Chapter 1394: I don’t fool you, how can I hug you from behind?

Yun Zhou looked serious and explained:

“In the Dao of Qi, the stick method is all-encompassing. There are thick and long ones. The way of the long spear and the way of the short pestle are all related to the way of the stick!”

“Furthermore, he crossed thousands of armies from the shallow to the deep, piercing the enemy’s camp with a long spear. These invincible weapon techniques all belong to the category of stick techniques.”

“I’ve taught you the stick technique, and you’ve mastered the various other Taoist weapons~?”

“Oh, so that’s how it is…”

Chu Lingxiao nodded, then got up and continued to tutor female disciples—to improve physical fitness.


She didn’t know why, but she felt a little lame.

But I am very much looking forward to the evening repairRefining.

The stick method is so difficult, you must learn it carefully when practicing! That Yunzhou expected more than she did.

Hmm… the well-known stick way has an inheritor!

The stars are shining brightly, and the moon is shining.

The physical qualifications of the two thousand female disciples have improved slightly.

U1S1, as a rare genius in martial arts, Chu Lingxiao still has a way of training his disciples.

Although it is not enough for these disciples to comprehend martial arts.

But the basic physique can still make them stronger.

Of course, it was also the group of selected disciples who strived for success.

Otherwise, with the comprehension of ordinary disciples, I’m afraid they won’t be able to improve anything in a few hours.

Watching this group of Yingyingyanyan disciples go back to pack their luggage.

Yun Zhou looked at Chu Lingxiao who came here, and kindly reminded him.

Go to the dense forest at night and teach her stick skills.

But this matter must not be told to anyone, otherwise Yunling has so many disciples, and they all come to him to learn from him, so it won’t bother him to death.

And he also didn’t want too many people to know about his martial arts strength.

It’s a half-show, half-hidden hole card.

Except for these cronies that he will bring to Haoyunzong, there is no need to let the ordinary disciples know.

Chu Lingxiao’s mind is not very bright, and he doesn’t care so much.

Seeing that Yun Zhou wanted to teach her, he immediately assured her that it would be okay.

She also wants to practice secretly and startle the world in the future.

But I don’t have the heart to tell others.

And her generation of swordsmen still needs to be taught by the Holy Son…she can’t afford to lose this person.

More than an hour passed.

The noisy Yunling ushered in the silence of the night.

The disciples who gather together to practice during the day also return to their respective peaks and mountains to consolidate in their own rooms.

Except for some maids and deacons who come and go, no one else stays outside.

Chu Lingxiao put the stick, long knife, wooden sword, silver spear…all into the storage ring.

Then I went to Shengzi Mountain to find Shang Yunzhou, and walked towards the dense forest under the main mountain.

To be reasonable, Chu Lingxiao was very curious.

It’s dark in the middle of the night.

Even with her and Yunzhou’s realm, the effect of practice is not as good as that of the day, right?

How can there be someone who teaches people how to practice at night?

Could it be that the Holy Son has his own set of theories?

Thinking about it, Chu Lingxiao was a little dazed, but he didn’t think too much.

Maybe after leaving for Haoyun Sect tomorrow, the Holy Son won’t have time to teach her, right? It’s useless to care so much, it’s true to learn skills!

Thinking about it, Chu Lingxiao nodded silently, and decided that he must practice stick hard today.

“Holy Son, have you studied Qi Dao very early?”

“Well, but I can’t mention the research. I just got the “Tao Principles” not long after I arrived in Xianyu, and I learned something from it.”

Yun Zhou chose to tell the truth and did not fool Chu Lingxiao.

After all, if you say you have never been in contact with someone before, how can you pretend to be an experienced person to fool the other party?

And his stick and knife skills are real.

If you say you haven’t practiced it, the dog won’t believe it!

“Okay, then let me teach you how to use sword energy!”

Chu Lingxiao glared at him angrily, feeling that she was being cheated by him.

The first time I swung the sword, I didn’t have any sword intention at all, so I was fooling her!

“I don’t fool you, how can I hug you from behind?”



The corner of Chu Lingxiao’s mouth twitched, and he was stunned.

Is it a matter of being shameless? How do you say it so righteously?

“You still take it for granted when you take advantage of me? Holy Son, you’re really good at it!”

“I don’t shoot a little bit, how can you and I have a story?”

Chu Lingxiao: “…”

Well, she was speechless.


This person is so wicked that he is as thick-skinned as a city wall! Why didn’t you find out that Shengzi was such a mess before?

Well, the previous Yun Zhou has never been held back.

So if you want to blame, you can only blame Yun Susu.

“Teach me how to stick… Do you have any quick fixes? I don’t want to waste too long on stick skills.”

She majored in kendo, she can handle the stick technique well, as long as she has a little deterrent effect.

“There is no quick way. To practice Qi Dao is not enough to comprehend Dao rhyme. You have to study hard…”

“But you don’t have to worry about wasting time. I’ll teach you soon.”

Yun Zhou spoke confidently.

“Tao Ze” contains the Dao of Vientiane, except for his own comprehension.

There are also theoretical summaries and practice maps dedicated to various instruments.

So teaching Chu Lingxiao was a matter of one night.

“Okay, I can teach you the stick method, but before we start, let’s talk about the conditions.”

The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up.

“Okay, as long as you can teach me, I will agree to whatever you ask!”

Chu Lingxiao responded seriously, and suddenly thought of something again, blushing and added: “Of course, what you said is no good…”

can’t you?

There was a glimmer of light in Yun Zhou’s eyes.

As far as you are now, you are so rudimentary, is it up to you whether you can do it or not? Simply mindless + naive!

Stupid synonymous with yes.

“The condition is very simple, I will teach you the stick technique today, and you help me practice the stick technique.”

Yun Zhou tilted his head to look at her, “Isn’t this condition too much?”

Chu Lingxiao looked bewildered, then frowned slightly.


She didn’t understand what Yun Zhou meant.

She had seen the opponent’s stick technique as early as dusk! A random sweep of a wooden stick can shake the sky!

With such a stick technique, what else do you need to practice?

“Holy Son, even if we work hard, we must work hard at the key points, right?”

Chu Lingxiao murmured: “Your stick technique has already reached perfection, what else do you need to practice?”

“And I can’t help you with anything…”

“You asked me to help you practice the stick… Isn’t this a strong man?”


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