Chapter 1427 : Chess player outside the situation! Girls love strategy!
Zhou Gan took a breath, and then asked:
“This son is extremely rampant. Now everyone in the Chen family is in danger, and the Yunling Haoyun Sect has become famous. I wonder what Daoren Chen thinks?”
“I have an idea, but it has nothing to do with your Asgard.”
As if he could see through people’s hearts, Chen Fuxian’s eyes instantly became indifferent.
Zhou Gan was taken aback for a moment, and then he stood there in embarrassment.
All right.
This time he came here to represent Xiangong, to chat and cooperate with Chen Fu.
As long as Chen Fuxian agrees to their fairy concubine, first deal with Linmen together.
Concubine Xian promises to help Taoist Chen deal with Yun Zhou.
Of course, Zhou Gan also knew.
The fairy concubine is a girl, and she always likes to talk without saying anything.
This “later deal with Yunzhou” cooperation,
It’s nothing more than cheating.
But he never thought about it, Chen Fuxian put an end to this possibility before giving him a chance to fool around.
The corners of Zhou Gan’s mouth twitched, and he smiled awkwardly and politely:
“Then I don’t know… what is Daoren Chen’s plan?”
Zhou Gan raised his eyebrows in doubt.head to look.
“My Chen family is not a target to be bullied, but acting rashly will only benefit others.”
“As for the specifics…my brother and I haven’t discussed yet.”
Chen Fuxian pretended to be “calm and breezy”: “As long as my brother makes a move, I will follow.”
“Others, it’s not my turn to bother.”
Zhou Gan was taken aback for a moment, then gradually understood.
Chen Fuxian is obedient to Chen Fusheng.
But the concubine Xian clearly said that “the second son of the Chen family has a different heart”.
Could it be that Concubine Xian is thinking too much?
After pondering for a while, Zhou Gan took a deep breath: “But Yunzhou’s reputation is now in full swing, the Chen family’s delay will be more unfavorable, right?”
He wanted to test whether Chen Fuxian had the idea of ​​urging his brother to do it.
Chen Fuxian glanced at him indifferently, and said in a calm voice, “The situation is unpredictable, and it is not good for the Chen family.”
“But for me, it’s not necessarily a disadvantage.”
“what do you mean…….”
Zhou Qian raised his head abruptly: “You and Patriarch Chen…”
Good guy, Concubine Xian guessed it right!
This old thing is really strange!
“Some things, since I told you, I did it on purpose.”
“But I still want to remind you one more thing.”
“I tell you to listen, to let the people behind you know.”
“But if it gets into the ears of a third person…”
“You’re going to die badly.”
After Chen Fuxian finished speaking, he looked away, and quietly looked at Yun Qi Yun Luo outside the window.
After a while, the voice murmured:
“The last talkative person died in your current position…”
heaven and earth.
Holy Maiden Mountain, bedroom.
In the antique room, the lavender curtain interprets the mystery and YH.
The smoke in the incense burner is misty, exuding a refreshing aroma.
Looking from the entrance of the room, one can see a graceful figure through the curtain.
This is a delicate girl full of charm, her beautiful eyes like autumn water are full of charm.
Wearing a long purple skirt, her slender figure was vividly displayed.
A pair of beautiful legs are exposed, but no matter how you look at it, you can’t find a trace of spring.
It is Xiao Xunxun, the domineering representative who has recovered his mind.
At this time, she looked at the bamboo slips in her hand and let out a pleasant laugh like a silver bell.
“Unexpectedly, the person I fell in love with was actually a thug…”
“Killed several elders and peak masters of the Chen family?”
“How courageous you are~”
“No wonder my father is so jealous of him. I thought it was an illusion, but it turned out to be true… Hehe, it’s amazing.”
There was an undisguised twilight in her beautiful eyes, and her delicate body moved a few times unconsciously, revealing a depressing coquettish attitude.
Knowing that a moment had passed, she slowly sat up and stroked the bamboo slip.
“What if I like it more and more?”
“Ah, why don’t you give him a baby?”
She didn’t even know what it was.
The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, like a hunter.
Haoyunzong, Houshan.
A magnificent palace.
Yun Susu pouted her chin, looked out of the window with her small head, her eyes were boring and indifferent.
“What the hell is Zhouer doing? I haven’t seen him for several days…”
“Hmph, I don’t know how to come and find me…”
“It must be messing around with his confidante again!”
“The bitter one can’t go on in seclusion, waiting here stupidly, he must have forgotten me!”
“You son of a bitch, there are beauties around me one after another, why do you still come to hook me up?”
“Xiao Tiankuo sent a message of thanks without thinking…”
“Let me see, this little bastard must have used his treatment to tease someone’s daughter…”
“No, after he comes over, you must ask him carefully!”
Just as she was muttering, there was a knock on the door outside the hall.
She quickly sat up straight, coughed twice and said, “Come in.”
The door of the temple opened, and a holy and elegant figure stepped in, as beautiful as a lotus flower.
It is Yan Yi, the good master of her precious lump.
“Gu… no, Susu, I just got information about the Chen family.”
Good guy, I almost called my aunt by mistake.
“Information about the Chen family?”
Yun Susu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, “Show it to me.”
Yan Yi was not polite either, and went directly to hand over the bamboo slips.
Yun Susu reached out to take it, and opened it casually.
Not a moment.
In Yanyi’s slightly dazed eyes, she smiled brightly like a flower.
“All the elders of the Chen family were killed by Zhouer? Haha!”
“Why doesn’t he come and tell me himself?”
“Hey~ I really deserve to be the man of this seat… Bah, nephew, you did a great job!”
“Chen Fusheng, you can’t do anything to me. My nephew ruined all your deliberate plans!”
“Well~ It seems that this little guy doesn’t just know how to mess around, he’s quite serious.”
Yun Susu touched her chin in satisfaction.
“Zhou’er is really courageous enough, and his brain is also very good, he can actually calculate that old fox Chen Fusheng…”
“No, it’s because I set an example well!”
“Zhou’er must have been able to have the current ability under my teaching when he was a child!”
“Well… blue is better than blue, Zhou’er is awesome!”

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