Chapter 1399 : The Villain’s Joy! Yin bamboo shoots represent someone in the cloud!

Lin Shan gritted her teeth.

Suddenly, a flash of light flickered in his hand.

Although she is also interested in Yun Zhou.

But being persecuted and being willing are two completely different things.

And she can’t stand this kind of verbal teasing! Fleas belong to fleas, but the bottom line is still there.

Yun Zhou glanced at the small dagger in Lin Shan’s hand with disdain, as if he didn’t pay attention to it at all.

“Junior sister Lin Shan, you have already thought about the price of fighting with me. Even if you don’t care about yourself, you should also think about sister Jue Ling?”

“You actually want to hurt Jue Ling?”

When Lin Shan heard Yun Zhou mentioning Jue Ling, her beautiful eyes widened, she looked dumbfounded.

The bastard…

People are so handsome, why are they so—shameless?

“Hurt? Huh…”

Yun Zhou sneered when he heard the words, “Junior Sister Lin Shan is saying the opposite, right?”

“Why, she is only allowed to be ordered by others to plot against me.”

“I’m not allowed to touch her yet?”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Shan was speechless.

Regardless of the standpoint, Yunzhou is indeed reasonable.

Jue Ling was originally here to harm him, even if something happened at his hands, it would be retribution.

But that girl…

Lin Shan felt aggrieved in her heart, and said angrily, “You are so bad that Jue Jueling still said that you are the best person!”

“If you say it’s bad, it’s bad. Anyway, this is what I want. If you are not satisfied, you can try it with me.”

Yun Zhou said with a generous look: “It’s just that you don’t care about your life.”

“But if your uncle and Jue Ling died because of you, I’m afraid they would be too pitiful.”

“Doesn’t your conscience ache?”

God Nima’s “conscience” will not hurt!

The villain’s face speaks of conscience… Jill is enough!

But should I say it or not, although shameless, the effect is still good.

Yun Zhou’s words were like a basin of cold water poured directly on Lin Shan’s head.

It can be said that it stabbed her to death.

“Aren’t you afraid that I will tell Lord Ling about your face?”

Lin Shan still wanted to make a final resistance, and there was a faint light in her beautiful eyes.

“Tell the lord? You don’t even think about the relationship between me and the lord.”

The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up, “That’s my aunt, do you think she believes in me, or in you, the “undercover sister”?”

“If you want to say, you can try it. I promise, your uncle and your sister Jueling won’t survive.”

“As for escaping, don’t even think about it. With your cultivation level, I’m targeting you. Can you escape?”

Saying that, Yun Zhou stood up, and approached Lin Shan with a smile.

He decides!

Go farther and farther on the “Road of Villains”! There is no protagonist halo here.

Being a villain, what a joy to live!

He walked casually, and came directly opposite Lin Shan, looking down at her Xiong Daxiong Er, with a deeper smile on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly approached slightly, and whispered in his ear:

“Junior Sister Lin Shan, you don’t want something to happen to your uncle and sister Jueling, do you?”

Damn, it smells like that again!


Lin Shan’s nasal cavity was filled with the good smell from Yun Zhou’s body, and the roots of her ears turned red because of Yun Zhou’s low voice.

Involuntarily, my heart skipped half a beat.

She came back to herself, cursing secretlyI was hopeless, and wanted to retreat in a panic.

But before he could move, Yun Zhou’s big hand grabbed his waist.

“You, you let go…”

Lin Shan struggled softly, but she didn’t know whether she had no intention of resisting or was confused by this handsome face.

There was a gesture of refusal and welcome between slight movements.

“Let go? Why, Junior Sister Lin Shan, don’t you think about Jue Ling and your uncle?”

Yun Zhou raised the corner of his mouth, and gently grabbed Lin Shan’s hand holding the dagger with his small hand.

Immediately, it was removed and thrown aside, making a crisp sound of “clang”.

“A person like you, what if you go back on your word?”

“And you also said that Lin Sheng who went crazy is scary…”

“How can you guarantee to save my uncle’s life? What if you lied to me?”

It may be because the dagger was removed, and the only support was gone.

Lin Shan’s speech no longer had the confidence she had before, and she even felt flustered and weak.

She wants to be more promising, and she is a little bit tougher.

But before she could move, she was surrounded by Yun Zhou’s arms behind her, and a wave of botie came suddenly.

In an instant, the strength of the body was drained, and the whole person softened.


“Yun will do what he says, and he is not a person who says what he says, so don’t worry about your sister Jue Ling.”

“As for your uncle…”

“Crazy Lin Sheng is terrifying. My aunt and I shot together, and it would be easy to stop him.”

“Saving your uncle’s life is not difficult…”

Yun Zhou had disdain on his face, and his words were full of confidence, as if Lin Sheng was just a clown who couldn’t make waves.

“Then you have to make sure that after you rescue my uncle, you won’t let Lord Ridge trouble him!”

Lin Shan seemed to have thought of some key point, and quickly said to Yun Zhou.

Indeed, from the beginning it was only Yunzhou who wanted to save her uncle’s life.

She didn’t know Yun Susu’s thoughts at all.

As Yun Zhou said, a person as dangerous as her great-uncle…doesn’t the Ling Lord have the intention to execute him?

“I thought you had a lot of thoughts, why are you acting like a fool?”

Yun Zhou flicked her long hair casually, and slowly approached the tip of her nose, sniffing the faint fragrance of her hair:

“As a deal, your uncle worked for me after he came out, can I let my aunt touch him?”

“That’s not OK!”

Lin Shan pursed her red lips and said firmly:

“You have to make sure that Lingzhu won’t touch him, otherwise I would rather die than agree to you!”

Hearing this, Yunzhou spread his hands helplessly:

“Okay, I promise, I will definitely save your uncle’s life, and I won’t let my aunt embarrass your uncle and…”

“If I can’t do it, you can give birth to a child without skin swallows, okay?”

Lin Shan: ???

(0_0)? Well, she’s dumbfounded!

You can’t do it, why should I give birth to a child without a swallow?

“Sovereign, you step on the horse…”

“Okay, isn’t the child you gave birth to my child? I swear on our offspring, don’t you believe me?”

Yun Zhou interrupted the gloomy Lin Shan, frowned and said.

For a moment, Lin Shan was dumbfounded.

good guy.

Although I feel that this product is very ugly, why do you think it makes sense?

Without giving her much time to think, Yunzhou stroked her three thousand hairs with his big hand, playing with the taste:

“I’ll give you the guarantee that should be given.”

“Now…is it time to start?”


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