Chapter 1451: After all, it is overestimated! Lin Langyue knocked at the door!
“what’s your name?”
Untying the rope on the girl’s body, Yun Zhou asked casually.
“A fantasy.”
There were tears in the girl’s eyes.
“Do you know Ling Luohuan?”
“do not know.”
Yun Zhou examined the girl with probing eyes.
But in the end he looked away.
That’s right.
Judging from the questioning, this guy named Ah Huan doesn’t seem to know the name of “Demon Lord”~.
Two possibilities.
1. This girl is not the demon leader of the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race—the inner circle.
I don’t know about Demon Lord—the name is also considered normal.
Second, this girl’s acting skills are too superb.
Enough to make him, the “star player”, see no problem.
As for the rest…..
All right.
Yun Zhou didn’t think there was any possibility of “my own misunderstanding”.
His magic path has reached perfection, and his perception of magic rhyme is far beyond that of ordinary people.
No matter how well this girl conceals it, the magic charm permeating her body cannot deceive anyone.
He glanced at Ah Huan, and then at a couple kneeling on the ground.
Yun Zhou’s eyes gradually became more meaningful.
It seems to be the plot of “possessing someone else’s daughter”…
He thought for a while, and the corner of his mouth curled up: “What is your talent?”
Ah Huan pondered for a while, and responded: “The proof is complete.”
A very inferior voice emerged, and he silently lowered his head.
Yun Zhou looked at her with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, and the smile in her eyes grew a little bit.
“The talent for proving the Tao is not low.”
Hearing this, the girl opposite was obviously taken aback.
A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said:
Isn’t the talent for consummating the Dao not low? ‘Mistake…
Yun Zhou ignored Ah Huan’s expression, randomly took out a token from the storage ring, and put it in her little hand.
“Take your parents out of Haosheng placement.”
“If you want to come to our Haoyun Sect in the future, you can directly become an inner disciple with this token.”
“Whenever your cultivation base reaches the Nirvana state, you can use this to find me at the Suzerain Mountain at any time.”
No matter what the purpose of this person is, Yun Zhou always wants to keep her by his side.
That’s right.
Compared with the danger under the nose.
He didn’t want it to become a hidden bomb!
This can be regarded as a disguised temptation, and it is also convenient for him to detect the real identity of this person.
The couple kneeling below looked at this scene and burst into tears of gratitude.
Ah Huan accepted the token “at a loss”, with a somewhat confused expression: “I… can be an inner disciple?”
Yun Zhou looked at her with a smile, and said calmly, “With your talent, it’s no problem to be a personal biography.”
“Ah? Can you human beings with this kind of talent be able to do personal inheritance?”
“What did you say?”
“Ah, nothing!”
A Huan looked at the handsome smiling face in front of him, and there were some waves in his deep eyes.
I seem to…
overestimatedIs the Terran here? Also, this cloud boat…
It’s not as smart as expected.
What if I’m a little disappointed? same moment.
Hao Yunzong, Neishan.
Yanyi looked at Taoist nun Xuanyi who fell on the rock of Fengshan Mountain, Liu Mei couldn’t help but slightly frowned.
“Lin Langyue?”
Yan Yi is fairly familiar with Lin Langyue.
The nominal elder of the Lin family in the past, the top ten powers in the Immortal Domain.
She understood each other because of “ruthless way”.
That’s right.
Yan Yi practiced the Way of No Arrogance.
It is similar to the Ruthless Dao practiced by Lin Langyue.
Thoroughly comprehend the two kinds of Taoism, both of which can be non-arrogant and ruthless.
But now, the place in Yan Yi’s heart is filled by Yun Zhou.
Now she has been completely swallowed up by “delusional thoughts”, and it is difficult to mention the word “no delusion”.
As for this Lin Langyue…
Although it is very similar to her Taoism, it is far superior to her in terms of realm and strength.
He is the peerless pride of one of the famous towns in the Immortal Domain.
It is also a rare existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the middle-level power masters with his own strength.
“Why did she come to Haoyunzong? Could it be…she came to seek asylum?”
Yan Yi’s eyes sparkled.
The death of Chen Xinghe, the son of the Chen family, is inseparable from Lin Langyue and Yun Zhou.
At this time, according to the wind, she should have just escaped from the Chen family.
Come to Haoyun Sect at this time…
Most of them came to find a backer.
While Yanyi was looking at Lin Langyue, Lin Langyue was also looking at her.
Holy and elegant, with picturesque features, she is indeed a rare beauty…… 0…
“Is this the master Yun Zhou has been thinking about all the time?”
“No wonder he disregards the taboos of master and apprentice, but also does that kind of careless thing.”
“That’s right, with the temperament of a disciple, how can such a beauty be let go.”
“Slender figure, beautiful appearance…”
“Oh, no wonder I was in a hurry to leave that day, it turns out that the family has a lovely wife…”
A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Langyue’s mouth, but her heart became more and more irritable.
The pink Daohai turned back to blue in an instant.
Along with it, the aura around him is also rising steadily.
Yan Yi frowned.
Such coercion…
A woman is here to provoke trouble?
She calmed down as much as she could, and said, “I don’t know what Fairy Lin came to my Haoyun Sect to say?”
Lin Langyue took a long breath and said calmly:
“It’s nothing, Pindao is just out of curiosity, so I came to see you.”
“Meet me?”
Yan Yi froze for a moment, then frowned, “I don’t know why you are curious about me?”
“It’s nothing.”
Seeing Yan Yi’s appearance of an ancient well, Lin Langyue was inexplicably upset:
“Pindao just wants to know what kind of person Yun Zhou cares about day and night.”
“Just seeing you today…”
“It’s not as stunning as I imagined, but it makes Pindao a little disappointed…”
This statement is not false.
This holy face in front of me~
Even if it’s tempting enough, it’s not necessarily prettier than myself.
Compared to being glamorous, Lin Langyue is really a little unconvinced.
Yan Yi’s gaze condensed.
Sure enough, this nun is here to provoke trouble!
“Whether I’m stunning or not doesn’t seem to have much to do with you…”
“Fairy Lin came all the way to my Haoyun Sect, isn’t it just to make fun of people so boringly?”
Yanyi’s celestial power was continuously mobilized, and she was already on guard.
The provocative meaning in this person’s words is strong, and it doesn’t look like any kindness.
Lin Langyue shook her head, “Elder Yan, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean to mock you.”
“Then you are…”
Yan Yi frowned.
Lin Langyue’s face was calm: “I just simply despise you.”

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