Chapter 1410: Junior Sister Jiang Fu’er! Pack a tender oil bottle!

Seeing “Jiang Basui” approaching, the corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth twitched.

It is clear.

He has already determined that the Jiang Basui in front of him is.

It is one of the majestic Six Emperors, Jiang He.

It’s just what she meant by making such a move…Yun Zhou didn’t understand.

But soon, he rolled his eyes.

Well, here’s an idea!

She turned herself into such a appearance, it must be because she didn’t want her identity to be exposed! Although I don’t know exactly what she’s going to do…

But since she is my junior sister right now, and her cultivation level is so high… then I have to make use of it!


Yun Zhou cleared his throat, “Are you my master’s new junior sister?”


Hearing this, Jiang He was obviously taken aback.

good guy.

When she saw the change in Yunzhou’s expression just now, she thought her identity had been exposed.

It ended up taking half a day.

The little bastard didn’t recognize her?

(This little thing is beeping, how can I use her to play a big game.)

Jiang He suddenly frowned when he heard such a heartfelt voice.

Who is beeping in a daze?

But because of this heartfelt statement, she also dispelled some doubts in her heart.

It seems that Yunzhou really didn’t find himself.

Otherwise, she is dignified Jiangdi.

How dare this little bastard play with her?

After thinking about it, Jiang He responded calmly.

She smiled sweetly, and her immature face was full of acting skills: “Well, junior sister Jiang Fuer, I have met my senior brother.”

What a Jiang Fuer!

The corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up, and he was about to say something.

Suddenly, Ling Weiyang who had just left turned back again.

“Brother Yun, Elder Yan has something to do with you, so I want you to go over there.”

An extremely abrupt voice interrupted their conversation.

listenAt these words, Yun Zhou froze for a moment.

(Huh? What does Master want me to do?)

(Could it be… the big river crab from before was not made, and the master’s food is boring, miss me?)

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou immediately decided to let Jiang Basui go first.

There was no ink stain at all, and he took a deep look at her, and then went directly to Yanyi’s Fengshan.

Jiang He on the top of the mountain was stunned, with a question mark in his milk bag.


My old lady has been waiting for you for half a month, and you left me just after saying a few words? She gritted her teeth, feeling unwilling in her heart.

And she was going to instigate against Yan Yi with great difficulty. When Yun Zhou came back suddenly, she would not be favored?

Just looking for Yunzhou instead of her? What do you mean?

Jiang He rolled his eyes twice, and followed without saying a word.

Of course, Yun Zhou didn’t know that he would have an extra oil bottle from now on… When Yun Zhou arrived at Yanyi Peak Mountain, less than half an hour had passed.

The bedroom was empty.

It made Yun Zhou look dumbfounded.

(What’s going on? Isn’t the food marrow boring?)

(Why is there no one in the bedroom?)

He is wondering.

Jiang Basui suddenly trotted in.

“Brother, brother.”

Yun Zhou frowned: “Why are you here?”

“I’m here to play with senior brother!”

Jiang Basui smiled very happily, and his acting skills were comparable to the Blue Star Best Actor! Yun Zhou’s face turned black instantly.

Play? Play Nima!

This old hag is thousands of years old, pretending to be an eight-year-old girl? She is so addictive!

Before Yun Zhou got angry, he ran against Gu her.

Suddenly, there was movement outside the door.

Sect Master Yan… No, Elder Yan twisted the big PG and walked in directly.

Yun Zhou, who had just calmed down, was immediately happy.

Kai Jiang was eight years old.

With a big kick, he sent Jiang Basui out through the window.

(Jiang He: ???)

With no eye-obscuring, Yun Zhou is about to fly up immediately.

But before he got close to him, he saw Wu Zhaoyuechan also walked in.

Yun Zhou stopped his movements immediately, and sneered: “Little Chanchan, Xiao Zhaozhao, you two are here too.”

As he said that, he was still a little bit guilty.

Isn’t it boring for Master to find him? Why did you bring them here? Could it be… the blessing of all people?

Yun Zhou’s eyes lit up, but he quickly threw out this idea.

With Yan Yi’s character, this is impossible.

It’s just…these three heroines are rarely in the same frame, why are they still together?

Not quite right.

Yan Yi saw the movement he was about to pounce on just now.

Immediately, the little face blushed, and he gave him an angry look. After clearing his throat, he looked at him seriously:

“Did you cause trouble just now?”

Yun Zhou:?

“What’s the matter?”

“You still say?”

Yan Yi patted him angrily:

“The affiliated sects of the Chen family outside the Haoyun Sect just now, did you smash them all with a hammer!?”

As soon as these words came out, Wu Zhao and Yue Chan looked at Yun Zhou dumbfounded.

This apprentice is simply a troublemaker!

Hearing this, Yun Zhou’s puzzled brows stretched out, “So that’s what happened, I ruined it, what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?”

Yan Yi squeezed his face angrily and amusedly: “You are a genius, Hao Yunzong is in the development stage, you dare to challenge the Chen family openly?”

“Now the suzerains of other sects are all going to the Chen family to sue, and they are going to crusade against our Haoyun sect!”

“The disciples in the sect are in panic. In just one hour, hundreds of disciples want to withdraw from the sect!”

“You suzerain, tell me, what should I do?”

Although the development of Haoyunzong is strong, it is only a middle-level power that has just risen.

At this time, the Chen family, who had offended the overlord of the Immortal Realm, some timid disciples were afraid to leave, which is really normal.

But hear this.

The corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up in a disdainful arc.

A bunch of brave little pups.

Your suzerain is so hot, and you are so scared that you want to quit the sect?

“Those who want to quit the sect, just drive them all out, and tell them that they are not allowed to enter Haoyun forever.”

Yun Zhou waved his hand casually, looking indifferent.

Seeing this, the girls were a little stunned.

good guy.

They thought Yun Zhou would have a headache for a while, but now they see… this guy has a plan.

The girls all came up from Haotu together with Yunzhou, and they know his style very well.

Seeing his appearance at this time, the hearts of the girls suddenly thumped.

Could it be… This guy is deliberately trying to attack the Chen family?

But why?

The Chen family is huge, even though Hao Yunzong is in full swing, there is no need to provoke him now, right?

And Yun Zhou completely ignored the curious little eyes of the girls.

The corners of the mouth curled up slightly:

(The opportunity to take advantage of it, isn’t it here…)


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