Chapter 1402 : The man running around in the flowers! The hide-and-seek Jiang is eight years old!

Yun Zhou boarded the chariot and sat on the prow of the chariot.

The Immortal Venerable Ship hummed and stopped in the sky for a moment. After all the disciples boarded the ship, it roared away.

The clouds all over the sky were blown away by the entrained wind.

The disciples below let out exclamations, and some disciples even knelt down on the ground and shouted, “The miracle of the Holy Son!”

The Great Elder and Li Qiushi built a pergola, watching the giant ship turn into a small dot in the sky.

“My good fellow, it’s really extravagant. As expected of our Holy Son, he even uses this kind of treasure for traveling.”

The Great Elder sighed.

Li Qiuhuan was dazed for a long time, and couldn’t help but said: “But this is too ostentatious…”

“Show a fart!”

The Great Elder gave him an angry look, “The Holy Son has the capital to show off, does it have anything to do with your old age?”

“It’s your two good disciples, especially the one named Li Yan, you give me a good look at him!”

“I don’t care if you really treat that tiger as your son, if you don’t let him restrain himself…”

“I’ll take action myself and kill him!”

Hearing this, Li Qiuhuan was stunned.

“Where is this, this is,Yan’er has been quite honest recently.”

“I’m afraid that he can’t help pestering girl Liuli and offending Shengzi, so he will be grounded.”

“Why are you killing him?”

“I want to kill 483 him?!”

The Great Elder glanced at him: “You think too much, I don’t want to get my hands dirty.”

“It’s just that someone told you that your adopted son will be killed if he doesn’t have eyes!”

“I just wanted to warn you…”

After saying this, the Great Elder turned his head and left, ignoring him.

Li Qiuhuan froze in place for a long time.

Suddenly, I remembered the look that the Son of God gave him with deep meaning before he left… Hiss–

Could it be that Yan’er pestered Liuli girl, and Shengzi was impatient? Good guy, Shengzi has taken a fancy to Liuli girl?

Grass (plant)! That’s not easy!

With Yan’er’s urea, wanting to be the son’s rival in love…won’t he die?

“No, this old man has no children in his life, just these two only seedlings who treat him as his own!”

“You can’t let the holy son Huohuo die.”

Thinking about it, Li Qiuhuan’s eyes lit up, and he hit his palm with his fist.

“It’s really impossible…I’ll break Yan’er’s legs and give him a piggyback!”

“In this way, you don’t have to be afraid that he will miss the Son of God…”

“Leave the inheritance to his brother, and let him keep his life.”

“Well, that’s it!”

Thinking of this, Li Qiuhuan didn’t delay for a moment, and went back to his peak mountain in a hurry.

On this day, there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered from Fengshan, the second elder.

No one knew exactly what happened.

Just before screaming.

The passing disciples heard the second elder’s friendly and helpless voice: “Yan’er, don’t blame me.”

Arriving at Haoyunzong, Yunzhou specially used a token to send Ling Weiyang and Shunyin.

Tell them to come to the outskirts of Haoyun Sect and arrange the two thousand female disciples.

After all, he was the only male cultivator who came back on the same journey.

One him, two thousand beautiful nuns.

this combination…

If the disciples in the sect saw him, they might say how outrageous he is.

As for why Shun and Ling Weiyang were asked to pick them up…

These two people, a general and a shadow guard, should be very good at arranging disciples!

Soon, Ling Weiyang and Shun came outside the mountain gate.

When they saw a large area of ​​Yingying and Yanyan, the two girls were stunned.

“Sovereign, are you robbing the daughter country?”

He was stunned for a moment.

Yun Zhou ignored her, took a picture of her back, and asked her to take someone away.

Although the two women are a bit dissatisfied with Yun Zhou’s behavior of only recruiting female cultivators.

But at any rate, Yunzhou is the suzerain now, so it’s hard for them to say anything.

Shi Shiran could only lead his disciples into the Haoyun Sect, and began to assign inner and outer sects.

And Yunzhou personally brought Chu Lingxiao’s master and apprentice, Yun Qiaoer, Lin Shan, and Jue Ling to the core of Yunling.

“You five, live here for the time being, and get acquainted with Haoyunzong.”

Yunzhou Da Lala explained: “When the disciples divide the inner and outer sects, you will choose someone to be your teacher.”

“As for Liuli… you can continue to follow your master, your master lives… no, martial arts is good.”

“Especially a set of stick techniques, what I’m playing now is superb!”

“Anyway, you don’t have the talent for cultivation yet, so hang out with her first.”

“When I find time, I will promote her to an elder, and you will continue to be your personal successor…”

While speaking, Yun Zhou couldn’t stop glancing at Chu Lingxiao’s mouth.

He stared at Chu Lingxiao until his eyes were blushing and he gritted his teeth, before he could bear to give up.

(Well, I have to teach her stick skills when I have time.)

(Her accomplishments in the stick way are much better than those in the way of the sword!)

Ignoring the different looks of the five people.

After arranging them, Yunzhou strode away directly.

Just kidding, I finally came back.

It would be too unreasonable not to communicate with Dabao Shizun and Yuechan Wuzhao.

Came to the peak of Yanyi in a blink of an eye, Master Dabao happened to be there.

It’s like reliving an old dream.

It’s just that the sky is bright and bright, and there is no telling when a deacon disciple will come running in. It’s too much to do, so it’s just a short time to get close.

After leaving Yanyi, he ran to Yuechan’s Fengshan.

Unlike the thin-skinned Dabao Master, Little Magic Lotus doesn’t care about being bright.

Yue Yu didn’t see Yun Zhou, but she was thinking badly.

In the afternoon, Yunzhou went to see Wu Zhao.

It’s just that they don’t know that Wu Zhao was hit by Yuechan Yanyi.

Still too dissatisfied with its own strength.

It has been closed for several days in a row and has not come out yet.

Not seeing the shadow of Her Majesty, Yun Zhou naturally couldn’t wait, shook his head and turned to leave.

(Hmm… Immortal Territory is good in everything, Haotu is still fragrant!)

(The dark attributes of the three heroines in the original text are too strong!)

(Damn, Xiao Zhaozhao didn’t even see it, I was blinded by it…)

With his hands behind his back, Yunzhou walked without delaying the complaints in his heart.

Suddenly, he thought of something again, scratching his head in doubt:

(By the way, didn’t Master say that he found me a junior junior sister?)

(Why didn’t I see anyone?)

(Could it be that Master missed her so much that he forgot her when he saw me?)

(Forget it, we are all in Haoyunzong anyway, we will see you sooner or later.)

Yun Zhou didn’t think much about it.

After leaving Wuzhao’s Fengshan Mountain, he walked towards Zongzhu Mountain.

But what he didn’t know was.

At the moment when his thoughts were over, in the gazebo on the side of the mountain.

A jade jug fell to the ground…

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