Chapter 1398: Martial sister, you don’t want anything to happen to your uncle, do you?

The sudden horse flea hit Lin Shan’s waist.

Want my uncle!?

Ah this… How many flavors is this?

Seeing that Lin Shan’s eyes gradually “feared and turned T”, Yun Zhou’s face darkened a bit.

“You better have a healthy head, what about %@#?”

“I mean, let your uncle work for me!”

“work to earn a living?”

Lin Shan’s eyes gradually became suspicious.

Yun Zhou ignored her, and said to himself:

“As the number one immortal doctor in the Immortal Domain, your uncle must have a hand in refining medicinal pills that enhance one’s cultivation.”

“It just so happens that I have eight blessings in my body.”

“Even if you use the elixir to break through quickly, there will be no side effects.”

“So your great-uncle can be said to be my humanoid cheat!”

That’s right! From a certain point of view.

An immortal doctor who made him a elixir to improve his strength, which was very effective!

Just imagine, the progress of self-cultivation is already extremely fast, with the addition of a steady stream of elixir.

The improvement of the realm of strength is not taking off quickly? Plus the blessing of his eight avenues.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a plug-in.

However, when these words fell into Lin Shan’s ears, she was stunned.


Ah, what is a plug-in?

This damn curious little eyes 177!

The corner of Yunzhou’s mouth twitched, and he coughed lightly, “You don’t need to worry about the specifics, I told you the terms of the transaction, how to tell your uncle, think about it yourself.”

“If your uncle refuses or is unwilling.”

“His safety in the future… No, it is whether he can survive, think about it for yourself.”

Lin Shan’s expression darkened when she heard the words, and she still had a faint sense of powerlessness.

I guess I’ve already guessed the ending.

Speaking without hesitation.

Her uncle’s future wealth and life depended entirely on Yun Zhou’s one thought! The head is tied to the waistband of someone else’s trousers, that’s right.

If Yun Zhou is dissatisfied.

Maybe…his great-uncle would be caught between a rock and a hard place.

“I don’t care how your uncle provoked Lin Sheng, but he is willing to harm the entire Lin family. It is not a small matter to commit crimes.”

“If you propose this deal to him, he should agree.”

“After all, compared to being robbed by me…keeping your life is the most important thing.”

“Tsk tsk, being hunted down by the crazy Lin Sheng, he definitely doesn’t want to go through that way of death…”

“I see.”

Lin Shan looked at Yun Zhou seriously: “Is it true that my uncle only needs to promise to call you…”

“work to earn a living.”

Yun Zhou helped to add a sentence.

“Yes, part-time job, as long as he agrees to work for you, you will definitely save his life?”

After listening to Yun Zhou’s words, Lin Shan has lost her mind to bargain.

As Yun Zhou said.

“Take advantage of the fire to rob” is shameful, but it is the only way to save the uncle’s life.

“Of course, but I have one condition.”

Yun Zhou spread his hands casually, “With your uncle’s medical skills, it’s easy to trick me.”

“So in order to prevent him from harming me, I need him to swear in front of me.”

“Also, his fate card must be placed with me.”

Hearing this, Lin Shan’s face darkened instantly.

“Impossible. Doesn’t this mean that life and death are all in your hands?”

“I swear… are you asking my uncle to become your slave?”

“Slaves don’t count.”

Yun Zhou waved his hand casually, “I can give him the highest resource of Hao Yunzong.”

“As for his life and death…you are right, it must be in my hands.”

“You should also know that if he cheated Linmen today, there is no guarantee that he won’t say anything to me in the future, so I won’t give in on this point.”

“Of course, as long as he does his duty, I won’t kill him at will. You can rest assured about that.”

After listening to Yun Zhou’s words, Lin Shan’s eyes gradually became desperate.

From Yunzhou’s point of view, this request is really not too much… After all, as someone else, one must be cautious…

“I understand. Uncle, I will ask him to agree, but you have to make sure that, except for alchemy, you must not threaten his life for anything else.”

Lin Shan said seriously.


Seeing that he agreed, Lin Shan gradually calmed down and became more vigilant again.

“The deal is settled, now tell me how you want to vent your anger on me?”

Lin Shan knew very well that Yun Zhou came here in the middle of the night, definitely not for this so-called deal.

Otherwise, it won’t be too late to look for her tomorrow morning, or when we arrive at Haoyunzong.

There must be other ideas!

“Well, that’s a good question!”

Yun Zhou changed the calm expression on his face, and looked at Lin Shan with a smile.

That look is like Y cheating a girl from a good family!

If Yunzhou looks in the mirror now and sees his own face.

It is estimated that one will definitely praise:

I’m really a villain!

“Since I have become a member of Haoyun Sect, I am your disciple.”

“No matter what the reason is, if you want to vent your anger on me, I will bear it…”

Speaking of this, Lin Shan thought for a while, and said seriously:

“If you want to fight and punish, just follow your mood.”

The salutation changed from “you” to “you”.

Obviously, after the deal was over, Lin Shan got used to being a “disciple” again.

Of course, she suddenly lowered her posture.

There is also the idea of ​​wanting Yunzhou to “treat her leniently”.

Well, it can be said to be the heart of the brain.

“Hey, between you and me, what are you shouting about beating and punishing?”

Yun Zhou smiled even more, sitting astride a horse:

“Besides, after you arrive at Haoyun Sect, you will most likely become my junior sister.”

“How can I be willing to punish you?”

“Brother just has a little need, so I want to trouble my sister to accompany my brother to post…”

“Junior sister Bingxue is smart, can you understand senior brother’s mind?”

(Werry Goode!)

(Awakened the standard routine of the “villain” again!)

(The faces of villains in anime and novels.)

(Should it be the same as me now?)

Yun Zhou made a “tsk”, and then the corner of his mouth curled up.

Selfishly picked up the teapot on one side, poured it half full into the cup that Lin Shan had just used.

Then face the powder on the top and drink it in one gulp.

“Well, the tea is so-so, but the fragrance of powder…it tastes good.”

Lin Shan was ignorant of Yunzhou’s words and his inner voice.

Seeing this scene suddenly, blood rushed to his forehead! Good guy, she was still very fond of Yun Zhou.

Unexpectedly, this bastard actually wants to post with her! Bah… P’s stickers are clearly greedy for her body!

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