Chapter 1426: Thugs against the Heavenly Gang! Simply tore his face!
Hear these two words.
Chen Fusheng was confused.
Then his eyes went dark, and he was so angry that he almost hiccupped on the spot.
Good dog stuff!
Yun Susu didn’t make a move, so what the hell is he doing!
I am the successor of the Chen family, and even framed my elders of the Chen family… Dead, he is dead!
The corners of Chen Fusheng’s mouth twitched continuously, and a gloom rushed to his forehead.
Angrily, he swears viciously in his heart:
Sooner or later, one day, this cloud boat will be skinned and cramped! Let him fall into the Nine Netherworld, and he will never be reincarnated!
It’s a dog thing, ride on his neck and pull it, it’s too deceiving!
He took a deep breath for a long time, trying to calm down his heart.
Chen Fusheng suddenly became suspicious again.
Yes, something is wrong.
He was in retreat just now, and it is normal that no traces of people can be detected.
But Chen Fuxian was at the Chen family just now.
With Yunzhou’s current emperor realm cultivation base.
He came to the Chen family’s forces, and when he left, he deliberately left behind a breath…Will his little brother, Fuxian, not notice?
But he doesn’t have time to think about it now.
Because another change appeared on the side of the Great Elder!
He just used celestial power to isolate the poisonous gas for the Great Elder, and he managed to dispel the poisonous gas a little.
But he didn’t get rid of it completely!
I saw Chen Lianhe lying on the ground at his feet, his face turned blue and purple.
Those who ride horses are spitting white foam!
Chen Fusheng was stunned, and quickly leaned over to save him.
But before he could move, Chen Lianhe grabbed his wrist.
He only heard his voice blaming himself, and said regretfully: “It’s all because of the old man’s blindness, which caused the Chen family to be like this…”
“The old man has no face in the world, so I will pay this life to the Patriarch!”
After speaking, he bit his tongue.
Gaba, kill yourself!The corner of Chen Fusheng’s mouth twitched, and he almost passed out from anger!
Is it useful for me to keep you on a horse? Why do I want you to lose your life!? Silly beep, it’s all stupid beep!
He was furious like thunder, and he couldn’t calm down after a long time.
But as the helm of the Chen family, his scheming is still there.
After a long while, he breathed out a foul breath, and looked sideways at Xu Ying: “Within three days, bring Lin Langyue in front of me`~.”
“If she dies, or if you don’t catch…”
“Then you don’t have to live.”
Hearing this, Xu Ying’s heart trembled, and he hurriedly left.
Chen Fusheng glanced at the corpses of the elders all over the place, and said in a calm and secretive voice, “Since you have torn your face, let’s add fire.”
“This son of Yunzhou must not stay.”
“As for this sin… I will leave it to the Lin family to memorize it.”
Two days in a row passed.
The news of the death of Chen’s parents and elders.
Although the blockade was strict, rumors still leaked out.
For a moment, everyone in the Immortal Realm was inexplicably shocked.
The major forces acted immediately and strengthened the defense of the sect forces one after another.
I am afraid that a similar plot will come, and the sect will be wiped out.
While protecting themselves, countless people are also guessing.
After experiencing this difficulty, the Chen family is bound to go crazy.
But the silence for two consecutive days made people unable to stop their daydreams.
It is absolutely impossible to endure this!
It seems that a huge vortex is brewing.
What is the Chen family planning?
And just when all beings were guessing, a shocking news came out.
The person who killed several elders and peak masters of the Chen family was Yun Zhou, the patriarch of Haoyun Sect! If there are too many rumors, it becomes true!
It is also affiliated with the Chen family.
Chen Fuxian’s “hidden disciples” let out rumors.
Ask Yun Zhou to wait for the Chen family’s revenge!
This makes the world fall through the glasses!
You know, the Chen family is recognized as the number one force!
Yun Zhou is a rising star, even if he is Emperor Yun’s nephew, his strength has reached the emperor level… he shouldn’t have the courage to dare to attack such a behemoth like the Chen family!
The most frightening thing is, except for those disciples of the hidden door.
The two brothers Chen Fusheng and Chen Fuxian didn’t even say a word from the beginning to the end.
Even the entire Chen family didn’t move at all!
Doesn’t this mean that the Chen family is vain in the face of Yunzhou?
For a while, the Chen family’s name was not worthy of its name and it was not worthy of the first power.
The inheritor Chen Xinghe died unexpectedly, and Yun Zhou was one of the suspects.
Now the elders of the Chen family have all died under Yun Zhou’s assassination.
It’s all like this, and the Chen family still said no, isn’t that just cowardly? Even if the Chen family is planning something, now is the stage of swallowing their anger! If Yunzhou develops along with the trend, it may turn against Tiangang!
The sect affiliated to the Chen family was in danger for a while.
The reputation of “Thug Yunzhou” directly hit the hearts of all the disciples.
Yunling is the complete opposite.
The disciples were having a good time, thinking that Chuntian from Yunling is coming! Some even made bold statements.
“”My Yunling successor is unparalleled in the world.”
“What kind of shit is the Chen family and the Lin family, they are all the trampled parties in the long river of history!”
“It’s a stepping stone for my Son of Ridge!”
The vast earth and the sky, the hidden door.
Quiet mystery!
In the main hall, on the main seat at the top, a figure of medium stature sat upright.
His face was calm, and there was nothing in his eyes, as if he was not interested in anything.
There was a breath-taking majesty faintly.
It is the representative of the mystery, the master of the pit brother—Chen Fuxian.
He looked flatly at the old man in white below, “Zhou Xianwei, you have crossed the line.”
That’s right.
The old man is none other than Zhou Gan, the immortal guard standing in line at Linlang Zhantai.
This time, Zhou Gan also blushed when he heard Chen Fuxian’s unflattering words.
No way, his brother Zhao Qing and Chen Fuxian have a good relationship.
And he has a normal relationship with the family.
There is nothing wrong with people choking him with words.
He scratched his head and said with a sneer:
“I understand Daoren Chen’s difficulties, don’t worry, I will not wait too long in this vast land.”
Chen Fuxian didn’t seem to hear, and said without raising his head:
“So, why did Zhou Xianwei visit my hidden door?”
Zhou Qian let out a long sigh, his eyes intertwined with Chen Fuxian’s.
After a while, he slowly opened his mouth: “The matter of the Chen family…is it really that Yunzhou’s doing?”
Chen Fuxian’s rare pleasure.
But it’s Lily.
The thug Yunzhou, with a child, planned to kill dozens of members of the Chen family.
The news spread throughout the Immortal Domain within two days.
For some purpose, Chen Fuxian sent his disciples to speak out, and it is useless to deny it.
not to mention…
out of calculation.
He didn’t have to deny it either.

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