Chapter 1393: Anything can do? Then you chat with me!

As he spoke, Yun Zhou still didn’t raise his head.

Turning his back to the crowd, he slashed upwards with one hand.

The terrifying sword intent swept away with a violent gust of wind.

With a sound of “boom”, the top of the empty mountain in the distance was cut off, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror.

Accompanied by the sword energy soaring into the sky, there was a faint roar, and raindrops fell with a crackling sound.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This is a little fairy rhyme is useless! Son, this is too monstrous, isn’t it?

Chu Jianshou can pierce the heavenly stem after a simple teaching? What is this change to T? This is it!

“Oh my god……”

“Shengzi is so handsome, my little heart is going to fly out!”

“The gap between people is too great. If the Holy Son is a real god, my Taoist companion can’t even be called a male dog?”

Two thousand female disciples held bears in their hands, with peach blossoms in their eyes.

Chu Lingxiao also froze in place again.

Change T! Too much change!

I simply taught him how to master sword energy, and turned into a generation of sword god? If it’s not that the identity is not strong enough.

She was about to run in front of Yun Zhou, forcing him to abandon his path and practice martial arts.

“Holy Son, how did you learn so quickly? This sword intent is simply invincible!”

“Heh, do you want 140 to raise the sword intent?”

Chu Lingxiao blinked her big eyes.

The little head is like a chicken pecking riceof.

Of course I did!

If she succeeds, she will be able to raise her kendo to another level!

Such YH, how can she bear it?

“Think? I don’t want to teach you either.”

Chu Lingxiao was stunned.

The corner of her mouth twitched, she wanted to kill Yun Zhou on the spot! I’ve never seen such a cheap person!


My kendo is not as good as yours, nor is it much worse than yours! My old lady is playing swap with you!

“You are good at swordsmanship, but it doesn’t mean you are all good at it.”

“Come on, try this big iron knife!”

Xiao Mian, if you don’t teach me the way of the sword, I won’t teach you the way of the sword!

Yun Zhou took the one-meter-and-a-half-meter sword with one hand, waved it casually, and continued to slash diagonally.


The terrifying sword light gathers supreme power and strikes the sky.

The raindrops that had just stopped falling again.

The shock of the female disciples can no longer be described in words.

Ah… an iron knife is stronger than a wooden sword?

Just one shot?

I haven’t seen it.

The disciples have not waited to come back to their senses.

Yun Zhou suddenly broke the flagpole on one side, took a stick, and waved it towards the sky.

The scrap wood head in his hand turned into a treasure.


It directly formed a golden stick shadow and hugged it! The rain suddenly became heavier.

Throw the stick aside.

Yun Zhou stretched, yawned and walked away gracefully.

“Then what, you practice slowly.”

“I don’t ask you to master the Tao, this thing is not suitable for you.”

“Just simply improve your physical fitness, and don’t practice too much. Go back and pack your things when it gets dark.”

“You have to come with me tomorrow…”


Everyone was stunned for a long time before looking towards the sky.

There is actually a small black hole that is not very conspicuous in the dark sky? Is this really wearing the sky dry? Too nonsense, right?

Chu Lingxiao didn’t care about them either.

Originally, these disciples were not material for martial arts.

The same goes for Haoyunzong helping them improve their physical aptitude.

At this time, she watched Yun Zhou sitting not far away shaking his head.

Involuntarily swallowed his saliva.

Guys, what is this change to T? Can Qi Dao be used to this level?

If I can have this kind of power and meet a dog with no eyes outside, then I must be invincible in the same realm!

Who can resist this temptation? No, absolutely not! I have to worship him as my teacher!

Then develop secretly and become the overlord of this fairyland! What kind of sword head…is not good enough for me!

My old lady will be the top of all tools!

Thinking about it, Chu Lingxiao didn’t care about these female disciples anymore.

After explaining a few words briefly, let them wield their swords by themselves.

I came to Yun Zhou’s side.

“That holy son, what are you doing?”

Chu Lingxiao was so excited that he didn’t know what to say.

“Old Cousin, are you asking a little derriere? Why can’t you see what I’m doing?”

Holding the wine, Yun Zhou glanced at her angrily.

The corner of Chu Lingxiao’s mouth twitched, not knowing how to answer.

Are you not too guilty?

Just now I thought about teaching others the way of the sword.

Turning around, I have the cheek to come to apprentice…

Although she is carefree, she still has a basic face.

Chu Lingxiao sneered, then sat down.

Obviously a little cautious.

Glancing at her, Yun Zhou couldn’t fix it.

What’s going on? Why did the tiger beating girls change their sex?

“Ah Xiao, be normal, just tell me if you have anything to say.”

“If you think it’s too reserved to chat like this, you can just sit in my arms and chat.”

Yun Zhou glanced at the back of the other party, and couldn’t help licking the corner of his mouth.

In an instant, Chu Lingxiao felt a numbness behind him.

Bastard Son.

It’s like a dog’s mouth can’t spit out ivory!

Even though he looks so handsome, why did he become so wretched after drinking the Immortal Brew?


Gently let out a mouthful of dirty air, Chu Lingxiao didn’t hide it: “I want you to teach me the way.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Because I want to become the leader of all weapons!”

“But don’t you practice all the equipment pretty well now?”

“Before you showed your hand, I thought so too, but from the methods you just used, I think I have to work harder!”

Chu Lingxiao had a rare serious expression: “Teach me, as long as you can teach me, let me do anything!”

Ah… how dare you?

Yun Zhou really bent over a bit.

“Okay, then chat with me!”

Chu Lingxiao blushed immediately.

How did the Holy Son become so shameless? Isn’t this condition too changed? Thinking of the ethereal figure like a fairy in the inheritance ground at that time.

Chu Lingxiao was numb.

Could this riding horse be a person?!

“No! Holy Son, don’t deceive others too much, this condition is too much, you can change it!”

“Okay, then I’ll tell you the terms later.”

Yun Zhou looked at Chu Lingxiao with a smile, the smile was obvious.

The only thing I want to exchange is hey, otherwise what else?

Even Chu Lingxiao couldn’t help him by improving his strength.

“So… you agreed to teach me?”

Chu Lingxiao didn’t pay attention to his eyes, and his beautiful eyes lit up when he heard this.

“Yeah, later, we will go to the dense forest under the main mountain, and I will teach you the stick method first!”

“Ah? Why did you teach the stick technique first?”

“You are stupid, because the stick method is the most difficult to learn!”

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