Chapter 1400 : Come True! Yunzhou’s prototype plan!

Feel the breath on your face.

Lin Shan was silent, she thought she was bitten by a dog, she closed her eyes tightly, her body trembling nervously.

Seeing her like this, Yun Zhou slightly raised the corner of his mouth, waved his hand casually, and the isolation formation was strengthened a bit.

(Capitalist here again Jill)  …

(We are all united to defeat him)…

The next day, early morning.

After Lin Shan woke up, she seemed to want to confirm whether she was dreaming or not.

But the heartache and fatigue made her realize the reality.

When she came to the couch, she almost fell to the ground, and could not help but curse secretly: “This bastard is simply inhuman!”

Thinking of her restless appearance yesterday, Lin Shan couldn’t help but pinch herself, muttering in a low voice that she didn’t live up to it.

But it can’t be her fault either, that’s how her character is set.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Yun Zhou to say that she was a little “bored” from the very beginning.

Although this is different from the original world, but judging from yesterday, her setting is completely fine.

Anxiety is to be restrained…

That proficient dancing posture is simply not for outsiders.

Lin Shan shook her little head vigorously, as if she wanted to get rid of all the extra thoughts.

After waking up for a few minutes, he immediately picked up a pill bottle on the couch beside him.

I remembered what Yunzhou said before he left:

“I have raised your talent to the fifth level of Proving the Dao by using the Dragon and Phoenix Spirit Art and the Dao of Reincarnation.”

“I can’t bring it up for the time being, you should use these pills first.”

“After arriving at Haoyun Sect, ask Master to help you retreat and break through Nirvana.”

“When you reach the realm of proving the Dao in the future, I’m trying to see if I can help you improve your talent.”

Lin Shan held the pill bottle in her hand and muttered, “Then it doesn’t have to be me who suffers?”

After chanting, she put away the pill bottle again, and spat lightly: “You have a conscience.”

Then he got up slowly and began to clean up the mess.

Otherwise, if Jue Ling saw such a mess, he would never have the face to see her again.

the other side.

Yun Zhou is currently thinking about the future deployment in the Holy Child Hall.

Now Lin Shan is added to his villain binding, and the Luck Points that have not moved for a long time have also been increased by 10 points.

Although it has broken through the limit of destiny.

But the luck thing is not difficult, he is naturally happy.

But Beauty Township is good, and he can’t be obsessed with it all the time.

should relaxTime to relax.

At critical moments, you still have to be tight.

Leaving from Yunling this time means that the good times are coming to an end.

That’s right, he’s surrounded by strong enemies now.

Needs to be ready to go.

Just wait for the big elder of the villain to act at the Linmen side.

However, the Chen family still has Tiandi area which is more difficult to deal with.

Both parties are forces that have been stationed in the fairyland for nearly ten thousand years, and the background can be imagined.

With the current background of Yunling and Haoyunzong, it is definitely impossible to compete.

Moreover, besides these two major forces, there is also that woman Linlang Zhantai who is watching…

“Xiangong is also a difficult target, and Linlang, the leader of the ten thousand clans, is her mother clan…”

“Once it moves, it’s pulling and mobilizing the whole body…”

Yun Zhou thought calmly, and after a while, there was a slight light in his eyes.

(Looks like I’m going to take a trip to Wanzu to find time…)

With a rudimentary plan for several major forces in his mind, Yun Zhou was not in a hurry to perfect it.

Instead, he sat on his couch and began to immerse himself in his cultivation.

Lin Shan was not the only one who benefited from yesterday’s Dragon and Phoenix Spiritual Art.

The fairy rhyme exuded by Yun Zhou has also accumulated a lot. Although Lin Shan’s realm is lower, she is like a horse flea.

It can be said that the dragon and phoenix spiritual power has reached its maximum operation.

The benefits achieved…

Not to mention completely stepping into the sixth floor of Emperor Realm (lower level), it is enough to touch the barrier.

Yun Zhou sat in the void on the couch, and the terrifying aura permeated his whole body, forming a golden barrier around him.

There was a “click” sound like broken glass, and cracks appeared in the barrier.

But Yun Zhou frowned tightly:

(Still haven’t found an opportunity to break through…)

call ~

With a heavy breath of turbid air breaking through, the barriers of the cracks were perfected again.

Yun Zhou’s rising aura fell back a bit, and the half-step sixth-level realm reached a perfect 0. . . . . . .

Although he failed to take the opportunity to enter the country, Yun Zhou obviously felt that his Dao Sea was more abundant than before.

And the combat power has also been raised by a small level.

Although the overall realm has not reached the sixth level of Emperor Realm (lower level), the aura is a bit thicker than before.

(Tsk, it seems that the speed of entering the country has been too fast recently, and Daohai in his body is a little unstable.)

(However, it is still a bit of an improvement…)

(Forget it, you can’t become a fat man by eating in one sitting, so take your time.)

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou shook his head and stood up from the couch.

Since he did not make a breakthrough this time, the momentum he caused was very small.

The group of maids at Saint Child Mountain didn’t notice at all.

After reaching the half-step six-level consummation, Yunzhou felt that his plan could be closer in timeline.

Let’s talk about the Ten Thousand Clans at the Immortal Palace, the Chen family and the Heaven and Earth Region are not in a hurry.

The primary goal is set in Linmen!

He wasted no time in continuing to try to break through.

Anyway, as long as he wins Linmen, the treasures inside are enough to make him leap forward.

Say it again.

Serious traversers, who still practice seriously?

Yunzhou thinks that as a standard villain, he still needs to do more things that should be done…


At this time, Neiling Square was very noisy.

It may be because the news about two thousand female disciples being abducted by the Holy Son spread.

It made the male disciples who came to 4.8 to watch the excitement feel aggrieved.

After all, female disciples are not in the majority.

It was normal for the male disciples to feel resentment when two thousand of them were taken away so suddenly.

But resentment is resentment, and I dare not vent it out loud.

Have they heard of the means of the Holy Son…

It really doesn’t matter if you’re from the same family or not.

In a bad mood, he is really sucking your intestines! Yun Zhou came to Neiling Square.

As soon as I rolled my eyes, I saw Lin Shan, whom I hadn’t seen for two hours, standing and chatting with Jue Ling.

His little face was flushed, and he looked a little guilty.

Yun Zhou looked at her ruddy and shiny complexion, a much more mature baby than yesterday.

He immediately gave her a thumbs up.

He showed a “you are very nice” smile.

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