Chapter 1395 : The Collapsed Line of Defense! Focus on her mouth!

Hearing this, the corner of Yunzhou’s mouth twitched.

Sure enough, he is the number one person in Xianyu’s idiot batch!

I made it so clear, you still can’t understand? Thinking about it, he didn’t say that those things are worthless.

He directly took the stick from Chu Lingxiao and held it in his hand.

Should I understand now?

Chu Lingxiao: …

She looked at Yun Zhou in shock, and when she saw the smile on the corner of the other’s mouth, she was instantly annoyed!

She has never eaten pork, but she has seen pigs run away from Chu Liuli! Chu Liuli’s painting books are miscellaneous, she has read too much!

“Cloud boat!

Can you please treat me like a human being! ?”

“My old lady still treats you as a holy son? Are you so unreasonable?”


As an upright and healthy young man, it is his nature to pursue beauty.

Why is this not a human being?

Yun Zhou looked sideways, with a rare serious expression:

“I’m not joking with you, it’s not phew, I’ve regressed.”

“If you still don’t agree, forget it.”

“I didn’t intend to teach you Qi Dao at first, you begged me yourself.”

“I never do things that are thankless. If you don’t give me something in return, why should I teach you?”

Speaking of this, he changed the subject and said calmly: “You are also a mature cultivator.”

“With a little reward, you can improve your Qi Dao.”

“How many levels can the combat power go up… With such a condition, you won’t suffer, right?”

“Okay, you think about it carefully, I’ll give you half a quarter of an hour, and I’ll make the formation.”

Yun Zhou didn’t give Chu Lingxiao the chance to write ink at all.

Just throw the stick at her.

He turned his head and went to the depths of the dense forest, and began to lay out the formation.

This place is at the foot of the main mountain, so I can’t let my aunt notice it.

Otherwise, if you have a hundred mouths, you won’t be able to explain it.

As he left, Chu Lingxiao cursed under his breath.

Then he murmured and walked outside.

She doesn’t want to stay with Yunzhou for a long time now.

Take time to think.

“How are you thinking?”

Said it was half an hour, but in fact it didn’t take long at all.

Layout a formation, and it will be over in a few moments.

Give her so long to repent?

“No, I have to think about it.”

Hearing this, Yun Zhou didn’t wait any longer, turned his head and walked out of the dense forest.

The sudden departure made Chu Lingxiao stunned.

“Hey, where are you going?!”

“I’ll go back to sleep, what if I’m willing to teach you? You’re a waste of my time at night.”

Chu Lingxiao: …

Twats like inkblots?

I was not a man!

Seeing that Yun Zhou was about to go far away, her eyelids twitched, and she quickly grabbed his hand.

The eyeballs in her beautiful eyes rolled, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

After a while, she lightly pursed her red lips: “Okay, I promise you!”

“But you have to teach me how to stick…”

“No, I must increase my combat power because of Qi Dao! Otherwise, there is no need to talk about it!”

“make a deal.”

Yun Zhou agreed very readily.

The deal is negotiated, and the rest is to practice the stick technique.

The two came to the depths of the dense forest one after the other.

After a series of guidance from Yunzhou, the long stick wheel in Chu Lingxiao’s hand was full of vigor.

Terrifying power filled the entire jungle.

With each stick dropped, several large trees fell to the ground.

The astonishing sound was deafening, but it couldn’t be heard outside the formation.

Yun Zhou saw it and nodded in satisfaction:

(U1S1, although this woman is very naive, she still has good talent in martial arts.)

(This stick is as good as Sun Monkey…)

(emmm…according to this progress.)

(It is estimated that in less than half an hour, the conditions will be fulfilled.)

In fact, it was about the same time as Yun Zhou calculated.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Chu Lingxiao’s single-handed stick technique has been superb.

She came to Yunzhou’s side overjoyed, and looked at him with bright eyes: “Holy Son, Holy Son, I’ve finished practicing the stick technique, shouldn’t it be time to start practicing the saber technique?”

Yun Zhou bent over slightly, looked at the swaying Xiong Da Xiong Er, and swallowed lightly.

When the opponent was practicing the stick just now, his attention has been fixed on these two things.

But now there is definitely no chance.

Although Chu Lingxiao is stupid, he still has a bottom line! Even if Xiong Da Xiong Er asked her for it, she couldn’t give it to her.

So still have to go step by step.

But having said that, Yunzhou suddenly had some other thoughts.

She looked at Chu Lingxiao’s small face, and raised the corner of her mouth:

“Don’t worry about sword skills, I have a set of sword skills, do you want to learn?”

Hearing this, Chu Lingxiao’s beautiful eyes lit up instantly: “What sword technique?”

“It was passed on to me by the Immortal Emperor, and it’s called “Zhan Tian Jue” 0…”

After the words fell, he took the wooden sword and chopped it out.

The majestic sword power swept across the entire dense forest like a stormy wave.

The trees were flying, the weeds were pulled down, and the dense forest was in a mess.

Chu Lingxiao stood stunned.

Even though she was not within the range of that sword’s attack, she could still feel the terrifying sword intent.

“I learn! I want to learn!”

Seeing Chu Lingxiao come back to his senses and post it, the smile on the corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth was deep and inexplicable.

“You can learn it, but on the basis of the conditions just now, you have to add one more.”

“you say!”

Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows and looked at her mouth.

For a moment, Chu Lingxiao was stunned, and then reacted instantly.

What a bastard!

Can’t it be like a person? But she really wants to learn that sword technique.

She was sure that with that sword strike just now, if there was no formation to block it, one tenth of Yunling might be razed to the ground!

Of course, it doesn’t all depend on power, she still likes Yunzhou a little bit.

Well, as early as when I was a nympho in the inheritance land, I kind of liked it.

Just this condition…

“The exercises given to you by the Immortal Emperor, are you really willing to teach me?”

“Of course, as long as you nod!”

4.7 Damn it, this face will definitely eat me. . .

I’ll regret it after I learn it, and I can’t let him take advantage of me easily! Chu Lingxiao also decided to be negative!

“Then you teach me first.”


Yun Zhou has only learned the first layer of “Zhan Tian Jue”, but this does not affect the power of his swordsmanship itself.

Chu Lingxiao also learned very quickly, but within half an hour he had mastered the essentials.

“Huh ~ thank you.”

Chu Lingxiao smiled gratefully, then turned and left.

“I promise you to find a chance to talk about it. I have to go back and learn swordsmanship.”

want to run?

The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up.

Then he dodged and grabbed Chu Lingxiao’s bun.

“I didn’t say I would give you a chance to delay.”

“Come on you!”

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