Chapter 1424 : Insightful but Watching the Fire! I’m sorry, brother!
Chen Fusheng was taken aback, “What are you doing in Dan Pavilion?”
“They came to get the elixir that increases the perception of fairy charm, and I came to find Jiang Fu’er.”
“Jiang Fu’er? That little doll with the talent of Emperor Realm?”
Chen Fusheng frowned slightly.
To be reasonable, he still has a deep sense of wariness towards this girl who has not yet figured out the source of her identity.
That’s right.
In the huge fairyland, there are only a handful of people who can have the talent of the emperor.
How could a little beggar have such talent?
The proud daughter of heaven? stop talking.
Chen Fusheng believes that this girl doll is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.
“The little doll is with you?”
Chen Fusheng asked.
Chen Fuxian replied: “No.”
“You have doubts about Jiang Fu’er?”
“It’s not a suspicion, it’s just a careful sailing… Is the Great Elder there?
Chen Fusheng’s tone was very indifferent, but his deep eyes were not very calm.
Now that the Chen family is in trouble, at such a time, no mistakes are allowed.
An eight-year-old girl with the talent of the emperor.
Appearing at such a moment…how can there be a problem?
“Yes, he’s right next to him.”
“Give him the sound transmission token.”
After a while, Chen Lianhe’s old voice came from the token: “Ah? Patriarch?”
“Patriarch, what do you want from me?”
“Well, I just want to ask about that female doll…I heard that you arranged her into the Pill Pavilion?”
Chen Fusheng felt a little strange while speaking.
Why is the elder’s voice so excited?
From his understanding, Chen Lianhe should be a restrained person.
what’s the situation?
Is it possible that when the age is reached, you become an old child?
Chen Lianhe excitedly said: “You said Jiang Fuer!”
“I brought her into the Pill Pavilion!”
“Patriarch, let me tell you, our Chen family really found a good seed this time!”
“This little guy is really exciting!”
“Don’t look at her young age, Jill is really talented!”
“And very filial piety! That pure one is like a piece of white paper…”
“Patriarch, if you doubt her, then I don’t think there is any need for it!”
“I can swear on my life, this little thing is definitely not a spy!”
“And in the future, Patriarch Fuxian will teach with the old man, and she will definitely become the most powerful trump card of my Chen family!”
“Be a pawn for the master!”
After hearing this, Chen Fusheng frowned even deeper, but his tone was exceptionally calm: “If that’s the case, I believe what the Great Elder said.”
“In addition, the Chen family has been dormant for too long, and it’s time to act.”
“You get ready too.”
After saying this, he continued calmly: “Give the token to Fu Xian.”
“Ah good, Patriarch, please wait.”
Chen Lianhe responded, and then Chen Fusheng heard a voice: “Patriarch Fuxian, hurry up, the Patriarch is looking for you again.”
After a while, the token returned to Chen Fuxian’s hand.
Chen Fusheng’s indifferent voice finally changed slightly: “What’s the matter with the Great Elder?”
“Why do I feel… something is wrong with him?”
Chen Fu leisurely cleared his throat.
“may beHe must have taken too much medicine.”
“This old guy wants to quickly enter the emperor’s realm in order to compete with me for disciples.”
“So I took a lot of pills that increase the absorption of fairy rhyme.”
“These pills are immortal products, and they have no side effects on the foundation of cultivation, but they will inevitably affect people’s mind.”
“Not only him, but other elders have also taken the pill, and it’s the same situation now.”
“But it should have no effect…”
“That’s good too.”
“A group of gloomy old guys on weekdays, it’s rare to be full of vitality…”
Chen Fusheng was silent for a quarter of an hour.
“okay, I get it.”
“The action is imminent, you should also take some pills to strengthen your cultivation.”
“When I have time, I will guard the way for you and let you enter the middle level of Emperor Realm (lower level).”
After saying this, Chen Fusheng directly ended the sound transmission.
Chenjiadan Pavilion.
Look at the token that ends the sound transmission in his hand.
Chen Fu was stunned for a long time.
Then, the corner of the mouth outlined an intriguing arc.
He glanced at the dark green pill thrown into his mouth by several elders, and his smile deepened.
This elixir, the old man can’t eat it.
Will kill 0. . . . .
The corner of Chen Fuxian’s mouth smiled inexplicably.
Looking through the window of Dan Pavilion with profound eyes, looking at the distant sky.
I secretly said in my heart:
“At this time, Yun Zhou has left with Jiang He’s avatar, right?”
“Brother, brother, I’m sorry for you…”
After the words fell, he glanced at the elders whose complexions gradually changed.
He stroked his sleeves lightly, and left with a faint smile.
No one knew what he was planning.
But it’s obvious.
Jiang He’s incarnation, he noticed it.
He also sensed these replaced poison pills.
It’s just that he didn’t mean to remind me at all.
Rather, let it develop.
It’s ridiculous!
Time passed minute by minute.
There are more and more peak masters and personal heirs who come to the Pill Pavilion to get the elixir.
Chen Fusheng was practicing alone in the main hall of the Patriarch.
For some reason, he had a very ominous premonition.
And the source of this premonition…
It was the eight-year-old girl doll!
The consciousness unfolded and enveloped the entire Chen family power.
However, every peak and mountain has been searched around. How can there be a shadow of an eight-year-old child? In an instant, Chen Fusheng’s brows were tightly furrowed.
Something is wrong!
Just when he was about to transmit the voice to Chen Fuxian.
Something unexpected happened!
Outside the main hall, a 2.1 figure of a deacon broke in without warning.
“Patriarch, something is wrong, something happened to Dan Pavilion and Dan Pavilion!”
Chen Fusheng’s pupils shrank instantly, and he stood up suddenly: “Explain!”
The deacon trembled in fright, but still reported truthfully:
“The cultivation of the elders is rapidly dissipating, and the masters of the peaks fell into a faint after taking the pill…”
“There are still many personal transmissions who took away the pills, all of them are unconscious…”
At this time, another deacon ran in in a panic:
“Patriarch, it’s a big deal, Lingfengfeng’s main cultivation base is gone, and Daohai is empty.”
“What did you say!?”
The monstrous coercion poured down, and the two deacons were instantly crushed to the ground, unable to move.
Chen Fu took a long breath, his deep pupils were full of anger.
“Follow me to the Pill Pavilion!”

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