little fox who caught a rabbit.

Until now, she fell in love with this secret arrangement.

Eavesdropping on other people’s voices…it’s really fun.

Even a beautiful woman like her, who is so charming, can’t help teasing her a bit.


Yun Zhou glared at her angrily and said:

“Auntie, can you stop talking nonsense?”

“I’m an emotional young man, what’s so sweet and hot?”

“I’ll just bring some talent, and those with high cultivation will do!”

Yun Susu took out her handkerchief with a smile, and gently wiped off the wine stains from the corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth:

“I’m not jealous, why are you afraid of becoming like this?”

“As long as you like it, you can take it away.”

“I’m the number one beauty in the Immortal Domain, so I’m afraid that those little girls who haven’t grown up with me will rob me?”

“But having said that, Yunling’s 043 female disciples are all good-looking.”

“Wait a minute, you’ll have something to choose…”

Speaking of this, she rolled her eyes, and suddenly said: “Otherwise, let’s do this.”

“Auntie, let me help you contact the Great Elder first.”

“Let him do the business of smacking someone.”

“Anyway, you are also the Holy Son of Yunling, it is better to do less to offend disciples.”

With that said, she took back the handkerchief.

He took out the token from the storage ring and sent it to the Great Elder via voice transmission.

Well, the Great Elder is now in Neiling Square.

“If you have any requirements, tell the Great Elder, save me having to take you to choose one by one.”

Yun Susu handed over the token and said.

“…it is good.”

Yun Zhou heaved a sigh of relief and responded casually.

The sound transmission went on for a while.

After a brief communication, the Great Elder in Neiling Square became silent.

After a while, he replied: “Holy Son, according to your request, more than half of the disciples here will leave.”

“Then let them go.”

Yun Zhou said casually.

“But I don’t like Miss Li.”

The Great Elder scratched his head, “I understand your requirements for talent and cultivation.”

“But don’t want male disciples…how manymean?”

“Are you still engaging in gender discrimination while riding a horse?”

“Discrimination against male cultivators?”

Yunzhou: “…”


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