Chapter 1409: The top-notch generation? Jiang eight years old is dispatched!

The disciples of several sects were so frightened that they lost their souls.

Seeing the slow falling speed of the virtual hammer, they fled away one after another.

Not a moment later, all the disciples belonging to the Chen family’s sect escaped.

same moment.


The moment the phantom of the hammer body touched the ground, it exploded from point to surface.

The hall, trees, peaks and mountains… were instantly crushed into powder.

And the power of the hammer body wrapped in Xianyun remained undiminished, and it blasted a large pit several feet deep into the ground with a radius of several miles!

At the moment when the remaining power was shaking, the trees and boulders blocking the surrounding area were instantly blown away.

There are cracks like spider webs appearing on the ground!

“What a bull beep!”

Seeing the power of the hammer, Yun Zhou took a deep breath as he set up an awning.

With just a single hammer, it can penetrate several miles around!

If he does it with all his strength… I’m afraid he will be able to burn most of his Haoyun sect to the ground!

“Such combat strength…I’m afraid it’s not worthless against Chen Fuxian.”


“This is just the beginning.”


Yun Zhou folded his wings, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

It is estimated that it will not be long before he will be able to stand tall and step on the end of the Six Emperors… Sovereign Mountain, on top of the peak.

Under the white clouds, Yun Zhou sat alone at the stone table.

The sun is shining, the breeze is floating, comfortable and chic.

“System, open the personal attribute bar.”

As the voice fell, a light curtain appeared in my mind.

Host: Yun Zhou

Status: Sect Master of Haoyun Sect, Sacred Son of Yunling Sect, Sacred Son of Wuwang Sect, King of the Tianyu Dynasty, Sect Master of Yunling Sect, Counselor of Lingduo Sect…

Cultivation level: Emperor Realm (lower level six)

(mid term)

Physique: Desolate Battle Body (one of the two bodies of immortals and gods)


Title: Peerless Demon Venerable (Devil’s reverence degree: through thick and thin water), Lord of All Immortals (intermediate level, reverence degree of immortal cultivators: convinced and approved), Immortal Emperor Alive (beginner level, reverence degree of all living beings: increase by 10%)

Utensils: Wu Tianhammer (top-level celestial tool), Daye Clothes (top-level celestial tool), Yunling jade pendant (medium-level celestial tool), Xunlang sword (medium-level celestial tool), Duanjiang Lingmai (lower-level celestial tool), Resurrection Plate (Disposable Immortal Artifact)

Cultivation method: “Zhan Tian Jue One Level” (three layers in total), “Emperor Zun Fury”, “Wu Tian Hammer Method”, “Swallowing Demon Art”, “Tao Principles”, “Wu Wang Sheng Lu”, “Killing God Code”, “Emperor Power”… ….

Dao rhyme: Emperor’s way, Buddha’s way, Dao, Demonic Way, Heavenly Way, Imperial Way, Reincarnation Way (semi-perfect), Confucianism and Taoism, Natural Way (to be integrated)

Full-level Taoism: Angry Buddha Lotus, Ziqing Daohuan, Immortal Emperor Venerable, Heavenly Tribulation Crossing… Taoist Form: Yunpangu (Zhengdi (lower level) seventh floor)

Immortal shape: Yunchi·Xianwei True Dragon (Zhengdi (lower level) seven-level completion)

(Awakening period: Intermediate)

Bound villains: Shun, Xuanyuan Tianling, Gu Xian’er, Ming Ying, Ming Wu, Yu Ting, Lin Feng, Wu Shiyao, Wu Anran, Ling Weiyang, Shangguan Wan’er, Lin Lang Zhantai…

Fate Tig: Destiny.

Current luck value: 530

The property bar of the deluxe version is unobstructed.

Both the fairy shape and the dao shape have increased their combat power, and there is also a natural way to be integrated…

“This time I really made a fortune—!”

Yun Zhou was full of smiles.

A wave of immortal emperor’s inheritance land directly made him break through to the sixth floor of Emperor Realm (lower level).

The combat power has doubled by more than a hundred times!

Now even Lin Sheng and Xiao Tiankuo came in person.

As long as you don’t use your power, you can’t do anything to him!

The promotion of this kind of strength made him feel very safe, and he even relaxed the whole person a lot.

At this moment, Ling Weiyang suddenly came over: “Brother Yun, what are you doing… ah!”

Before she finished speaking, she let out a soft cry.

After reacting, she was already sitting on Yunzhou’s lap.

Feeling the big hand hugged by the other party, she couldn’t help but blushed, and said coquettishly:

“It’s broad daylight, what are you doing?”

Yun Zhou is immersed in joy, and just wanted to share it with Ling Weiyang.

As a result, I was taken aback when I heard this, and suddenly I was happy.

“Broad daylight? Ah, this…do it!”

After speaking, he became dishonest.

Ling Weiyang: “…”

She grabbed Yun Zhou’s fidgeting hand dumbfoundedly, and said with beautiful eyes, “Okay, I’m yours and I can’t run away, why are you so anxious?”

“I still have business to tell you, don’t touch your hands.”

Hearing this, Yun Zhou sneered, stopped joking, looked at her and said, “Tell me, what’s the business?”

Ling Weiyang smiled and said: “During the time you left, a little girl came to Haoyunzong, who is talented enough to reach the emperor’s realm, do you want to meet her?”

“Emperor realm talent?”

Yun Zhou was taken aback, and muttered, “‘It should be my eight-year-old junior sister, right?”

“It’s also strange, there is no girl with the talent of Emperor Realm in the original text.”

“Could it be another character outside the original text…”

No matter how you think about it, you feel that this junior sister is not right.

Yun Zhou put away his flirting thoughts, frowned and said, “Bring her here, I’ll take a look.”

“…Then you have to let go of me first.”

Ling Weiyang helplessly pushes the big hand holding her.

Yun Zhou smiled awkwardly, and quickly let go.

Immediately after Ling Weiyang left, he closed his eyes again and began to rest his mind.

Not long after, footsteps were heard.

Bursts of Dao sounds lingered, and a strong Dao breath rushed towards us.

Yun Zhou frowned, “Tsk, it’s really a talent in the emperor’s realm.”

“Well, it’s a fake replacement.”


A milky voice came, soft and cute, not dangerous.

However, Yun Zhou opened his eyes instantly!

The sound was never heard.


This tm familiar soul power…

Why is it the same as the stupid Jiang He’s soul power? That’s right.

Yun Zhou, whose soul power is intertwined with Jiang He.

Something is wrong just by perception.

He glanced sideways.

I saw a little girl carved in jade looking at me with a half-smile.

She wore two small buns, and her chubby little face was full of cuteness.

However, those two big bright eyes are filled with “deep meaning”! The corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth twitched.

Jiang He’s shadow could be vaguely seen in his eyebrows… His eyes looked up and down Jiang Basui’s body.

After seeing the two bare feet, he suddenly staggered.

Almost fell off the stool!

Good guy! Shit, eight-year-old junior sister!

Isn’t this just Jiang He!?.

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