Chapter 1423: Not a single person’s battle! Absolutely top Chen Fusheng!
The female pavilion master’s face darkened, and she strode out of the Dan Pavilion.
The other four pavilion masters quickly followed.
A group of disciples were left behind whispering, and Jiang He beeped in bewilderment.
Just as Yun Zhou said to create conditions for her, the peak master of Chen Jialing Peak died when he turned around? Did he really die from taking pills?
Don’t tell me he killed him by some means!? Hiss—this is the territory of the Chen family! Why did he dare to sneak into Chen’s house and harm others?
She didn’t have time to think about it, seeing other – the disciples didn’t notice her.
Hastily used the secret method of the emperor’s realm, and carefully changed the pills in the entire Dan Pavilion.
This was done and no one noticed.
Jiang He couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief.
It’s finally over.
But she can’t just leave right now.
If something is wrong, I’m afraid she won’t be able to escape from the Chen family, and will be blocked by Chen Fuxian and the others.
So, I have to say hello to the female pavilion master.
At the very least, she can’t make her doubt herself, so she can report it to the higher authorities.
Jiang Basui sat on a small bedding beside him, clutching his sleeves nervously.
It’s like stealing someone’s candy and eating it while pretending nothing happened.
Fighting wits and courage with others belongs to it.
Jiang He inexplicably finds this kind of thing very exciting!
It’s a pity that she has been upright all her life and has never harmed anyone secretly.
But under Yun Zhou’s persecution, he experienced the taste of harming others.
Still at the head of the Immortal Territory, the Chen family!
Fortunately, the female pavilion master didn’t delay and came back soon.
“Who is that deacon? He dares to play tricks on my old lady. When he is found, he must be killed!”
She cursed and was in a bad mood.
Jiang Basui didn’t have time to think too much, and immediately came to the female Pavilion Master’s side, raised her head and said softly, “Master Pavilion Master, I want to go out and have a rest.”
“Huh? What’s the matter?”
The female cabinet lord frowned slightly.
“I’m a little uncomfortable with the power of the medicine here, I want…I want to go out for a walk.”
What Jiang He said was half true and half false.
The medicine had no effect on her, but she was a little uncomfortable.
She felt that she seemed to be broken by Yun Zhou.
Hearing this, the female pavilion master nodded: “That’s right, at your age, you don’t have much tolerance for the medicinal smoke of pills…
“Okay, then you go back first, the Great Elder arranged a place for you to live on Mount Feng, do you know where it is?”
“Ok, I know!”
Jiang He nodded his head.
Then they exchanged two more unnutritious words.
Alone with his head down, he trotted away and disappeared.
“Oh, what a little treasure.”
The female pavilion master smiled and shook her head, not paying attention…
Carefully leave the Chen family.
The moment he stepped out of the Chen family’s influence and came to the outside world, Jiang He almost cried with excitement! Return to the affiliated town of the Chen family.
Find Yunzhou.
I saw him staying in a restaurant, the old god was drinking wine, the table was a mess, and there were two cold pieces of pot-packed meat.
It seems that it is a pleasure!
It’s like coming to the Chen family’s land for vacation! Jiang He almost lost his temper!
“You killed the master of the Lingfeng peak of the Chen family, and you still dare to spend time and drink here? Aren’t you going to run away?”
Yun Zhou stretched indifferently: “Who said I killed him?”
“You little guy, your brain is not working well, I am fat, can I commit crimes in the Chen family?”
Jiang He stared at him and said, “The deacon has already told the female pavilion master!”
“The deacon is me.”
Yun Zhou looked at the beeping Jiang Basui, and couldn’t help giving her a blank look.
This old hag, it’s okay to pretend to be tender, and her head is not good.
“Are you that deacon? How did you sneak into the Chen family?”
“Find someone with experience outside, and knock out Yi Rong.”
“Then how do you know the location of Chen Jiadan Pavilion?”
“Nonsense, I have divine consciousness!”
“…Guokuo, you really are a bamboo shoot!”
Jiang He is realconvinced.
Yun Zhou stood up and patted her on the head: “Has the poison pill been changed?”
Jiang He nodded, then stretched out his short hand, and returned the invisible storage ring he gave him.
Yunzhou’s celestial power surged, and I saw that it was full of high-level elixirs filled with celestial charm.
“Don’t poke if you cook, brother will order food for you!”
Jiang Basui snorted and turned his head away, “I don’t want to eat vegetables!”
“Then do you want to eat big ham sausage?”
Jiang He is about as high as the table.
Seeing that there was half a piece of fairy ham left next to the pot of meat, which was thicker than her little arm.
She snorted coldly, “Don’t eat, it’s too oily and big, I can’t eat it.”
“Forget it if you don’t eat.”
Yun Zhou glanced at her with a smile.
He took Jiang He out of the restaurant, and flew directly towards Haoyunzong…
However, what the two don’t know is that.
Just when they completely left the Chen family’s influence.
A terrifying existence opened its eyes in the main hall of the Chen family.
This person is Chen Fusheng.
Recruiting casual cultivators from the entire fairyland, he has almost accumulated cards…
Next, we just need to make steady progress and slowly devour other forces.
Of course, he wasn’t worried about any surprises.
Now the heritage of the Chen family has reached the pinnacle.
Most of the spies lurking in the top powers have become elders.
As long as he moves, no one can stop him from entering the Immortal Realm!
“Come on.”
Chen Fusheng’s face was calm, and he spoke indifferently.
In the corner beside the main hall, a figure turned from virtual to real.
“Patriarch, what are your orders?”
Chen Fusheng glanced at him with deep eyes:
“Listening to Fuxian’s sound transmission, it seems that a girl with the talent of the emperor has come to the Chen family?”
Xu Ying nodded in response, and said respectfully: “Yes, the Great Elder will personally bring it to the Pill Pavilion.”
“His aptitude has been determined, and he is at the emperor level (intermediate level).”
Chen Fusheng frowned slightly, and then asked: “Has his identity been confirmed?”
“The Great Elder personally confirmed that this woman is a little beggar who wandered to the Chen family.”
“The specific identity still needs to be identified…but the Great Elder has guaranteed it.”
“This girl is only eight years old, so there will definitely be no problems.”
“Ah That’s good.”
Chen Fusheng nodded.
Then he seemed to think of something, took out the token from his waist, and began to transmit the sound after the celestial power poured in: “Fuxian, are you still at home?”
“Here, the elders and I are in Dan Pavilion…”

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