Chapter 1403: My Divine Phoenix is ​​definitely better than a certain father, Aili!

The mountain peaks on the side are hundreds of feet high.

A pair of big star-like eyes are staring at Yunzhou.

It is our empress, Jiang He.

Of course, you can call her Jiang Basui now!

At this time, the little eight-year-old was sitting in the corner of the gazebo with his round cheeks in his hand, looking at the figure below.

Suddenly he laughed.

“My bastard brother—finallycame back?”

“Now I have something to play with!”

I don’t know why.

It is obvious that Jiang He is only eight years old now, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth is actually charming.

emmm…it’s outrageous.


“See the suzerain!”

Along the way, many new disciples who joined the Haoyun Sect greeted Yun Zhou respectfully.

The attitude is eager, and the look…standard licking dog!

From the first day they joined Hao Yunzong, they learned the first lesson here.

Meet the Suzerain!

That’s right, in order to prevent some short-sighted people from colliding with Yunzhou.

Yan Yi, Wu Zhao and others immediately ordered someone to draw a portrait of Yun Zhou.

Then it started to be distributed in Haoyunzong.

For this, the disciples of Hao Yunzong are naturally very happy.

Especially those female disciples.

It is a great pleasure to be able to get the portrait of the Sovereign to look up at him day and night!

Of course, male disciples can’t do much fun.

But their admiration for Yun Zhou is no less than that of those female nuns.

Now the news that Yun Zhou received the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor and stepped into the Emperor Realm has spread widely!

Let these disciples directly regard them as heavenly beings!

They originally joined the Haoyun Sect because of Yunzhou’s reputation. After this incident, they became more loyal immediately!

At the age of double ten, he entered the emperor’s realm and became the seventh person on the fairyland list! What does this mean?

They don’t even need to think about it!

The future Yunzhou is the thickest thigh! Must hug!

At the same time, you have to die to serve the sect!

If one day he can be valued by Sect Master Yun and be promoted to a peak master or something, then he will honor his ancestors!


That’s why this scene happened.

For these disciples who joined Hao Yunzong, Yun Zhou’s attitude is very casual.

Clinging to the strong, following the trend, this is the disposition of the vast majority of “wage earners”! He didn’t care about that either.

You don’t need to give any good looks, and you don’t need to deliberately pay attention to anyone.

When encountering capable ones, Master Dabao and the others are responsible for promoting them.

It has nothing to do with his hands-off shopkeeper.

“Huh? Master, you’re back!”

As soon as he arrived in his suzerain hall, he heard a wonderful voice.

Follow the sound to look over.

It was the joyful little mount, Divine Phoenix Qiling.

“I’m back~”

Yun Zhou rubbed her little head with a smile, and asked:

“How are you doing recently? Changing from being a mount to being an elder, is there any discomfort?”

“No, I’m used to it!”

Qi Ling’s little head turned into a rattle, afraid that Yun Zhou would ride her again.

Then he thought of something, and said happily:

“Master, during the time you have been away, I have completely gained power in the sect.”

“Now the disciples in the sect are very respectful when they see me, and some even secretly call me Master Shenhuang!”

A little phoenix bird that was kept as a pet in Haotu, is now called Lord Divine Phoenix by all the geniuses in the fairyland…

It goes without saying how satisfied Qi Ling’s little pride was.

“as long as you are happy.”

Looking at Qi Ling, Yun Zhou also felt a little emotional, thinking that he used pills to help it grow up.

So in a way… counting yourself as half her father? Thinking of this, Yun Zhou’s expression gradually became strange.

(Ah… will there be a development trend of ghost bears in the future?)

(Hey, when it comes to ghosts, this fiery red hair…better than Ellie’s blond hair.)

(Well, the double ponytail is also a shark…)

Yun Zhou shook his head, shaking the messy thoughts out of his head.

Then he pinched Qi Ling’s cute face with his big hand, and the latter blushed suddenly, and his body stiffened slightly.

But maybe it’s because I’m used to being a mount, even though I’m not used to it, I don’t have any struggle movements.

Yun Zhou didn’t care about YP Shenhuang, anyway, it was his mount, and he couldn’t run away, so there was no need to push too hard.


(The main reason is that he has nothing to threaten Qi Ling.)

After thinking for a while, he suddenly turned over the storage ring:

“By the way, I went to the inheritance site this time and found a baby that suits you.”

Hearing this, Qi Ling was stunned for a moment, and he didn’t care about the strangeness in his heart, and looked at Yun Zhou suspiciously.

At this time, Yun Zhou took out a string of bracelets from the storage ring.

The appearance is red orange like fire, and the whole body is bright and clear.

There are still flames flickering faintly on it, and you can tell it’s not ordinary at a glance.

This is the treasure that Yunzhou found in the immortal mountain of inheritance, and its grade is enough to reach the level of the lower-level fairy artifact.

The bracelet comes with a fire path, which belongs to the natural avenue.

Complementing each other with Qiling’s Divine Phoenix Fire, each attack can add some strength.


And it also has a fire-shaped shield, which can block the full-strength attack of the Dao Realm.

Putting this defensive ability in the column of immortal artifacts is indeed a bit of a stretch.

But fortunately, its attack power is online.

It is a red buff that is icing on the cake.

Anyway, this is also the elder of the power and his own mount.

There are good things for her, so you can’t treat her badly, right?

Seeing this bracelet, Qi Ling’s beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

But soon she shook her head, lowered her head, and said hesitantly:

“Master, this is too expensive…Although there are many good things from the Immortal Emperor, such things as immortal artifacts are rare in the world.”

“Although I am a Divine Phoenix, I am just a mount in front of you. How can I have the right to ask for such a thing?”

The more she spoke, the more dim the light in her beautiful eyes became, and she looked very pitiful.

“Pfft~ You put on some wool on your horse.”

Yun Zhou was so annoyed that he raised Qi Ling’s hand and said, “I don’t know what kind of temper you have?”

“You, you are the master who catches the treasure and doesn’t let it go, why are you playing with me to pretend to be reserved?”

The strange spirit in his eyes is a naive girl with a face as thick as a city wall.

Chu Chu is pitiful is clearly a pretentious gesture.

ora mount…

If you really use yourself as a mount, why the hell come back to be an elder? Zhenjill’s heart is dry.

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