Chapter 1392 : The tiger beats up the girls in a daze! Daowu levels are divided!

Yun Zhou didn’t care about Chu Lingxiao’s expression.

Directly engage in hand stick P!

“You just cut it out like this, I will experience the feeling of your sword.”

Although Chu Lingxiao had a grumpy temper, he could still feel the corners of his mouth twitching behind him.

Is this… a problem? But there is no other way.

It makes sense for the Holy Son to experience the feeling of using a sword, right? never mind.

Grasp the sword and deal with it.

“Okay, let’s see if you understand carefully.”

“Well, the sentiment is for sure, but can I hug your slender waist?”

Yunzhou chose to ask questions tentatively.

Chu Lingxiao’s ears turned red.

Anger and embarrassment rushed straight to the brain.

I teach you kendo, you fix this for me? Still hugging a thin waist? I see you scratching your head! Son of a bitch!

Hurry up and cut it out!


The wooden sword unexpectedly cut out a sword light, which shot straight into the sky.

The warm white cloud was cut in half from the middle! The disciples put up the awning with their hands, and then they cried out in horror.

This is the first time they have seen that the wooden sword can have such power! It simply refreshed their cognition!

“Chu Jianshou is so fierce!”

“It’s so boring, Sword Head!”

“I, Xiaoli, would like to call Jianshou a god!”

“Aww, sword head cow beep!.”

Two thousand female disciples immediately followed up and shouted.

Some people are dissatisfied.

“Can you stop being like a girl? What is Jianshou Niubi?”

“Is there a problem?”

“The head of the sword is a woman, how can it be described as a bull beep?”

Ah…it’s like stepping on a horse and cursing someone.

Seeing this group of disciples looking over, Chu Lingxiao quickly broke away from Yun Zhou.

Handed back the wooden sword.

Yun Zhou played with great interest for a while, but then the tip of the wooden sword pointed at Chu Lingxiao.

The terrifying breath was transpiring, and she was so frightened that she quickly dodged.

Then he snatched away the wooden sword again.

“How can you point your sword at me, even if it’s a wooden sword, but your fairy charm is so strong,You can’t play swords at me~”?”

Fuck (plant), who is playing cheap?

“You’re afraid of a der, I’ll just play around.”

“What are you playing, hurry up, and swing your sword again, let me see how your comprehension ability is!”

Chu Lingxiao gave him an angry look.

He hugged her again and again.

All the cheap ones have been taken.

If you can’t use a little sword intent, just kick him!

Yun Zhou took the wooden sword, without even looking at it, he just slashed out with a sword.

“Boom” sounded.

The frightening sword intent soared into the sky, and the scalp-numbing sword aura was like a real dragon, piercing the clouds and mists with a whistling roar.

Moreover, the clouds with a radius of nearly a hundred miles were blown away at once! tick tock.

Bits of rain fell.

The female disciples stood on the ground, looking up at the suddenly dark sky, dumbfounded.

What’s the situation?

A wooden sword, is it raining?

After Yun Zhou slashed his sword, he flicked the sword rhyme on the sword, and threw it aside casually.

Chu Lingxiao was still beeping in a daze.

She is the closest, and she knows the power of the sword just now.

However, a wooden sword can disperse hundreds of miles of clouds and mist, and attract the vision of rain? How is this possible?

The sword just now has only sword rhyme, it can’t be a coincidence.

This sword, I’m afraid it’s already magical, right?

I’m afraid that even if the way of swordsmanship is cultivated to the peak, it will only have that kind of power.

But Yun Zhou couldn’t even use his sword intent just now!

Good guy!

All the disciples took a deep breath, and then came back to their senses.

“My God… How is this sword possible?”

“After living for so many years, this is the first time I have seen such a nasty sword!”

“Can a wooden sword be so powerful?”

“Impossible, just now the Holy Son couldn’t cut out the sword intent, now he has such power?”

“Is the Holy Son gifted, or is he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?”

“Hiss—I never heard that the Holy Son can do swordsmanship…”

Two thousand female disciples were so shocked that they almost wet their crotch.

I couldn’t believe what I saw at all.

But this is a miracle that actually happened.

Chu Lingxiao’s shock was stronger than others.

There was an unconcealable tremor in the voice of speaking: “Holy, Holy Son, how did you do it?”

The tiger beating girls are completely dumbfounded.

This guy just hugged her to take advantage of her and asked her to teach Jianyi.

As a result, the sword almost pierced through the sky in the next second?

This riding horse…it’s unbelievable!

“Just cut a sword.”

Yun Zhou replied blankly.

Indeed, his sword was really cut at will.

He has a good understanding of the way of swords as he has cultivated both Dao and martial arts.

In addition, there is an interpretation of swordsmanship in “Tao Ze”, so it is not difficult for him to master it.

Martial arts and Dao are different.

Martial arts only rely on self-cultivation, there is no special dao rhyme to improve.

Take the way of heaven mastered by Yunzhou as an example.

These Taoisms all have special Taoism rhymes, and the deepest comprehension of Taoism can make Taoism improve.

Small success, big success, semi-perfect…

This is how these divisions of relative Tao and perfection come about.

But martial arts are completely different from these.

The Tao of Martial Arts and the Tao of Weapons.

The Taoist of the body is the Tao of one’s own fairy body.

Such as boxing, palming, kicking…

Just like the various utensils divided, it needs to be practiced day and night, and there is no specific division.

Therefore, martial arts are mostly used on one’s own body, and there is no corresponding dao rhyme.

But so is the loss.

Otherwise, I’m afraid that Yunzhou now has more than eight kinds of “‘Daomen'”.

Chu Lingxiao swallowed in shock.

Cut a sword casually?

What kind of bastard is this talking about? She is a person who practices swordsmanship every day.

It is also impossible to smash the sky with a sword at will.

Looking at Yun Zhou’s bored look.

After Chu Lingxiao was shocked, he couldn’t believe it! This guy must be cheating!

“Holy Son, I’m staring at you this time, don’t use any means, you are cutting a sword.”

Chu Lingxiao picked up the wooden sword and handed it to Yun Zhou.

This time she put all her attention on Yun Zhou.

I can’t believe he has such a wicked way!

Yun Zhou: ε=(‘o`*) Oh~

Anyway, they also broke through the inheritance together.


Why do you distrust a genius like me so much? Yun Zhou took the wooden sword.

“Okay, just take it as a lesson for these new disciples who are about to join the sect.”

“You are all optimistic, the way of swordsmanship is in the middle of martial arts and avenues.”

“If you learn a little about kendo, it will be good for your combat power…” It’s the beginning of the month, vote for the month, my dear friends.

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