Chapter 1450 : The girl with the magic charm! It’s just a disguised routine!
Yun Zhou followed the sound and looked.
I saw a couple kneeling on the ground, kowtowing their heads non-stop.
A young man dressed in the uniform of the deacon of the Haoyun Sect looked at the couple proudly.
There is also a young girl who is as beautiful as flowers and jade tied behind her.
“Let me tell you, since the sect has been exterminated, then teach me to be more honest!”
“I see that she is quite talented, and it is your blessing to bring her back to Haoyunzong!”
“Be smart and get out, I dare to babble, I will kill you all!”
While speaking, he kicked over.
Kicked the woman on the ground and staggered, blood oozing from her mouth.
The young girl kept crying and struggling desperately, but to no avail.
Apparently his cultivation base couldn’t break free from the rope.
The middle-aged man kneeling below helped his wife up, his face pale and bloodless.
It looks like it’s numb.
From the moment Haoyunzong expanded its power and invaded his sect, he got used to this kind of humiliation.
It’s just that his daughter was forcibly taken away, and he really couldn’t bear it.
The young deacon was accompanied by two young disciples.
Seeing them still kneeling here, he said “Hey”, “Aren’t you going to get out? What the hell are you going to die for!”
After finishing speaking, one of them drew out his long 443 sword and was about to stab him!
A look of humiliation flashed across the eyes of the middle-aged man, but he dared not fight back at all.
This is Hao Yunzong.
If they fight back, not only the couple, but even their daughter’s life may not be saved.
The long sword stabbed with the sound of the wind.
“don’t want!”
The young girl’s eyes were rounded, and the scarlet pupils were full of ferocity.
But this sword didn’t hit the middle-aged man.
Looking sideways at the frozen sword, the girl was stunned.
I saw a tall and straight man walking step by step, his whole body was like an abyss.
“Who dares to keep me idle in Haoyunzong…”
The young deacon frowned and turned his head, then his eyes widened like copper bells.
Yun Zhou fixed his eyes on him, “Explain, what’s going on?”
The young man swallowed his saliva and said with a sneer, “Sovereign Master, they are members of the sect affiliated with the Immortal Palace.”
“After Elder Li took over their sect, I searched around.”
“No, I found a beautiful… bah, a talented little bitch.”
Speaking of this, he rolled his eyes, then smiled and said:
“Sovereign, I see that the talent of this little bitch is very good…”
“If you like it, why don’t the villain send you to the Suzerain Mountain so that you can have a good training?”
Yun Zhou’s mouth also twitched.
Real fish are looking for fish and shrimp looking for shrimp!
I have a destiny, why are my subordinates all such villains? wrong.
This isn’t a villain anymore, this is an asshole!
He looked at this person with calm eyes, and his eyes were shining brightly: “You are robbing a civilian girl, do you understand?”
The young deacon was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head:
“Sovereign, let’s take over their sect. Isn’t the precious beauty in that sect ours? This is not considered robbery…”
Before the young man finished speaking, a sharp sword aura wiped his neck.
Blood gushed out like a fountain, and the luster in his eyes gradually dimmed!
The young man let out an incredulous cry, and then fell silent.
Everyone gasped, even the girl and the couple were shocked.
Yun Zhou glanced at the dead body on the ground with eyes full of disgust, and then turned his eyes.
The two disciples who were arrogant just now turned pale in an instant.
“Break one arm and get out of Haoyunzong.”
Yun Zhou’s voice was extremely indifferent, and his eyes seemed to be looking at ants.
The two disciples swallowed hard, and one of them wanted to beg for mercy.
But seeing Yun Zhou’s gaze, he still shrank his neck in fright.
Gritting his teeth, he directly broke an arm.
The disciples around him still imitated the same, and for a while, the pain hit the whole body, and the pain was so painful.
We don’t know exactly where the Suzerain was provoked.
But we dare not ask!
Seeing the two disciples leaving with bared teeth, Yun Zhou didn’t bother to pay attention to them.
He glanced at everyone present with calm eyes, and said in a cold voice:
“I, Hao Yunzong, can occupy the territories of other forces.”
“But the thoughts of burning, killing and looting are all put away by me!”
“If anyone dares to commit another crime, this deacon is a lesson for you!”
Yun Zhou was expressionless, and the hearts of everyone who looked at him with cold eyes were shuddered.
Actually tell the truth.
Yun Zhou is not a savior, let alone a living Bodhisattva with kind thoughts.
He himself is a villain, and it is normal for the subordinates to rob civilian girls and so on.
So what he said.
More or less like being a bitch and erecting a torii.
But that’s where the problem lies.
He had to set up this “archway”!
“Water can carry a boat and overturn it”, he understands this truth.
Hao Yunzong is strong and strong.
But if it makes people mourn, the day when he will exterminate the sect will not be far away!
There are so many strong people in the fairyland, even if he can suppress it, can he still suppress people’s hearts?
He doesn’t want to rule the Immortal Realm one day, and all living beings will resent him! Just in case give him the title of “tyrant”.
If there is an uprising by all living beings, then it will be troublesome.
Therefore, if he wants to be a bitch, this archway must also be erected! Seeing that the suzerain was anxious, the disciples were frightened and fell silent.
The couple kneeling on the ground looked at each other, then kowtowed in gratitude.
And Yun Zhou ignored them, and his eyes fell on the bound girl.
Exquisite facial features, exquisite figure.
There are still tears in the peach blossom eyes, and the stubbornness and curiosity can be seen when looking at each other.
On one side of her face, a few finger prints could be vaguely seen.
It should have been beaten by the young deacon when he resisted just now.
emmm… There is a sense of déjà vu when I look at it.
Although compared to Dabao Shizun and others, it is slightly inferior.
But she is also a rare beauty.
Just… don’t know why.
Yun Zhou felt that this girl was very familiar.
Especially the aura emanating faintly…it is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.
Even Yun Zhou could clearly sense it.
on this girl.
It seems to have a unique… magic rhyme?
(Tsk, I thought it was a hero saving the beauty.)
(Looks like it’s another established routine…)

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